Which FF Hero/Heroine is the strongest?

Which Hero/Heroine is strongest?

  • Light Warrior (FFI)

    Votes: 5 5.9%
  • Firion (FFII)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Luneth (FFIII)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Cecil (FFIV)

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Bartz (FFV)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Terra (FFVI)

    Votes: 12 14.1%
  • Cloud (FFVII)

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • Squall (FFVIII)

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Zidane (IX)

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Tidus (FFX)

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Other (State who please.:))

    Votes: 7 8.2%

  • Total voters


Blue Mage
Aug 22, 2008
Olympia, WA
Title says it all.
My opinion: Well, Cecil (FFIV) Became a Paladin, a holy warrior. Bartz has his job system thing. Terra is half esper. Cloud (although he orignally wasn't really in SOLDIER) Had the power of someone in SOLDIER. Squal is a SeeD, and such. Well, I'll let the people state their opinions. :)
I'm gonna have to say Cloud I mean being in SOLDIER with Sephiroth and escaping that lab and shit with Zack, and then actually defeating Sephiroth later and saving the planet. And just out of all the others I think he truly stands out as one of the strongest, if not THE strongest.
Terra/Tina easy. She was half SUMMON~!! Maduin/Madeen may not be the strongest summon to have as your father, but hell, I think that's still pretty impressive. Her morphed form looked awesome too, along with increasing her power (both physically & magically).

The only other ones who weren't completely human were Cloud & Zidane...
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I cba putting other so I'll stick with what's on the poll. :wacky:
Anyway, out of the lot I'll be ambitious and say Light Warrior mainly because when you look at the difficulty of the games listed and the main characters FF1 (ie, Light Warriors) had to face and beat a lot more difficult bosses and the general games were harder which makes them stronger imho. :monster:
Squall ofcourse, he became a SeeD wich is like FF7's Soldier, but more controlled and less weird. He fought alot of army guys ( wich isnt easy to fight ) and he has that Lion power thing.
I have to say Cecil, he began as a Dark knight which was like kick ass but then when you got further into the game he relinquished his Evil and became a Paladin which made him even more Kick ass, granted when he fist changes he sucks ass, but when he grows levels he becomes stronger and better than the rest
Celes, she has pretty much the same abilities as Terra, but she is also a General in the army. Plus she doesn't stop fighting because she has some children to look after.
i was gonna say Cloud because im a pathetic fan girl but Tidus was the strongest! c'mon lets face facts! the dude can break damage limit! even though he's a pansy ass daddy's boy with weird blond hair....hang on ...SO'S CLOUD!!!
anyway, out of all the heroes Tidus is the only one that can possibly do 99,9999 damage!
im going to have to say cloud because i found that over all the ff seris their is no other hero which has such strength and characeristics, in comparasion to others he has at a high level, better str, and weaponry and he follows a better story line than other hero i mena the others a good like squall losein his mind and tidus finding out how to return to zanarkand and fallin in love, but clouds story is better by the soldier history and the frendship between him and seperoith with is shown by hatred
Celes, she has pretty much the same abilities as Terra, but she is also a General in the army. Plus she doesn't stop fighting because she has some children to look after.

Uh, in the end the children (Terra's first real experience with love, though motherly) are what empower Terra & become the reason she continues to fight...
I've been wondering about this for a while, actually. A lot of the FF heroes are pretty vague in terms of what they can and can't do. Some of them have implied abilities that, though they sound impressive on paper, never actually show up in the games themselves. Really, part of me wants to say that the Warrior of Light is the strongest Final Fantasy protagonist. I mean, as the first hero, it's sort of his job to be stronger than the rest, but I admit, there really isn't a lot to go by as far as in-game evidence of his strength, so personal bias probably contributes to my decision. However, if we're treating Dissidia's depiction of Chaos as being canon (even if you don't consider the game's storyline canon, the fact remains that Garland does not actually turn into Chaos for his EX-Form, so FF1-Chaos and Dissidia-Chaos may very well be one and the same), that basically means that the Warrior of Light defeated a literal god of destruction with the least amount of help. That's easily the most impressive feat we've seen from a Final Fantasy party. Dissidia isn't portraying Chaos as a typical JRPG-esque demi-god like WoR Kefka or Safer Sephiroth; it's showing him to be a literal deity and apparently the mother of all FF bad guys. If the four Warriors of Light took down that, then they're easily the strongest Final Fantasy protagonists we've seen to date.

But since that's such a vague topic, I'll look over WoL for now. Aside from him, I'd say it's a toss-up between Terra and Zidane. We know that she's half-Esper, first of all, and very few Final Fantasy characters have ever soloed a Summon Spirit before. When they did, the Summon in question didn't have much storyline significance. Aside from that, we were told directly that Terra easily overpowered 50 of the Empire's best Magitek soldiers in three minutes flat. That's not something your average Final Fantasy hero could pull off. What's more, that happened before the beginning of the game, and I believe she didn't even have access to her Esper Form at the time. Trance Terra would invariably be a massively powerful individual; certainly stronger than most, if not all, other Final Fantasy protagonists. I admit, she hasn't really shown much in the way of physical strength, but her magical capabilities more than make up for that.

