Which Final Fantasy Character Needs to STFU?

The dialogues are BUTCHERED in english.
The english voice-actors need to be put to sleep. Period.

The original dialogues and voices are perfect in Japanese.
Also, in Japanese culture girls tend to apologize (Yuna, Lucretia etc), a LOT, it doesn't sound at all akward or irritating in Japanese.
My sis has played all FF in Japanese and she told me as much.

I'll have to agree with you, in some points the dialogues and voice-acting are irritating.

There's not really any FF characters I have a strong dislike of at the moment, since they always change after being faggots.... But the way Wakka acted in Macalania just irritated me.

The entire time that the party was in macalania, all he did was bitch about the al bhed and complained about protecting the summoner from a maester. Everyone else had their shit together but him. It was as if he was saying that avoiding confrontation of Maester Seymour was more important than protecting the summoner.
Sephiroth - I don't give a damn if you found out you're a 90's leather-fetish reject who was just being used, STFU about your goddamn alien mother and actually do something villainish instead of just flying around boats like a £10-budget horror movie.

Barret - Phails with his gangsta-wannabe attitude. Just STFU and blast those monsters goddamn it! >_<

Dyne - Oh jebus, this guy annoyed me. OH I MUST KILLZ MISELF BECOZ I HAZ A FALSE ARM AND CAN'T LOOK AFTER MY DAWTER ... I'm goddamn glad you threw yourself off that cliff!

Cid - SHUT. UP. Cussing needlessly makes you sound like a stupid hick, and I hope that Shera chokes you on your own bloody cigarette for the way you treat her. Internal burning FTW.

Zell - SHUT THE HELL UP, PERIOD. I do not give a toss if you want to shove hotdogs up your arse, please, please, just go choke on one and DIE!

Selphie - She's just unbearably annoying! Let me beat you to death with those nun-chucks, pretty please?

Squall - In this case, his lack of talking makes me want to say: GTFO. Go slice yourself on the way out.

Rinoa - No ... just, NO! Angelo, please ravage her senselessly until she's a lifeless, bloody corpse. Please?

Steiner - PRINCESS! PRINCESS! Just shut the hell up and do your goddamn job.

Cinna - You phail, as you never do over 100 damage. Beat yourself to death with that pansy hammer, and do us all a favour T_T Shut the F up.

Tidus - Whine, whine, whine, whine ... *Loads shotgun*

Wakka - That accent ... Someone please pummel him with his own blitzball.

Auron - THIS IS YOUR ST-*stabs in face* Stop with the fecking lectures and the know it all attitude. I'd ask you to die again, but you beat me to it >_<

Seymour - WHY WON'T YOU DIE?! Seriously. Five times you have to kill this barsteward. Just STFU about saving/killing the world and just destroy yourself.

Everyone - STFU about Nethecite, kthxbai
I didn't see a rule about necroposting, so I'll post here about most (if not all) of the characters to let off some steam and to make fanboys made. So...


Freya: "Sir Fraaaatllyyy..." HE DOESN'T REMEMBER YOU, okay? I know she gets together with him again in the end, but until then, she annoys me to death.

Steiner: "ZOMG ZIDANE R THIEF PRINCCCCEEEESSSS!" Just shut up. kthxbai

Garnet: In this case, it's GTFO. She passes out FIVE times in this game. "OH NOES I REMEMBER MA CHILDHOOD I'LL PASS OUT NAO!"

Amarant: "ZOMG I LOST TO ZIDANE I'M GOING TO GO CUT MYSELF NAO! :sad2:" He's just stronger than you, okay? Get. Over. It.

Quina: "I GO LOOK FOR MOAR YUMMY YUMMIES?!" I know your race is made up of cannibals and all, but geez, is food all you think about?!

Kuja: Stop talking about plays and how you kill someone in that scene or whatever. Shouldn't you become a drama coach and ditch being a super villain? No wait, forget that, no one is going to let their kids get near you knowing that you put some teenage girl to sleep so you can do god-knows-what to her and kidnapped a six year old.


Auron: "Hmph. Hmph. Hmph." Ugh.

