Which outfits do you like more?

Cloud's outfit is pretty nice.. Tifa had a pretty good change, thought it was better than the last.
Mann, I think everyone liked Cloud's new outfit. They made him look soooo cool in AC, with the many-parts-Buster Sword and the Bad-Arse one side long sleeve black clothes =)
Everyone else's clothes are O.K., but I was really hoping Aerith would get some new attire =(
Haha, maybe a white dress and two angel wings? b:
Mann, I think everyone liked Cloud's new outfit. They made him look soooo cool in AC, with the many-parts-Buster Sword and the Bad-Arse one side long sleeve black clothes =)
Everyone else's clothes are O.K., but I was really hoping Aerith would get some new attire =(
Haha, maybe a white dress and two angel wings? b:

Yeah Cloud's look was also integrated from KH2 though too.
oh i loved Red XIII's new outfit....wait he was basically the same, god dammit. I feel like Red XIII wasnt even thought of too much. -_- But i did like tifas of course. Most of the outfits where good, but didnt really like barretts...wtf
In AC i really like cloud's clothes. He look so cool in it. In comparison with that, Sephiroth was badass. In terms of clothes ofc... and in terms of battle also... The two in better clothing. Cloud and Sephyroth.
Cloud, Tifa, Barret and Yuffie all sported great changes, however, Cloud and Tifa were my favourites. Tifa probs tops it for me. She look good in her new attire.
I loved Cloud's outfit in the movie. The whole all-black clothes along with that long sleeve made him look badass:P And I love the wolf-head thingy sticking out of his shirt! Wolves rule (along with lions! =3)

I loved Tifa's outfit a lot! The change was good. It was time to dump those plain clothes of hers and go for something more sporty-looking. They look really comfortable while in hand-to-hand combat :P
I did like pretty much all of their outfits.

Cloud's outfit was pretty hot, I just didn't liked the long glove he wore on one arm; he should be wearing matching gloves >_<

Kadaj was pretty smexy, but it was interesting to see the cuffs of his sleeves so stiff, like they're braced by something, and all that excess leather scraps on his legs xD

Tifa's outfit reminded me a bit of Rinoa, but I'm kind of glad they made her more covered up; although I liked her old fore-arm length gloves, but her new simpler ones are nice too.
Yuffies was awesome :P Liked the fact that she got rid of the arm cast thingy
I think that Loz looked hot in his outfit....but he was SO ANNOYING! It was unbearable sometimes. He cried too much!!!!
Tifa and Cloud's outfits were my favorites in the movie.

I actually liked Tifa's original outfit from VII more, but she still looks awesome in the new one nontheless. I like how it mimicks Rinoa's look from VIII, and I like the sleekness of it. She looks downright snazzy ^^

As for Cloud, he looks like a total bad-ass in his. The only thing I don't like about it is the one long, black sleeve. I know that he wore it to cover the geostigma and everything, but once he was cured of it he could've let it off in my opinion. I wanted to scream when I saw that he still had it in DOC >_<
I preferred Clouds old outfit (but the AC one is still cool), all the other characters outfits were good though.
Tifa's outfit is the best I think. Yazoo's outfit was quite cool and the turks look pretty badass. Eh...I think I like all outfits.:P
yeah i liked Clouds... tho i cannot remember is Vincents the same as Vincents in dirge of cirbrus ? coz if so i think its his ...