Which Final Fantasy Character Needs to STFU?

VII - Yuffie & President Shinra
Yuffie is an annoying spoiled brat who should have her head shoved into a toilet. President Shinra is a greedy, shallow bastard and a terrible father.

VIII - Selphie
She just irked me for some reason..

X - Tidus
Such a pussie.

VII - How could I forget Elena, she pecked my head from the instant she walked onto my screen
VIII- Zell. -_- Good GOD he annoys me... I remember laughing SO HARD when Seifer called him 'Chicken Wuss' the first time. XD

IX- Quina. -_-

X- Close tie between Wakka, Tidus, and Seymour.

XII- Migelo. His voice just irritates me. >_____>
Gawd don't get me started on voices >_<

Seymour has the stupidest voice ever
Tidus sounds like a whiny girl
Wakka is just......no
I hate Yunas voice with a PASSION I swear her voice goes through me

El Cid yet again I have to mention this complete BUFFOON. WHY oh WHY did they think giving him some dodgy french (?) accent would work

Every single Bhujerban gets up my nose Marquis Ondore yet again another plonker with a stupid VOICE.

Those 2 guys alone made me want to punch my PS2

Donna in X-2 she was irritating. Go away
Thankfully Quinna doesn't talk that much, and when it does it's never about anything but food. So anyway, onto the characters I think need to STFU.

Final Fantasy VII:

Barret - just STFU with your gangsta attitude and shoot the monsters.

Umm yea Barret was kinda lame...but I liked him but pissed me off when he couldnt stop calling Cloud spiky-ass :dry:
El Cid yet again I have to mention this complete BUFFOON. WHY oh WHY did they think giving him some dodgy french (?) accent would work

I LOVED his voice.. I thought it was gorgeous..<33 Reminded me of a Vampire. o.o They should have given it to Vayne, too. XD


o__o Sorry. I have a complex.
Crystal Chronicles: My character's freaking Moogle! Yes, no actual speaking but one one more Kupo in his stupid sentences and I was going to scream. I wished that moogle would STFU so to speak.

X-2: When I first started playing the game, I wished someone would strangle Rikku. Oh, and Leblanc too. When it comes to Leblanc I wish you had to take that b**** down only once and not hear or see that skank ever again.

Sorry if I offended anybody's favorites, but these three characters just need to be put on mute or in CC's case skip their message boxes!

X: TIDUS!!!!

X-2: LeBLANC!!!!


AH! They all annoy the living %#$@ outta me and I wish they would all go %$#@ing DIE!!!!

Actually, Tidus not so much, but he should Definitely STFU!!!!
I loved Buggehagen from 7, he told me many interesting eco warrior facts about how to save the planet

Wakka was okay, brought a light heartedness to the game.

Yuffie is my prime canditate for a STFU stamp. Just didn't like her at all, I'm sure she was just there to give you a reason to go to Wutai.

At least she had the staying power to stick it through until the end I suppose.
X: tidus so annoying
VII: Barret do irratating trying to be so cool
FF7: Cait Sith, Just a gimp on a big marshmellow
FF9: Quina, Oh.... You can eat things... fantastic... Let the actual characters fight though, eh? (WTF?! Zidane has got her and only her, when fighting the earth guardian... serious levelling needed there)
FF10: Kimahri, Big. Blue. And useless.
FFVII:Caith Sith and Dyne
FFX:Wakka and Tidus
FFXII: All of them except Balthier and Basch
Steiner for never stopping being a dickhead (until very late in the game)!!! Irvine cus he was just an awkward child feining an ego...... worst chat up lines eva!!
Although I did like Wakka his constant whining and rascism made me want him to STFU!!! :wacky: