Which Character Has the Best Personality?

Going with Tifa or Aeris on this one. I mean I was gonig to pick Red XIII, but I really couldn't picture talking with an animal for more than 2 minutes. Aeris and Tifa were both straight-minded people who kept their heads up, encouraged those who were down, and never really gave any shitty attitudes throughout the game.
Everyone in FF7 had a distinct personality, from the Turks to Sephiroth to every one of the good guys... Fact is, Yuffie, to me, was the best, always cheerful and upbeat even when things looked grim.
Judging a character...as if it could change.LOL! Hmmm....interesting topic!
Well if i could judge a cartoon character and hurt its feelings for the best
it would have to be Cloud. Not saying he had the BEST personality, in fact if you ask me he couldve used some serious psychiatric help, ya know someone to tell him that hes ridiculously insane.
Yeah he was my personal highlight of the game!
It has to be Aeris for me. She had such a kind and gentle nature. She was a happy pleasant character and even in death she still did her part to help Cloud & Co.

Nanaki, he brought the wisdom and maturity to the party I believe and was a great member.

And Cid, he was just the entertainment for me. I know swearing isnt big and clever, but Cid always made me smile and chuckle. You never knew what he would say next, but you could be sure there would be a curse word somewhere in there!
Since this doesn't have to do with who's your favorite, or who appeals to you the most, I'll go with Cid & Nanaki.

Cid was always honest, and true to himself. He didn't try to impress anyone or make himself seem 'smarter' he was just........Cid.

Nanaki was kind, and caring, and obviously loyal to his family and his beliefs.
I say good ole Sephy because he was basically a meniacle genius. He was probably one of the smartest characters in the game, and he was uttlerly insane if you ask me. Very dark wich I like. Not that I blame him, I mean the guy did just find out that he was created from experimentaions on his mother, and that he isnt really human.
Cid is the best lol. When you first meet him with his assistant he's like "SHUTTUP AND DRINK SOME GODDAMN TEA!" He makes me laugh in every scene.
fav character

I would say Aerith as well but she wasnt in the game long enough to get to know everyone well enough. She had the strongest spirit of the bunch and probably the most upbeat attitude but as for favorite character for me of the main 7? (remind me how many main characters there are again) probably would have been Cid. He just made me lol whenver he talked...thats the only reason i pick him over Aerith.
I'd have to say Aeris had the best personality. She was sweet, nice and she always seemed to have a positive look on life. Nanaki and Yuffie have to come to a close second. I thought Nanaki's and Yuffie's personalities matched up great. Nanaki like tries to act serious and mature, and Yuffie is the exact opposite.
*revives thread* :D

The character with the greatest personality for me would have to be Barret, but closely followed by Cid.

It's just because their outward attitudes reflect what they are trying to do.