Tidus: "Ma old man, ma old man, ma old man." Need I say freaking more?

Yuna: Stop being so polite. Seriously, I hate this girl with all my heart because she's virtually perfect. At least the other girls in these games have flaws. Perfect people annoy me.

Wakka: Looks like a cockatiel and probably smokes pot.

Kimahri: STOP TALKING IN THIRD PERSON! Also useless in battle.

Seymour: First you try to get an underage girl to marry you, and now you try to kill her with your dead mother?! He needs medication.



Vaan: He fails at being Robin Hood. 'Nuff said.

Ashe: "Don't interrupt me. I'm thinking." That's right, you're thinking, not speaking. I don't care if you're a princess, just stop treating people like dirt.

*waits for flames from fanboys*
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Aerith/Aeris annoyed me so much with her downright creepy obsession with Cloud. Seriously >.> She was so over the top and stuff bleh.

Hojo and all his nonsense kinda drove me crazy too. I think that was because I had to fight him twice to win and had already read his stupid speech and just wanted to get to the part where I could beat him up.

Selphie :_: I just found her incredibly irritating and stupid.

I wanted to hit Trommel as well. He just annoyed me. I get annoyed so easily >.>

Seymour's voice drove me insane! He sounds like Winnie the Pooh or something :_: I crack up laughing whenever he speaks, I really can't take him seriously with him sounding like that.

I didn't actually mind all the FFXII character's voices. I liked Fran's voice. I don't know why. I just found it cute xD
Ultros: "Delicious morsel, let me have a rib", "Muscleheads? Hate them.". All that chatter during battle...he needed to shut up.

Don Corneo: Do I really need to say anything about him?

Lucrecia: Dear God will she ever stop apologizing? She is so overdramatic all the time. She ruined every scene she was in.

Zell: "Yo, Squall. Show me your gunblade, will ya?", "C'mon, man!", "Just a peek!", "Tch, fine... Yeah, yeah... Why you bein' so selfish!? Scrooooge!". Rewind and repeat, that is Zell during the entire game...I think VIII would have been better without him.

Steiner: "Princess, princess, princess, princess...". Please...just die already.

Yenke: "Hornless! Hornless!" OMG shut up! His voice is really irritating.

Vann: Most of the time he had some dumb thing to say (the comment about Fran's age) or simply messed things up (when he calls Bascht by his name when they are supposed to keep it secret). His voice was unnerving too.
Marquis Ondore and Al-Cid in FFXII.

Why? Because their voices do my head in.
Cid - again with the damn southern accents. STFU.

I'd have to agree. >_< Every time he said, "YEEHAW! HUR WE GO!" made me want to mute my television.

And now that I have VI, I have to say that Gau is driving me CRAZY. -_- Even though I find him funny, he's still not serious when he needs to be. "VWAAAOOO~! I'm Gau! I'm your friend! Let's travel together!" Does he have to say that EVERY time?!

Baku, too. He gets on my nerve with his constant need to slap his stomach and yell, "GWAHAHAHA!"
I hated Vaan. Seriously. Except for when he swiped an Imperial's Gil pouch in the beginning, he SUCKED. Seriously, dude. Get your head out of your ass and SHUT THE HELL UP!!!
Don't go dissin' Balthier. He rules, and not just the fact that he insults Vaan. Give him a gun and watch him shoot it one handed and knock an enemy flying. With a friggin' bullet.
Penelo was OK. She actually cares about people and is one of the few party members that Ashe badmouths. Ashe is still at level 20. Everyone else is over level 60.
Fran was a bit better than Ashe. She shook off Vaan's age question like a bit of dust and does look like a Playboy bunny-girl. Her bare-handed moves are cool- especially her 10-foot bicycle kick.
Basch was a bisch. "DUDE I AM DOUCHE FAN ROTTENBURGER! I LOVE ASHE!" Jeez. Get your head, pea-sized brain, and assorted armor out your butthole, Basch. Noone cares.
Larsa is nothing more than a wannabe who thinks using another name is cool. Kids his age don't say "No brother, I will not, though I lack your power" and all that crap. They say "Shut the %^#$ up, Vayne." He sounds like a girl too and his attacks suck. Solution: Go to the gym. Win-win.
Tiuds >.<

Sephiroth - I don't give a damn if you found out you're a 90's leather-fetish reject who was just being used, STFU about your goddamn alien mother and actually do something villainish instead of just flying around boats like a £10-budget horror movie.

