Which FF games do YOU own

Which FF games do you own?

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As for me, I have the following:

Final Fantasy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 12.

Well, I would be updating the list soon. XD
At the moment, I just own VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2 and XII. When I can actually find a job, I'll be buying all of the others, maybe with the exception of XI. I can't wait to play the older ones I haven't yet got. :awesome:
I own a lot of the Final Fantasy, but a lot are on my computer. I got Final Fantasy I & II for gameboy advance, Final Fantasy III for DS, Final Fantasy IV, V, VI on the computer, Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX for the PS1, Final Fantasy X, XII on my PS2, and then Final Fantasy Tactics for PS1 and PSP, and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for the Gameboy advance.
i have and beaten 7,8,9,10,10-2,12 and i have 4,5,6 which i haven't beaten yet cause they're alittle hard.

but favorite is 7 just becasue they had the best overall cast of characters. almost all of them were fun to play with and also had the best limit system too. i like how their limit change and get stronger as they get stronger. so that made me want to use all of them to see their different limit they got
I own I through X and XII (I & II plus IV & V are in those there PS1 boxsets, though). I contemplated buying XI to complete my collection (despite having absolutely no interest in online gaming), but managed to come to my senses before paying up.

I prefer the PS1 trilogy.
I own:
FFTactics series

FF tactics (the first one) is my absolute fave!
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I own I, V & VI (anthology), VII, VIII, X, X-2, XII, Tactics,FFVII Dirge of Cerberus, FFVII Crisis Core.

My Favs are VII, X, and Tactics.

I really want to try IX and Tactics advance and tactics advance 2 :(

I played the FFXI demo which was boring as hell, had no clue wat to do at the beginning and the controls for the PC are horrible. Maybe itll be better if i played it on the 360 (which i dont hav) or PS2/3 (too much money for ps2 but maybe ill try it on PS3 in the future.)
Quite a lot of mine I don't own anymore, either because a) I no longer have that console, hence, I don't need them or b) I traded them in to get better games :-)

Final Fantasy I PSP - Own
Final Fantasy II PSP - Own
Final Fantasy III DS - Own
Final Fantasy IV DS - Own
Final Fantasy VII - Played/No longer own
- Dirge of Cerberus - Played/No longer own
- Crisis Core - Own
Final Fantasy VIII - Played/No longer own
Final Fantasy IX - Played/No longer own
Final Fantasy X - Own
Final Fantasy X2 - Played/No longer own
Final Fantasy XII - Own
Final Fantasy Tactics: WoTL - Own

There might be more but I can't remember because I don't own them, though it's most likely I've played them :monster:

I now have bought some more to add into my collection of Final Fantasy games which are;
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Rings of Fate
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time

I've yet to play either of them, but at least I have them now. :ryan:
I own all of them (minus the GC/Wii games).

I think FFVII ~ FFX are the best. Each provides a unique and enriching story + system. I'm biased to the later FF's because I started with VII, then played the older ones when I was old enough to get my hands on them :P.

FFVII ~ Materia system was a first and I enjoyed using it + epic story.
FFVIII ~ Junctioning + monsters levels would be proportional to your own + the darker feel compared to other FF's.
FFIX ~ Story + A change of pace with style of characters and setting
FFX ~ Was just a different monster all together. The story, graphics, mechanics, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I love all the FF's :P but if I had to select a certain few, it would be those mentioned above :).
I had to update my list a bit because I just received FFIX in the mail from Ebay. =D

Also thought I'd add in the spin-offs from FFVII to my list.

FFVII: Crisis Core
FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus

(newest addition to the family =D)

My favourites are FFVIII and FFX.

They were the first FF games I ever owned and I'm sure they'll remain that way even if I do play the others. I've known them longer and feel closer to them...in a really weird way.
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I've played more than I own, literally. Despite having in my possession only:
-Final Fantasy I
-Final Fantasy II
-Final Fantasy IV
-Final Fantasy V
-Final Fantasy VI
-Final Fantasy IX

I've actually played from Final Fantasy I to X-2 (Except for XI, and XII.). Not forgetting those not included in the list above. Tactics, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, and soon, Dissidia.
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Let's see:gasp:


As well as Crisis Core and DoC, though I'm not sure if DoC really counts.
I currently own VII, IX, X, and X-2. My favorites are IX and X. IX because the gameplay and the storyline, and X because of the sphere grid.
The Final Fantasy games that I owned are Final Fatasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX. Those are my only Final Fantasy games that I owned. My brother ownes Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XI but he never got the chance to play it.
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