Which Final Fantasy Character Needs to STFU?

Tifa: Quit trying ta get Cloud to much, you've got badass monster on your ass!
Cait Sith: Oh wow, you're a spy, we don't care, to us you look like a stuffed cat animal abandoned by a 2 year old and you're stuck sitting on another stuffed animal.
Sephiroth: Momma's boy, puppet, you name it. Why kill Aeris? You could've just make kids with her to make moar goddamn Ancients!

Rinoa: Annoying "SAVE ME, SQUALL!" catch-phrase, we know you're in danger, but try saving yourself, would you? Squall's busy with other women.
Squall: Cold, real cold, he needs a makeover too. STOP IMAGINING IN YOUR OWN LITTLE WORLD A GET A LIFE. STFU.

Steiner: Quit worrying about the princess, she can take care of herself!
Quina: Food, frogs, food, frogs. Follow the yellow brick toad. Follow the yellow brick toad. Can she just leave the team and STFU?

Tidus: Shut up. All I can say.
Auron: You shut up too. How old is he anyway? Looks 48 to me.:wacky:

All the characters except Balthier. =D
FF10: Kimahri, Big. Blue. And useless.

Awww this made me sad when i read it :(

Tidus and Yuna: Your parents were way cooler....in fact i would have rather have played their story because they also have Auron (NOT annoying). If only we could add Kimahri in there.

Oh and i like Maechen from X because i'm a history major, and that's probably me in 80 years.

Aeris: she ONLY like Clould because he was like Zack, Tifa loved him for reals man!

Yuffie: Not too bad overall but STFU about Materia

Rinoa: i don't even rememeber why i hate her so much.... i have to re play 8 so i can tell you to STFU

Squall in the first half: he just Talked TOO much Don't "......." me!

Vaan: for all the reasons above + the "I wanna be a sky pirate" If Balthier wasn't cool i would think all Sky Pirates were Butt Pirates

Shelinda: Yevon doesn't love you

Annoying in a Good/Amusing way:

Ultros! FF6
Gilgamesh FF5
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Vaan, he says nothing important.. actually most of the characters in 12 annoyed me.
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Where should I start?

Yuffie: "I want materia! Give me your mater---Hey! Where are you going!?" To get a hatchet and shut your mouth fer good! STFU

Selphie: When you first see her, she seems really...fake. "oh no! I'm late! I'm gonna bump into the next person I see to get attention! Oof!" STFU

Everyone but Zidane, Garnet and Vivi: You know why...STFU

FFX & X-2
Rikku: "You big meanie! ...R...", her voice...STFU

Everyone but Vayne: Vayne's awsome. Everyone else can STFU!!!
FFVII: Yuffie; I dont care how much you want my materia, NO!!!!

FFVIII: Seifer; "Chicken-wuss" this and "Shut up" that. Get a life, ass-hole.

FFX: Wakka; Why not go play blizt ball and not mess up the fun times, eh?
The only person who should STFU is Tidus. I hate his loud, obnoxious voice and plain annoying narration.
All the others were quite enjoyable, with the exception of Wakka, who seriously needs to lay off the blind faith pills.

It's good listening to the "history" lectures, too. How could you not like learning Spira's history?

Vaan- Shut the hell up already, no-one likes your high-pitched voice and useless comments. You're a sidekick, and an annoying one at that.

Penelo- Pretty much the same, but probably makes even more worthless comments the few times she speaks. Why she was the narrator in the epilogue, God knows.

The others are alright.
i forgot to mention Brother. whenever he talks, its always about trying to impress Yuna. he srsly needs to stfu.
I forgot Kefka too. "There's SAND on my boots!". And there will be my foot up your balls if you dont stfu!
i think rikku kinda irked me, on final fantasy x, x-2. her voice just sometimes, UGH. idk.

and on ffix, yeah, steiner's reactions irked me too. he needs to be selfish for once and yeah i just dont like how he acts.

ffxii, i thought the characters were somewhat weird. idk. xD they all sorta bored me.
Seymour in X really annoyed me. I hated him when he first appeared in Luca. Every time he appeared before gameplay reached Macalania Temple, he was going on about some 'great' thing, such as Operation Mi'hen and how great the Crusaders and Al Bhed worked together. Then, everytime you had to fight him, there was like a ten minute ramble about how he was going to 'save' Spira and how he was going to use Yuna to do it. And he popped up at the most inconvient times: escaping Bevelle, on Mt Gagazet etc. His speeches were always the same! STFU!
Everyone from FF7.
Everyone fromm FF8 save Seifer and maybe Quistis.
Eiko and Freya.
I actually liked Tidus, and Wakka's DK hair made him.
I assume FFXI has idiots who can't spell right.
Eveyone from FF12 save Balthier, Al-Cid, and Basch.

