Which Character Has the Best Personality?

I'm changing my answer from Barret to Cid. The reason for this is because after playing the game again, I see him as the most well developed character even though his role in the game was smaller. He dedicated his entire life to science, and going into space. He was a very intelligent person who built his own rocket ship, think about the hard work that would involve. Cid is a hardass, he's your typical Die Hard/Action hero type of character, if you know what I mean.
That's true. I loved Cid, seeing as that he was such a fantastic engineer. ^_^
It's my dream to go into outer space too. Cid also had the funniest personality. ^_^

LMAO Quality Post :D
I actually liked Barret, I'll probably be minority here. Most people look at him as your typical, loud-mouthed, hardass black guy(which he was I suppose). I loved the whole background story for Barret, the fact that he's taking care of the sweetest little girl(Marlene). The whole sittuation with Dyne. I personally think that Barret was more of the motivation type character, and I loved his personality.

Right from the first time we meet him, Barrett's personality is in your face...no BS at all. Here is a charecter with a lot of heart...something you don't see much in video games these days
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Hahahha I love that picture of Cid. <3
That's one of my favorite parts of the game. <3
yes cid is quite funny i espicially liked him in AC when he was in the airship yellin "if you want off this thing then jump, GET OFF MY BACK!"lol
Fwtst seriously.
What made him even cooler was the fact that he was a Pilot.
Shera is such a lucky woman. ^_^
Yeah, he's always bitching at her. LOL.
Barret had a great story behind him, and his ambitions were very well supported in lieu of that.

Aerith had the best personality, by far.
She sacrificed her life for the planet! o_O
I think I'm gonna have to go with Cloud. I cannot decide between Tifa and Aerith, for they are both my favorites too. So, I choose Cloud since he's definitely a favorite of mine. ^_^ I like his whole attitude in the game. I mean, even though he became a little messed up due to his "memories", he still remained strong through it all. His past was horrible and it was good to see him conquer what was bothering him. And of course, the way he treats everyone. He was reserved but not in a rude way. It's quite sexy, actually. ;) I just love him to pieces!
Either Vincent or Tifa. They both had really cool attitudes and looked really cool :P
i liked cid attitude
he gets angry at the slightest thing lol
and hes funny
I wouldn't say Aerith had a good personality on grounds of her making a sacrifice, that's not really personality, she was more of a giggly irritating 21 year old who acted like she was 7 all the time which bugged me

I still think Barret was the best, he was strong willed and he fought for what he believed to be right, and to save his planet and the people planet, and that my friends is pretty honourable.
I thought it was mature of Aeris to keep such an upbeat attitude. I mean, even if she didn't know up until she left the party that she would probably die, it was obvious from the time Jenova was released that the world was pretty much ending. I mean, the Planet is being ruined by industry, there's an interplanetary calamity of the skies on the loose, and a very unbalanced Sephiroth is not helping matters. I like to consider myself upbeat, and all that would depress me.

Even though Aeris was happy, I'm sure she knew the gravity of the situation. She just didn't want to bring down the rest of the team by harping on it. Rather, she acted as the "mascot" of sorts, cheering them on. If you couldn't tell, I think she has the best personality.