Which FF Hero/Heroine is the strongest?

Which Hero/Heroine is strongest?

  • Light Warrior (FFI)

    Votes: 5 5.9%
  • Firion (FFII)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Luneth (FFIII)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Cecil (FFIV)

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Bartz (FFV)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Terra (FFVI)

    Votes: 12 14.1%
  • Cloud (FFVII)

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • Squall (FFVIII)

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Zidane (IX)

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Tidus (FFX)

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Other (State who please.:))

    Votes: 7 8.2%

  • Total voters
If we're talknig strongest on who can hit the hardest, Tidus. He can break Damage Limit and hit for 99,999 each time. Throw in an Overdrive and he hits 99,999 multiple times during a turn.
If we're talknig strongest on who can hit the hardest, Tidus. He can break Damage Limit and hit for 99,999 each time. Throw in an Overdrive and he hits 99,999 multiple times during a turn.
We're not talking in that respect but, if we were, Wakka easily beats Tidus (and every other character in the series) with his Attack Reels (w/Break Damage Limit, of course).
cloud is a flat our warrior

Mod Edit: Please put more effort into your post and say why you think as Cloud as this is classed as spammy. Thank you.
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If we're talknig strongest on who can hit the hardest, Tidus. He can break Damage Limit and hit for 99,999 each time. Throw in an Overdrive and he hits 99,999 multiple times during a turn.

Yeah, that's not really the strength of the character so much as the strength of the battle system...
I voted Squall, simply because he doesn't get enough lovin.
I don't know, I understand that Cloud has a large fan base and so on. But I just don't understand what makes him so "Powerful" and between the two I would imagine Squall winning.
Of course though, people will always hate me for my own personal opinion.
Y'know, when you think about it, the FFVIII characters are pretty insane power-wise, actually...They don't have those wacky JENOVA cells or w/e like Cloud...and they aren't half-summon(/esper) like Terra...but similarly to Terra, their ties to the summons(/guardian forces) are very intimate. They draw & share the power of their summons, instantly modifying their stats & abilities. Now that I think about it, Squall would certainly be one of the main contenders.
Seriously people can we realy compare them? They all come from there own little universe. All we can go on is there feats. If you try to compare them all they've all technicaly saved the world etc etc. So should we compare by how powerful their own respictive moves are? If thats the case then i think vincent should be up there, in DoC he was freaking rank at the end. He is technicaly the only ff character who can destroy a world :P that's my two cents :P

i picked Zidane by the way his tail is badass
Terra/Tina easy. She was half SUMMON~!! Maduin/Madeen may not be the strongest summon to have as your father, but hell, I think that's still pretty impressive. Her morphed form looked awesome too, along with increasing her power (both physically & magically).

This mirrors my opinion
Second would be Cecil, Holy Knight of Light
I don't understand the basis for Cecil though, myself...As a Dark Knight his power drew on his own energy, weakening himself in order to lay smackdown on his enemies...but as a Paladin, he was, well...a Paladin. Basically not much more than a Knight with a minor in White Mage. Not a bad class, mind you...but certainly not one of the strongest...a good choice for the support abilities, but that's what the class really is strong with, support...not its stand-alone physical strength. I'd say Kain & Rydia are the main contenders from FFIV worth any real notice...
Zidane, mainly cause I like his tail lol nah jk he's pretty awesome, he quite strong and he has the personality that completely opposites his strength
Squall and let me explain why this is my choice. No it has nothing to do with because he's one of my favorite FF male characters because so is Cloud. Cloud is strong yes, but Cloud is also strengthened because of the J-cells in his system. Cloud was never the strong warrior-type until after he had the experiments performed on him in the Nibelheim Manor. He was sick, he could barely drag the Buster Sword after it was inherited to him as he made his way to Midgar. Cloud also never had the type of training a SOLDIER endures. He was just a Shinra Troop which basically all they did was point and shoot.