Barret - Phails with his gangsta-wannabe attitude. Just STFU and blast those monsters goddamn it! >_<

Dyne - Oh jebus, this guy annoyed me. OH I MUST KILLZ MISELF BECOZ I HAZ A FALSE ARM AND CAN'T LOOK AFTER MY DAWTER ... I'm goddamn glad you threw yourself off that cliff!

Cid - SHUT. UP. Cussing needlessly makes you sound like a stupid hick, and I hope that Shera chokes you on your own bloody cigarette for the way you treat her. Internal burning FTW.

Zell - SHUT THE HELL UP, PERIOD. I do not give a toss if you want to shove hotdogs up your arse, please, please, just go choke on one and DIE!

Selphie - She's just unbearably annoying! Let me beat you to death with those nun-chucks, pretty please?

Squall - In this case, his lack of talking makes me want to say: GTFO. Go slice yourself on the way out.

Rinoa - No ... just, NO! Angelo, please ravage her senselessly until she's a lifeless, bloody corpse. Please?

Steiner - PRINCESS! PRINCESS! Just shut the hell up and do your goddamn job.

Cinna - You phail, as you never do over 100 damage. Beat yourself to death with that pansy hammer, and do us all a favour T_T Shut the F up.

Tidus - Whine, whine, whine, whine ... *Loads shotgun*

Wakka - That accent ... Someone please pummel him with his own blitzball.

Auron - THIS IS YOUR ST-*stabs in face* Stop with the fecking lectures and the know it all attitude. I'd ask you to die again, but you beat me to it >_<

Seymour - WHY WON'T YOU DIE?! Seriously. Five times you have to kill this barsteward. Just STFU about saving/killing the world and just destroy yourself.

Everyone - STFU about Nethecite, kthxbai
o_O woah thats pure anger right there
Tidus and Rikku from final fantasy X both of them always said things in a way that just didnt fit into the mood i guess bad voice actors

Zell in the beginning of FF8 needed to stfu too because in the first disc you couldnt turn a corner without Zell bothering you
Rikku: "yuunie!!! bla bla bla!"
Tidus: "waah! zanarkand this zanarkand that!"
the rest of X: bla bla bla SIN SIN SIN...MACHINA!!

Vossler, Basch: "your majesty!!" ...
Penelo and Vaan: >_____<
All of these people: STFU!
Umm... Basch and Vossler suck way more than that.
I have officially decreed that Larsa needs to STFU the most.
"Duhh Draklor Laboratory this Draklor Laboratory that." He's a kid, god-dammit!
I cannot believe no one has mentioned Shelinda in FFX and X2.


I had to leave the room if I needed to speak to her, just fur cough!
I think FFVIII would have been a lot easier if Zell had been gagged and tied down in a corner somewhere, out of your way.
I never liked Genesis, from Crisis Core. He always recited those "Loveless" poems or acts >=(
Sephiroth even said it was beaten in his head! xD
No one really annoyed me in vii or viii (still need to play ix)

but in x-2.....all three of them bugged me:
Rikku-peppy party girl
Yuna-dont really know the word for it, but i like her silent, calm demeanor better
Paine-she reminded me in every way of a dike (hell, even the way she starts out as a warrior)

oh....and we cant forget Brother with is damn obsession with yuna...wanted to rip his hair out and make him eat it. It would probably be easier to listen to him if he was gagging on his own hair

and i forgot to mention Fran from xii.....wanted to tear her bunny hears off whenever she spoke
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Idiocy unbound

Scarlet and Heidegger from FF7 needed to be shut up. Their idiotic laugh and personalities annoyed me.:eek:uttahere:GO AWAY HORRIBLE LAUGH! ARGGHHH!!!