Which FF Hero/Heroine is the strongest?

Which Hero/Heroine is strongest?

  • Light Warrior (FFI)

    Votes: 5 5.9%
  • Firion (FFII)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Luneth (FFIII)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Cecil (FFIV)

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Bartz (FFV)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Terra (FFVI)

    Votes: 12 14.1%
  • Cloud (FFVII)

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • Squall (FFVIII)

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Zidane (IX)

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Tidus (FFX)

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Other (State who please.:))

    Votes: 7 8.2%

  • Total voters
Um what are the parameters of this Questions cause there are a lot of factors involved in deciding such a thing cause some people could mistake popularity for power and go with there fave character

If we are going by physical strength I would have to say Cloud. I'm not showing bias here by picking him only because I know his capability. First even if he was never in Shinra Soldier, he unexplainably survived through most of Crisis Core without a scratch along side Zack. The only time he was ever weakened was when Hojo made him into an experiment.

Even before the experiment though *Crisis Core spoiler*
he was stabbed through the torso by Sephiroth's sword (the strongest 1st class soldier at the time) and lifted Sephiroth up BY THE SWORD IN WHICH IMPALED HIM to throw him against the wall

So all throughout FFVII he had a huge growth from being a cock S.O.B. to being a very experienced warrior, I think hands down he could take on any other character listed in the poll.


Terra of course. Terra had her mind erased so to speak as to make sure she didn't find her full potential of being an esper. Even through finding out who she truly was, she was able to withstand her own devistating power. She encompassed what I call "true power." She was very strong as far as mentality comes.

Imagine what it would be like to wake up one day not knowing you had this awesome power.. and then once you attained it, you were made to harness it without abusing this new found power. Most people 99% would use it for personal gain, but instead.. Terra did what others could not.
I'd have to say Cloud because he was injected with the Jenova cells and, well, just look at that sword! You'd have to be crazy to wield something like that unless you were super skilled.
Vincent hands down with his glitched attack. -999999 damage. His attack that is suppose to be instant kill was misprogramed and ended up dealing invisible damage.

Cloud or Zack would have to be considered the most physically capable at their peaks. What the characters can do is mind blowing (speed, strength, etc) and they do this in some insane situations.


Tidus. The emotional grinder that the man is put through in FFX is staggering.
And unlike all the other heroes who think they might die in the final battle, he knows full well that he will die. The fact that he must "kill his own father as well...
Tidus is certainly the toughest character.
They are all kind of strong in their own way.

Cecil is mentally strong because he fights away his own inner-demons, and is able to forgive a young friend with personal troubles. It takes a strong character to forgive somebody who has hurt you badly.

Bartz is mentally strong because he lives on without the life of his parents, even though this depresses him. He lives on, ingores the pain and shows through a rather cheerful and rather hyperactive character.

Terra not so sure if she is strong, she kind of needs Locke to cheer her up and explain to her what's going on. But what she does in the second half of the game ( protecting the children ) is very strong, mentally.

Cloud is weak mentally, he makes him lies to make him feel better and so other people can respect him more. But Physically whoa ! He's strong !

Squall isn't really that strong, but understand why he isn't. And Rinoa makes him stronger and become a better person.

Zidane is strong in his own unique way, he becomes strong and even stronger by love and friendship, by his team mates and ''family ''.

Tidus is a odd character. But Like Bartz ( From FF5 ) he tends to hide his hurt and pain, by strange goofy and awkard character.

And Vaan = WEAK !!
Tidus. The emotional grinder that the man is put through in FFX is staggering.
And unlike all the other heroes who think they might die in the final battle, he knows full well that he will die. The fact that he must "kill his own father as well...
Tidus is certainly the toughest character.

I agree with that, it must be bad enough struggling to deal with the expectation placed upon you by your father
but then having to kill him as well, and knowing what will happen to you once you've done it
that is strength of character.

actual strength wise, Cloud is strong, but i think lionheart deals more damage than omnislash.

Aeris has to be seen as a strong character also, as she
leaves the group, not afraid of the consequences, or what will happen to her. She just knows what has to be done and does it!
Going by feats and story showings i would estimate:

1) Cloud - It's Cloud easily, regardless of what anyone thinks or says of him in consequence of underestimating his abilities or just pure hate for the character. He simply has the best feats and combat showings. Were talking about high tier hypersonic combat and reaction speed(and we know this is true based on cloud dodging lightning, zack dodging machine gun fire from all sides and cloud becomes stronger than him, and keeping up with AC seph, who warp speeded in his base form(CC seph) and his highly above even chaos, weiss, rosso, and azul, who were show warp speeding), city-mountain level busting durability when he is sick, multiple skyscraper and gigantic bahamut buster while seting the said skyscrapers aflame, stamina to fight AC sephiroth equally for at least 12 hours, overpowering ff7 sephiroth in the lifestream. Cloud also has arguably the strongest will of any other final fantasy hero, given that he overpowered sephiroth in the lifestream and threw off his control on him(and this sephiroth was going to outwill the entire planet and absorb the lifestream, using powerscaling it means that cloud's will>to the planet's). And alot more. Really he would probably just speedblitz the other heroes. The Dude just has too many over the top feats.

