Which FF games do YOU own

Which FF games do you own?

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I've got X, X-2, XII, and IV, in order of buying.

As some of you may have seen before, I have a bit of a personal vendetta against XII.

My favorite I guess would have to be X, I loved the battle system, the characters, and the plot. X-2 comes in second because it's a continuation.

I still need to get all the rest though... Especially VII.
I own:

FFI - (FF Origins)
FFII - (FF Origins)
FFV - (FF Anthology)
FFVI - (FF Anthology)
I own VI, VIII, IX, and XII...I use to have VII, sold it for a decent amount of money, at least compared to what I paid and sold X to a friend. My favorite is VI, because of its story and characters
I own
Final Fantasy I (NES)
Final Fantasy Origins (I & II)
Final Fantasy III (DS)
Final Fantasy IV (Chronicles)
Final Fantasy V (Anthology)
Final Fantasy VI (SNES)
Final Fantasy VI Advance
Final Fantasy VI (Anthology)
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy Dirge of Cerberus
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Crisis Core.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Yeah I own alot of them. ^_^ My favorites are FF IX,VIII,VI, and IV.
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All on the poll and also FFT, and I have unlike most other people here FFXI and have played it for years.
I own VIII, IX, X, X-2, and XII as well as the DS version of III and the PSP version of I
Plus I have the Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus spin-offs
I own alot of them? xD Here we go:

Final Fantasy ( PSP version, Origins )
Final Fantasy II ( PSP version, Origins )
Final Fantasy III ( DS )
Final Fantasy IV ( DS, Advance, Chronicles )
Final Fantasy V ( Advance, Anthology )
VI ( Advance, Anthology )
VII - Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus
X and X-2
XII and Revenant Wings
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Final Fantasy Tactics, Grimoire of the Rift
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Final Fantasy Cyrstal Chornicles, Ring of Fates

My favorites out of all of those? VII will always have a special place in my heart and, of course - IV, VI and IX. There you go. :)
final fantasy 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10 2,12,dirge of cerberus,crystal chronicles,final fantasy rings of fate,chocobo tales,(with some of the older games i have both the original and the remade ones.)final fantasy crises core,final fantasy tactics,final fantasy tactics A2,final fantasy revanant wings,final fantasy tactics war of the lions.(going to pick up chocobo dungeons for the wii soon) if the games that have final fantasy characters in then. . . kingdom hearts 1,2 and ummm i forget the name of it, it was the one for the gameboy advance.:funnyface::caps:
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VIII, X, X-2, XII, Revenant Wings, and III And, a very wise woman once said, "If it's in my mouth, I own it." Going further and applying this to my harddrive, I "own" all of them save the VII spin offs. Heh.

XII is my favorite. Because Fran is hot, there is no stupid generic(het) love story, the battle system is a joy, and it's like Star Wars but without Mark Hamill.
just final fantasy 6 and 10 and 10-2 :( i dont know where to get the other games :P and i only heard about final fantasy 10 because a demo of the game came with when i bought final fantasy 6 :)
I own Final Fantasy I and II for the PSP. I also own Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, and Crisis Core. I also own Advent Children, although it isn't a game, and plan to get the new game coming for PSP soon.
Quite a lot of mine I don't own anymore, either because a) I no longer have that console, hence, I don't need them or b) I traded them in to get better games :-)

Final Fantasy I PSP - Own
Final Fantasy II PSP - Own
Final Fantasy III DS - Own
Final Fantasy IV DS - Own
Final Fantasy VII - Played/No longer own
- Dirge of Cerberus - Played/No longer own
- Crisis Core - Own
Final Fantasy VIII - Played/No longer own
Final Fantasy IX - Played/No longer own
Final Fantasy X - Own
Final Fantasy X2 - Played/No longer own
Final Fantasy XII - Own
Final Fantasy Tactics: WoTL - Own

There might be more but I can't remember because I don't own them, though it's most likely I've played them :monster:
I own all of the Playstation (PS1 and PS2) FF games and XI Online, so baically I-XII except for III, since it was never released in the US on Playstation. My favorites, I would say, are VII-X (how typical, haha).
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I own :
FF1, FF2, FF4, FF5, FF6, FF7 (and others ff7 titles), FF8, FF10, FF10-2, FF12
I like the most:
Here's a list of the ones I own:

Final Fantasy I (PSP version)
Final Fantasy II (PSP version)
Final Fantasy VII
FFVII Dirge of Cerberus
FFVII Crisis Core
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy Tactics: WOL

Final Fantasy 7 would have to be my favorite out of all those listed above, simply because it had an amazing storyline and amazing characters. I really loved its battle system as well. FFIX would be a close second for pretty much all the same reasons: great story, great characters, and lots of great humor!
I had to update my list a bit. =D

FFVII (newest edition to the family =D)


My favourites are FFVIII and FFX.

They were the first FF games I ever owned and I'm sure they'll remain that way even if I do play the others. I've known them longer and feel closer to them...in a really weird way.
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I also have that. FFVII was my first, and to this day it remains one of my favourites. You should definitely get FFIX, it's damn good.
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