Now Squall on the otherhand is an actual military combatant. From the time he was a child he trained and worked hard to become a SeeD. He learned how to use a gunblade, he was taught how to handle battles, how to fight and have the strength to keep on fighting despite exhaustion or whatever. Squall is a fully trained, military soldier. He has worked for his strength and has continued to carry it out. IMO, he is the strongest.

im going to have to say cloud because i found that over all the ff seris their is no other hero which has such strength and characeristics, in comparasion to others he has at a high level, better str, and weaponry and he follows a better story line than other hero i mena the others a good like squall losein his mind and tidus finding out how to return to zanarkand and fallin in love, but clouds story is better by the soldier history and the frendship between him and seperoith with is shown by hatred

From what I could make out of this, Cloud was the one who lost his mind, not Squall. Cloud is the one who went into some form of a vegetable state, not Squall. Cloud never had to work for his strength in the ways and many years that Squall did. As for storyline? Cloud has no soldier history. He was a Shinra Troop who shot a gun. Also Cloud and Sephiroth never had a friendship, Cloud admired him until the man went insane and burnt down Cloud's hometown, just for the record.
I'm gonna have to say that my favorite character is Cloud, too. I actually don't believe that he's got the most votes. GO CLOUD!! :D :D :D

-mod edit-

its asking who do you think the strongest character is, whilst this may also be Cloud, please say WHY you think this, thank you =]
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I voted Squall, because he gets put in charge of the whole Garden more or less straight after becoming a SeeD, so in storyline terms, that must say a lot about his power. Plus, consider that he is 17 (correct me if I'm wrong), by the time he is 30, he would be an absolute God, although in the game, he obviously never gets to 30.
Definitly Cloud From Final Fantasy 7.He has the power to destroy everyone on that list.Plus Cloud Came from the best final fantasy!
Why I think Cloud's the strongest...

I better explain why I think that Cloud is the strongest hero of all... ^^;

Well, it's not because of his looks (although he is very handsome), but because of his personality. Sure he may have been a weakling in the past, but because of his friend Zack and others, he was able to grow stronger. Usually, a character thinks that strength is all that matters, but I don't think that this is the case... Cloud didn't want to hurt his friends, thus his absents. But all in all, he came back to them, ready to fight. It's thanks to his friends that he found new strength, new faith in what he believes in.

But alas, this is why I think Cloud Strife is the strongest hero...
I voted Squall, because he gets put in charge of the whole Garden more or less straight after becoming a SeeD, so in storyline terms, that must say a lot about his power. Plus, consider that he is 17 (correct me if I'm wrong), by the time he is 30, he would be an absolute God, although in the game, he obviously never gets to 30.

Bah, he just peaked early! You might as well say that he was put in charge because everyone else was a pushover...Basically he surrounds himself with losers...If we were to define the characters by the company they keep, Squall would certainly be one of the weakest.

Milanor said:
Plus Cloud Came from the best final fantasy!

He only appeared in FFT, he didn't originate from it. :P
Physically its Cloud, as he's been given enhancements to boost his body and mind thanks to Hojo's little experiment in Nibelheim. Magically its Terra, thanks to her being half Esper.
Wow. My Thread has been dead for several months. Lol. Anyways, I don't think I remember who I thought is the strongest. I may have stated it when I started it. :monster:

I also figured there would be a ton of Cloud wanking. Anyways, my opinion is Zidane. Trance Zidane > Trance Kuja. Trance Kuja destroyed an entire planet with his own power. :monster:
Trance Zidane > Trance Kuja. Trance Kuja destroyed an entire planet with his own power.

I don't necessarily agree with this notion. While Zidane was Kuja's replacement and wasn't limited by a definite lifespan, his power was different from Kuja's. Kuja had a lot of magical power while Zidane's was pretty much all physical, so I don't think Zidane would ever be able to glass Terra like Kuja did. Then there's the fact that Zidane never beat Kuja, on their final battle Kuja took the party out with Ultima at the end unharmed. Zidae in trance might be better than the rest of the party, but Kuja seems a lot more powerful overall.
♥Aerith♥;421407 said:
Squall and let me explain why this is my choice. No it has nothing to do with because he's one of my favorite FF male characters because so is Cloud. Cloud is strong yes, but Cloud is also strengthened because of the J-cells in his system. Cloud was never the strong warrior-type until after he had the experiments performed on him in the Nibelheim Manor. He was sick, he could barely drag the Buster Sword after it was inherited to him as he made his way to Midgar. Cloud also never had the type of training a SOLDIER endures. He was just a Shinra Troop which basically all they did was point and shoot.

Now if you are basing strength on all of these aspects let me throw something at you...
Zack Fair is the strongest Final Fantasy Hero, as he did go through SOLDIER training, not to mention his enhanced abilities due to mako energy infusion experiments and what-not. I can understand your decision of Squall, as he had SeeD training which was the military defense of the garden, but then you have to ask, which corps is stronger, SOLDIER or SeeD, I would have to say it is SOLDIER as there are only a few elite fighters that become SOLDIER, not to mention Zack was 1st class, which is a VERY elite crew. Making Zack the strongest hero in Final Fantasy history.