2) Terra - Easily the second strongest, she was a half esper with enormous magical abilities, who could fly over mountains, and defeat humbaba on her own, defeated 50 imperial soldiers on her own too. She was also a good swordsman, but she excelled in magic.

3) Zidane - probably very strong. Albeit I put him here only based on what they said that Zidane>kuja(which i do not fully believe btw, cause he dosent have the feats or combat showings to back that statement up. He is mainly physical, he woudnt be able to nuke terra like kuja, and he dosent have that many physical feats either), he may someday surpass kuja, so i put him here.

4) Lightning/Squall - they have very simillar capabilities, although lightning can summon odin, squall can prob summon something stronger. Both seem army trained, use gunblades, demonstrated good acrobactics, strong meele. Although none of them have showed bullet timing speeds. I cant choose between them

5) Tidus - Although Tidus has the higher damage in gameplay, he would easily be beaten by any of the above. He has almost literally zero feats to go by. And being a normal guy who was thrust into combat suddenly means he probaly does not have much training or skill with his blade.

6) Vaan - Im glad this guy isnt even on the pool. Worst hero ever imo. Ashe>Vaan

the other heros, because they are from older generation games become very hard to judge in power, so i cant place them fairly.
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I see most people refer to the story of these characters, but I feel like judging by how powerful they were in game. For me it'll have to be between Auron (FFX) and Sabin (FFVI), although both are physical dmg dealers, so magic-wise maybe Terra (FFVI) would take the cake.
In physicall combat - probably cloud because of the sephiroth gene and mako. Also leet sword skills

Magic - Terra certainly. Esper form, natural magic, ultima, holy and more.
Hero wise I would have to say Cloud. Love him or hate him he is the most recognized hero of the final fantasy series and he probably always will be..

Heroine is a little more tricky, but I am going to have to go with Celes. I know some may not even consider her to be the main heroine of ffvi but she to me had so many memorable moments in that game. Yes the Opera being one of them.
^I agree. She is superb in magic and in physical combat, and come to think of it she is apparently not even 20 and she already has the equivalent skills to Beatrix (FF9).
I think there needs to be some clarification on what you mean by "strongest."

If you mean "effectiveness as a lead character," then I'd go with either Zidane or Cecil. For both, you start off with pretty developed characters. It doesn't feel like the beginning of their story like it does with Tidus, Firion or Bartz, for example. These guys already have developed personalities and values, and you instantly like them. Then they both have some serious stuff thrown at them and they deal with it.

But, if you're saying strongest as in sheer buffness, I gotta say Cloud (Good God, that sword. I don't care if the guides say it is "light," the physics of that thing make no fucking sense.) or Terra (What? Terra is magic buff.).
My vote goes to Terra, she needs some recognition I mean seriously the girl kicks some major ass, and before Dissidia murdered her character with that Mary Sue bullshit, she was a head strong gal and she could kick the shit out of Kefka for sure.

Not to mention she has to be the strongest FF girl in all FFdom, she never played the Damsel so I like that.
Physically: Cloud. Having had the Jenova cells injected into him, he became a super powered human being. Even before this, he was doing things that no other human in the compilation could do (well ONE thing, but still. :mokken:) The SOLDIERs were all stronger than most humans and were given ability and strength that the other heros weren't given.

Mentally: I really believe it was Yuna. She new that going on her pilgrimage that she would have to give up her life to summon the final aeon. I mean come on, knowing you would have to sacrifice yourself to TEMPORARILY save the world. That must have been quite stressful. And then to learn that the faith you believed in was false. She went to a very harsh emotional roller-coaster.
Cait Sith... Nuff said...


By feats/raw power alone I would have to say that while Cloud may have done more Vincent pretty much tops the bill of power on a raw scale. We are talking someone with all the skills everyone hypes for turks, who moves as fast or faster than cloud, can transform into monsters, who may function at a range quite easily when in normal form, who also as the capstone power becomes Chaos and can trounce Omega weapon which by history of the series is always a significant challenge.

He is also very strong of will as he continues to live while his love is already dead or at least part of the lifestream and he still does good while alive.

And then for the reasons before I would pick Terra...

But if you are going to pick another heroine then it would have to be Rydia. A little girl who at first uses both white and black magic then loses white magic for summon magic. She is mentally strong recovering from her families death and overcoming her fears of fire. She also manages to master several high powered summons and Meteo which was considered at the time quite powerful.

It is just harder however to compare the earlier heroes against those past part six as they jump in power significantly!!!
Gotta give Aerith a huge mention.. NO herione has evoked as much emotion worldwide in the ff series as she has...She is Squares princess and She has the most talked about scene/theme song in all of final fantasy history..