On the other hand, Trance Zidane could potentially be stronger than, or at the very least match, Trance Terra. Still, a lot of his abilities are implied rather than demonstrated or even informed. He doesn't really accomplish a whole lot in the game that a typical Final Fantasy protagonist and their party couldn't do themselves. That's not to say I view him as particularly weak, but as far as Final Fantasy IX's story goes, Zidane simply doesn't have a whole lot of incredible feats to his name. However...it was stated that he was going to end up stronger than Kuja. Now, I realize that this doesn't take into consideration Kuja's Super Trance. Unforeseen circumstances gave Kuja a boost in power that surprised even Garland- his creator. So before anyone says anything, I know that Zidane himself is only supposed to be stronger than Base Kuja. However, in his base form, Kuja did take a direct shot from Bahamut and came out with nothing more than a scratch across his forehead. That's something to be taken into consideration, especially considering the Summons in FFIX are clearly among the strongest depictions of the Summons in the entire series. There's also the fact that, yes, Zidane was proven to be pretty much superhuman in terms of physical strength when he pulled off that AC-esque stunt in the Iifa Tree. I'm just not really prepared to say for sure how strong he is. I'm leaning towards Trance Terra=Trance Zidane, though.

For now, though...I'll give my vote to Warrior of Light. It might be partially due to bias on my part, but hey, you can't beat the classics.
However, if we're treating Dissidia's depiction of Chaos as being canon (even if you don't consider the game's storyline canon, the fact remains that Garland does not actually turn into Chaos for his EX-Form, so FF1-Chaos and Dissidia-Chaos may very well be one and the same), that basically means that the Warrior of Light defeated a literal god of destruction with the least amount of help. That's easily the most impressive feat we've seen from a Final Fantasy party...If the four Warriors of Light took down that, then they're easily the strongest Final Fantasy protagonists we've seen to date.

So that basically means that a WoL is 1/4th the strongest hero...
i would have to say cloud, you can just sense his strength. Also he has a intimidating sword. As far as damage wise, tidus for sure but come on, how can anyone be afraid of someone looking like tidus! lol.
I would of said Cloud from the woods cutscene in Advent children when he is going crazy in them trees and all the other schnizz...

But Zidane is Kuja's brother... Kuja destroyed a whole planet with one attack, zidane is stronger than Kuja... Nobody else is destroying no planet...
So that basically means that a WoL is 1/4th the strongest hero...
Not necessarily...In fact, I'm...not really sure how you came up with that answer. He performed the most impressive feat with the least amount of help. All of the Final Fantasy protagonists had parties to aid them when they fought the final battle. However, the average Final Fantasy party is much larger than four people, so that must mean that the individuals making up that party of four would each have to be massively powerful to compensate for their lack of numbers. Even more so when you consider the power of their opponent. Assuming the power of the Crystals was distributed evenly amongst the four Warriors of Light, that would actually mean that any of the four Light Warriors could be considered the strongest Final Fantasy protagonist. Granted, the gap between the Warrior of Light and, say, Terra wouldn't be that large because, whereas Terra clearly dwarfed her teammates in terms of power, WoL and his teammates received an even share.

The fact remains, they took out what seems to be a literal death god with only four people in their group. That speaks volumes for how strong each Warrior of Light must've been.
Ack!! I can't choose between Cloud or Zidane!! OH NOES!!! I'm in trouble!! (This is my very first post. Sorry if I double-post and stuff... ^^; )
Cloud > Zidane =)
I'd say Vincent is the strongest though, because he has Chaos at his disposal. Death Penalty is Bad-Arse :3
We know that she's half-Esper, first of all, and very few Final Fantasy characters have ever soloed a Summon Spirit before. When they did, the Summon in question didn't have much storyline significance. Aside from that, we were told directly that Terra easily overpowered 50 of the Empire's best Magitek soldiers in three minutes flat. That's not something your average Final Fantasy hero could pull off. What's more, that happened before the beginning of the game, and I believe she didn't even have access to her Esper Form at the time. Trance Terra would invariably be a massively powerful individual; certainly stronger than most, if not all, other Final Fantasy protagonists. I admit, she hasn't really shown much in the way of physical strength, but her magical capabilities more than make up for that.
Pretty much why Terra would be the strongest. I mean, let's be honest, she's half Esper. Yes, there is no doubt that Cloud boasts amazing fighting abilities; however, I believe he couldn't touch Terra in a fight. Not many of them could. She isn't really as potent with close-quarters combat as she is with magic, but she could hold her own with a blade. Her mental abilities are probably off the chart; especially in Trance form. In said form she would probably possess more power in her little finger than most of the protagonists. Remember, Cloud has been given many overhauls and such due to all these spin-offs. With Advent Children they introduced this new, crazy, fighting choreography that makes him look even more bad-ass. Imagine if they brought Terra back into 21 century. Imagine how formidable she would be. they could show her in her entirety. If we'd left Cloud with the origional VII perhaps people wouldn't think as greatly of him in terms of his combat prowess. Who's seen the new Dissida trailer. Squall is challenging Sephiroth and looks pretty formidable doing it, too. Zidanne also looks pretty slick.

I agree that Zidanne Trance form has the potential to be something special, but that wasn't explored and thus I can not really say if he would be as powerful as Terra; although I sort of doubt it.