Which Final Fantasy Would Most Want To See As A Film?

Which Final Fantasy Would Most Want To See As A Film?

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The Leading Man
Jul 7, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Which Final Fantasy Would Most Want To See As A Film?

If you reply, please state your reason for picking the final fantasy you choose.

Personally, I would like to see Final Fantasy IV, X, and XII as films. Final Fantasy IV and X have amazing stories. And Final Fantasy XII would just be an amazing film if it was a live action movie.
oooooh interesting question :-)

I think 10 would make a good film, but I think maybe as a proper prequel to what has happened in the game and maybe show you more of Tidus' life beforehand and Yuna's story as a kid and all that kind of thing. It would make quite a touching film I think :-)
Quite frankly, none of them. I don't think the games would translate into a decent movie, it just wouldn't work.

Not to mention that I don't trust Square-Enix anymore anyway, so even if I did think it would translate into a decent movie, I'd still rather not have Square-Enix try something like that until they clean up their act and prove they can still produce quality merchandise.
I voted none of them, because there's no Final Fantasy out there with enough characteristic depth for a good film

Advent Children was nice, graphic-wise, but the characters lacked emotional depth

Just because it works for a game doesn't mean a movie will bring the same results

I don't think Final Fantasy is a franchise that fits well with movies
None of them, to be honest. =/

Movie adaptations of games tend to be disasters.. And I don't see a final fantasy movie being any different.
I think IX and X would make good films just because of all the stuff that happens in the games.
As 9 is my favourite I would love that to be made into a film myself though it would be quite long seeing as the story kind of jumps about a bit.
X would probably be a good movie aswell as each character appeals to everyone.
Im not going to say none of them because it wouldnt work as I would rather see a movie of one than none at all.
Movies that are turned into games are generally horrible and the same can be said or going the other way. I think any movie made from one of the games would hurt the series more than anything. The quality of the games has been so good for so long that I don't think a feature film version of any of them could live up to any of the high standards set so far.
I'm going to vote for none of them. I don't think a film could do any of the games justice, and they'd either have to be ridiculously long, or cut a lot of stuff out to make it into a movie.

And, if they can't make a movie out of the game, I wouldn't want them to make movie-sequels to any of them. AC showed that a movie just doesn't compare to the original game.
Did you see Advent Children? If they make another FF based movie it will suck just as bad. That is why I voted none of them.
I'm going to vote for none of them. I don't think a film could do any of the games justice, and they'd either have to be ridiculously long, or cut a lot of stuff out to make it into a movie.
Amen to that. They'd probably end up having to completely remake it as a lot of FF titles seem to rely on NPCs in-game to fill in missing information and such like and with a lot of them, with cutscenes along would it be long enough? :S No matter who would be directing the film, it would be a disaster waiting to happen regardless of the game.

If I had to choose a game then I'd say FFXII since it has more of a political/warfare storyline that could be exploited more easily than say FFX or FFIX.
I think VI would make for a good film, only problem is, you have alot to cram into one little film, It'd have to be animated too ¬¬

I wouldn't mind seeing most games as films really, because if I feel like playing through for the story, I have all that pesky levelling to do :gonk:

Maybe Id prefer books actually

But really, I wouldnt mind most of them booked/filmed coz Im lazy liek that
I think a decent movie for VIII is possible.
I would watch it, it's not going to happen though.
Advent Children was good, and didn't hurt the series did it?
The problem I would think is with the fans. They would fail to see the film and the game as seperate entities. Which is the same for a lot of screen adaptations. Films aren't long enough to be as detailed as books or games, and so the audience struggles to feel anything for on screen characters, as they did in a book or game.

Regardless, I think IX or XII would make good films, although I'm sure it's been posted the similarities between XII and star wars! ^_^

I think IX would transfer well, the story is well paced and has the right mix of emotions to send you on. so i've voted for that.
I've always wanted to see either Final Fantasy VIII or X turned into a film. Though I don't want it to be a film with live actors. I'd like to see it as a film in CG, done up like Advent Children was. Personally I think it'd be really cool to watch one of my favorite games done up as a CG movie. Seeing all my favorite characters done up like the characters in Advent Children would be amazing, IMO. Even though it's probably never ever going to happen, it's kinda fun to think about.
I've always wanted to see either Final Fantasy VIII or X turned into a film.
I concur with this! These are my 2 favorite FF's, and seeing them redone for movie purposes would be epic. I think seeing FFVIII would be even more special, considering you actually don't hear any voices and have to picture what they'd sound like. FFVIII would also have to have a ton of computer effects for all the time compression and such, not that they couldn't do it, but FFX would be a little easier in this regard. But I'd certainly love to see either one of these games in a movie.
i would love to see, ff 7 8 10 and 12 made into movies because htey have the best story lines of the games, 9 isnt too bad but i think it wouldnt make a good movie, 7 would end up being about 3.30 hours long like a lord of the rings film, 8 would also take about 2 hours, and 10 and 12 would be about 2-3 hours long to explin the storyline as well as the games do
I voted for FFVIII. I think it had the most interesting plot, so it can make a nice movie.
Even though I am not into movies, rather prefer anime or manga.
Though, I still believe that a movie/anime/manga of FF won't be as good as the game itself and maybe even a little disappointing (like AC for example).