Did I mention Cecil, Rosa, Lenna, and every single pointless NPC?
X__O Re-playing FFIX, and FFXII, and I've got to say, Balthier is driving me CRAZY. -_- I don't know what it is, usually I'm a sucker for a man with a British accent.. but I don't know. His voice, and his attitude is about driving me up the wall.
Aeris from FFVII really needs to do that, but ohhh wait...yeah i guess Sephiroth did that for us.

Rinoa from FFVIII needs to do it as well, annoying super sweet 17 girl who wants to piss her daddy off by walking with a couple with two retard guys, one who as a language problem and the other who is always in need of taking a dump, i wish she and her two friends died in the game...

Steiner from FFIX needs to shut up too, always talking about how Zidane is a rogue and crap like that.
I think Steiner needed to stfu. Always trying to get in the way and ruin the fun and all that. And I totally thought of that first, Jimmy just read my mind yesterday.

Seifer could've afforded to stfu too, ranting about the Sorceress and all that.
I agree, Steiner really put ff9 down with his constant ramblings...Amarant needed to be rid of Aeris style though- he spoke in the worst possible, emotional moments.He butted in with that annoying cynical attitude and rambles about his past way too much.
VI: Terra: I don't care if the world seems strange to you. Quit worrying and date Edgar.

VII(DOC): Cait Sith: Well, this regards mostly to ol' Cait in Dirge of Cerberus. WTF is with that Scottish accent? Can anyone tell me? Why did they get a Scottish accent for ol' Sith?

Tifa: I don't care about your feelings. Don't get in the way of Cloud and Aerith's relationship.

Gast: Why did you have to declare Jenova an Ancient? Thanks a lot, Mr. I-Influenced-Sephiroth-to-destroythe-Planet.

Heidegger: Stop that stupid horse laugh, for the last time!

VIII: Quistis: Trying to confess your feelings to Squall? You really WILL do better talking to a wall.

Rinoa: "Me and Seifer spent our summer together." We don't care. He still must be killed.

Raijin: "Ya know" what? That whole "ya know" thing drives me crazy! You're lucky you're strong.

Seifer: Even after Edea falls, he's still the damn "Sorceress' Knight". Does anyone else consider this obnoxious?


Zell: I usually like him. (Heh, hotdogs...) But the only problem I have is indeed with the fact that he mentioned Garden. The moron. (Any hotheaded person would do the same thing.)

Selphie: No, for the last time, don't drag me to that damn festival!

IX: Steiner: "Princess!" this and "Garnet!" that... Why won't Rusty shut up about that? THEY'RE CLEARLY UNDERCOVER!

Zidane: At least stop flirting when you're with Dagger. For her sake, not for mine. I enjoy it, but poor Dagger...

Amarant: If you're that sore about losing to Zidane, kick his ass again. And again. And again until you're satisfied. The player has nothing to do with this.

Queen Elephan..I mean Brahne: She sits there complaining about the eidolins and yet, she wants to resort to mercenaries and magicians to do her dirty work. Greedy elephant-woman....

Zorn & Thorn: As clowns, it's their duty to annoy. Annoy they must, in order to fulfill their duty as clowns.

Ruby: Quit blaming Blank! ...oh, and that damn southern accent.

X(-2): Yuna: She was alright in 10, but the sequel....

Rikku: Annoying in both games, but I still wove my wittle Rikku-chan.

Wakka: Give him a better voice actor, like someone else we know. (Certainly not from the same game and CERTAINLY not the main character lol)

Tidus: Play FFX to find out.

That's it.....for now.