Which FF Hero/Heroine is the strongest?

Which Hero/Heroine is strongest?

  • Light Warrior (FFI)

    Votes: 5 5.9%
  • Firion (FFII)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Luneth (FFIII)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Cecil (FFIV)

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Bartz (FFV)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Terra (FFVI)

    Votes: 12 14.1%
  • Cloud (FFVII)

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • Squall (FFVIII)

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Zidane (IX)

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Tidus (FFX)

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Other (State who please.:))

    Votes: 7 8.2%

  • Total voters
Zidane.He was the angel of death.
Kuja destroyed a planet with his power,and Zidane,being more powerful,could do even more.But he never uses his full strenght,So it would be Tidus because of the 99999 damage.
Squall. when you think about it, most of the other ff games have the ultimate weapon or something of a sort which rely on your HP for good damage, but since ff8 requires junctioning, the lionheart doesn't require anything except the magic that's junctioned to the weapon.

(this is assuming we're not talking about breaking damage limiters ect).

If we're talking about damage limit breakers, then i'll go with Tidus, for obvious reasons (catabolg+sigil+crest=pwn).
Oh if we are litterally talking about who is the strongest and the best fighting hero/heroine in all of final fantasy it would have to be Yuna from ffx.. I mean lets think about this logically..

Her ultimate weapon is the easiest to get in the entire game.. (you dont have to play hours of blitzball, dodge lightning a zillion times, or chase butterflies.) It owns, its got like triple ap, triple overdrive, 1 mp cost, and break damage limit on it...

She can learn every single spell in the entire game.. Plus she can summon.. If you max her out she is a POWERHOUSE..

Lets look here sha'll we.. You max out yuna and you not only have her doing 99,999 damage everyturn but she can summon all her monsters.. So you have Valefour doing 99,999 until he dies, ifrit doing 99,999 damage until he dies, ixion doing 99,999 damage until he dies, shiva doing 99,999 until she dies, bahamut doing 99,999 damage until he dies, yojimbo doing 99,999 damage until he dies, and anima doing 99,999 damage until he dies..

PLUS she can summon the magus sisters which is basically LIKE A WHOLE NEW PARTY.. The fat one can cast auto life which basically respawns them if they die or 99,999 damage everyturn.. The red one can do 99,999 damage everyturn, and the most overpowred one of all is that damn bumblebee with her passado attack where if she has maxed out strength (255) she does about 40k with each hit and it does it about 30 times.. Then you just click the one more time button and she does it EVERYTURN..

Yuna is the most overpowered bitch in final fantasy history.. She would destroy everyone..
You guys have to decide if you want this thread to be based on storyline feats and showings or gameplay mechanics:randompoke:. Because if your going by feats and showings than i say easily: Cloud via massive speedblitz, next Terra via esper form, then Light via odin. On gameplay I instantly change my opinion to wakka via blitzball:gasp:, most broken gameplay character.
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Bumping because It's such an important topic:gasp:

Guys I actually think Noctis might be the strongest:

He shows physical power on the level of Cloud and magic on the level of Terra.

He's the ultimate combination:x3:
ID have to put my money on Squall as Shinya said before unlike the other hero's Squall doesnt need a epic sword to kick ass,he could use a wooden sword and still do 3000+ damage with it xD gotta love the Junction system.

Aside from what shinya said Squall is also very collected and thinks things through and also can come up with good ideas under pressure.
Just let me say this. your not giving Luneth and co enough credit.

Luneth and co are basically around 14 to 15 year old. Youngest FF Heroes ever. They managed to take down the EMBODIMENT OF THE VOID. a VOID THAT CAN SWALLOW AND TRAP GODS. taking this into consideration. Were talking about people that kill soreceres and Angles that destroy planets. lets put intoperspective that None of these Villans feats can compare to what CoD could do. and was about to do. Her void could swallow a GALAXY,UNIVERSE EVERYTHING. and some uber brave,powerful and kickass 14 year olds(probably with the job classes Sage,Sage,Ninja,Ninja lol) took her down. yeah my friends. Thats skills and toughness.

do I perswonally vote for Luneth and co? yep. feat wise.. you cant deny the fact that Luneth was pretty fucking powerful.

My vote battle wise goes to Yuna. as mentioned Yuna,Maxed out,ton of aeons. 99,999 each turn. Uh yeah. screw cloud, screw terra. yuna will own your ass and send you to hell. /boiasedpostisbiased.
I vote for Cloud because he's my favorite on that list and I honestly couldn't tell you who the strongest is because I a.) never thought about it that much and b.) find it difficult to compare characters that exist in completely different worlds so I choose to go the SummonerAmaterasu route. /boiasedpostisbiased.
Well I still stand by these points:

#1 - Cloud

Physicaly without a doubt the strongest hero. The things he does in that department are mind-blowing. His strenght, speed, durability, endurance far surpass the other heroes. Also probably the strongest hero spiritualy, since his will overpowered Sephiroth's and Sephiroth's will is practically over the planet's. So Sephiroth's will > Cloud's > The planet's, and he can remain consistant in the lifestream; a feat only performed by Cetra's and Seph himself.

#2 - Terra

The half-esper magician who fried 50 magi-tech soldiers in under three minutes, flew half across the world, defeated humbaba and faced Kefka. Being a half-summon grants her great magical powers, above others, and allows her to fly. She is without a doubt the strongest offensive spellcaster in the heroes.

