Which is better Final Fantasy X or XII?


Chocobo Breeder
Apr 29, 2007
Can someone help, i dont know whether to get 10 or 12. I want to get a 10 because I heard its really reat and its cheap now. I know 12 is better,but how much better is it? Is the new battle system alot more funner than turn based battles? personally i dont really like turn based battle , but id still play it. Which one do you think has a better story? thanks
i would go for ff12 because it is much more fun in the way there is a lot more side quests and summons and other rare items/weapons as well

also you could set up a poll to see which is preferred between ff10 and ff12
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FFX definately in my opinion the storyline is better the characters are better, it just a far better game IMO. i rate FFX a million times higher than FFXII so id say get X or u could just buy both of them.
Rent both. Our opinions aren't facts. Take for example all these people who say that XII sucks in comparison to X. You may choose X and not enjoy it, but you would probably enjoy XII.

Rent X first, then XII.
i say go for XII, to me, the battle system is better, the character developement systems, ect. also, i like the story of XII more than X, and it odesnt have whiny tidus, but hey, those are just my oppinions.
I have a tough time deciding.

While I have beaten X I am only a few hours into 12.

I haven't quite adapted into the new battle system and I don't like that the summons are now airships.

I'll go with 10 being better for now and make a final verdict whenever I am about halfway through 12.

Also 10 has Auron.....Who does 12 have?

I think you should go with X but that's just my opinion. I like the story better and I like the characters more. XII isn't bad but I don't really like the story very much and I don't like the new espers. The only thing I like more about XII is you can get your MP back by walking around.
Oh this is a really hard decision for me as X and XII are my 2nd and 3rd faveourite FF games ever repsectively.

i think if your a noob to the FF series go For X but if your not or want a challange then go for XII
How much better are the graphics for XII compared to X, because theyre still on the same console. I would get XII if it were cheaper for sure. I saw pics of both games, but you cant really tell how good they are until you actually play it, but so does X run smoothly and not look pixelated at all? Oh and also which has more cg cutscenes? thanks
If you like big explorable worlds go for XII but if youre more interested in characters go for X.

Overall I think XII is a lot better, but to be honest you cant go wrong with either. Just get them both eventually.
there aint a huge difference in graphics though XII are better but its a far newer game so they will obviously be better. but X runs fine why wouldnt it? X has more cutscenes i would say.just buy which one u think looks better
go with XII mate it is a great game and will keep you very entertained but X is also a great game and will also keep you very entertained but it is very linear in the story line and lacks the freedom X does i cant really tell you which one to get cos i have both lol but do what you think is best haha that wasnt really any help i just kinda waffled on there haha but XII trust me more freedom and great graphics
Although I found X to be a huge waste of time, and I loved XII to pieces, I'm gonna have to go with Judge Rulia on this. Just cause we feel a certain way doesn't mean you will :/ Rent both and try 'em both out. It's the only way you'll know for sure.
Final Fantasy X hands down for me. The plot is left to be wondered upon for ages and can only be 100% figured out after tons of exploring and imagining. If anyone besdies the Squenix team has this game figured out 100%, I'd be VERY surprised.

Characters you learn so much about, they are interesting beyond belief, and the places, FMV's, cut-scenes, and enemies are so freak'n awesome
I really only found both games to be alright. I probably won't be replaying either of them. For me, there were just too many FMV's to the point where I was wondering when I was going to get to play again. I really didn't find the game play in either game to be all that fun.

If I had to choose between the two, I would definently pick X. It did have some scenes that I really liked.
Both weren't particularly my favourite. As far as story, characters etc go then I would say X. There isn't that much difference in the graphics or FMV (Although FFXII did improve on cutscences). Apart from the beginning and the end, I didn't think there was that much FMV apart from some new areas you went to. FFX did have some great scenes. If you like turn based then FFX might be the one you go for but if you want to go for a more realistic view then FFXII.