#3 - Zidane

I give third spot for Zidane because of his role as Kuja's rival and the Angel of Death.

#4 - Lightning

Because of her incredible synergy with Odin, and facing dozens of guards armed with machine guns ready to kill.

# 5 - Squall

Gunblade wielder like Lightning, though I found him less impressive somehow:(

# 6 - Warrior of Light

Up here because of seniority.

# 7 - Firion/Cecil

Those two always seemed even to me. None of them exactly glared power at my face.

# 8 - Luneth, Bartz, Tidus

They were kind of rookies still in learning, and ddin't display much physical or magical prowess.

However if we are using game mechanics.....

#1 - Wakka

#2 - Tidus
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Going by the in-game mechanics, my vote's with Tidus for the fact that he can easily do the highest damage out of the list of heroes.

99 999 is apparently exclusive only to Final Fantasy X - and X-2. (Unless... XII had it too? I don't know)
Cloud is by far my favorite.
I don't want to say I am biased because it was my first Final Fantasy game that I have ever played, but I feel that his impression has a deeper stroke than the other characters.
I voted for other-and by other I'm voting for Noctis.

Just watching the trailers I know he's going to be a beast in battle with his abilities. He can wield at least 10 weapons at the same time through telekinesis, he can teleport, and his battle skills are well...unearthly. He's also a magic user. I know the game isn't out yet...and I'm obviously biased...but I think he'll be the strongest, hands down.
By "strongest" I'll go by "strongest virtue". Since there is no ground to compare these character based on physical strength or magical powers. The logic is tied into game design philosophy and each game is designed differently. Not to mention it would be utterly pointless.

By far the strongest character is Ramza, from Final Fantasy Tactics. The man stayed true to his beliefs and values to the bitter end. Never compromising, firm and righteous in the midst of hypocritical injustice and prejudice. He shows humanity and human weakness when confronting those who were once his kin and shows utter mercilessness towards his enemies. Satisfied the reward of knowing that what he's done is right, despite the title of traitor.
Out of the list available, I think I would have to go for Cecil, but I'm going by who has strength of will and mind, since it is sort of hard to gauge physical strength or magical strength across different games :hmmm:

I haven't played I, II, III, V, or all of VIII, so I don't know their situations, but from the characters I do know, (from what I understand anyway), Cecil seems to be the strongest one who developed his own strength from scratch, rather than being born with special powers
, developed into a super-soldier by someone else
, or otherwise designed to be powerful by someone else
. Despite his ancestry, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think being
half Lunarian
would have given him any sort of power advantage over any other physical warrior, since
they were magic-based :hmmm:
And though Tidus gave the impression of a kid who started from scratch as well, I also have always felt like he was just getting lucky half the time he hit enemies, because there's really not much focus on him "training" to become a brilliant swordfighter, and so his power in battle is always something I've had trouble understanding.

With Cecil, however, it was nice to see a dude who was a regular captain of the guard advance his own power so much just by working hard to get stronger, and facing up to his own transgressions in order to become a
He had a lot of responsibilities to deal with from the moment the game started, and he never broke down and gave up. Yet, you could tell he wasn't emotionless either, because certain things still bothered him from time to time, so rather than just apathetically brushing things off, he did still have to deal with them.
^^That is actually a pretty good point, but I'd like to remind you that Cloud's real power didn't only come from his mako and S-cells.

I mean, as a kid he had this insane durability, he fell of the nibel bridge and was barely hurt.

Or how he can expertly wield a sword...

"A Natural Talent for Swordsmanship.

In BC the 14 year old Cloud, on an escort mission, steals a sword from the enemies' elite Raven soldiers, and shows amazing swordsmanship for his first time to the amazement of the Turk working with him. It is probably because he has this natural talent for using large swords that he able to use Zack's Buster Sword so well.

[BC] The Turk also expresses surprise at Cloud handling the sword so well that one wouldn't expect it from just having watched others.
" - http://ultimania.ff7compilation.net/profile/cloud.php

"Cloud’s Skill with Greatswords

As a regular member of the Shinra Army, Cloud’s standard armament in
this game is an automatic rifle, but as demonstrated in Scene 08-19
where he impaled Sephiroth with the Buster Sword he is adept at
wielding greatswords. He appears to have had some grounding in using
swords, and there is also a scene in “BC” where he fights back against
an elite AVALANCHE unit with a large sword.
" - http://thelifestream.net/final-fantasy-vii/284/crisis-core-complete-guide-keyword-collection/6/

The dude just picks up a sword and is already an expert with it.....all on natural talent.

Plus remember the nibel incident?

He performs a move with the Buster Sword that two men can't lift......then is impaled through the ches, only to throw Seph back into the lifestream.

I'd say Cloud is probably the most skilled swordsman in FF, due to the above, the fact he creates such diverse techniques with his sword and even his own sword style, the fact his First Tsurugi can adapt to any situation, and the fact he faced Sephiroth evenly in a duel, who was the greatest swordsman in the world and above beastly people like Genesis, Zack and so on.

I'm telling you Cloud isn't natural........the dude had something since birth and the experiments only added to that.

Well, just a theory anyway.
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