Which Yuna do you like better?

Which one's better?

  • FFX Yuna

    Votes: 46 56.8%
  • FFX-2 Yuna

    Votes: 26 32.1%
  • Both

    Votes: 14 17.3%

  • Total voters
It was too much of a drastic change between the innocent good lil Yuna from FFX to the slutty airheaded singysongy American type Yuna in FFX-2.
I always wondered what Tidus's reaction to her would be lol.. as a guy he would hardly complain but my god did they need to make her so tarty looking? Its like a girly game made just for guys to oogle.

Anyway I chose FFX, as you all could probably tell..

Really? I thought it was much more of a chick flick. Can't say it was anything worth getting hot off of. :lol:

Rydia said:
Yes I agree with you GunbladeGirl. Tidus fell in love with X Yuna. Since her entire personality has changed will he still be in love with her? I can understand that they wanted to show her opening up and becoming more assertive. But they didn't have to do so by making her Rikku number 2. And it wasn't like she wasn't already unassertive in FFX. Remember the whole Seymour wedding incident? I'd have rather them expand on her X personality rather than make her an annoying Rikku clone in X2. Heck they even over did Rikku in X2.

Hey, if Tidus doesn't like Yuna anymore, there's always has incest with Brother. 8D
Watch the "sad" ending on youtube, and don't actually watch it, but listen. ;)

Another thing I hated about X2. Brother must be the most annoying FF character ever.

I don't know I always saw Yuna as living a quiet life on Besaid after what happened in X and not going of on missions and losing about 50% of her brain cells.
I get it with the changing of clothes but personality?! I think this has something to with the Square Soft and Square Enix. Since X-2 things were starting to get ugly for FF

How did Tidus know that the Yuna he saw in true ending was Yuna? I guess it's a love instinct. :-)lol:)
Anyway, I voted for X Yuna.
I voted for yuna x-2, she is just beautiful. With that new outfit and her view on the world has changed to better. She finds the world is more relaxing place to live, not anymore obligations to the people.
That is a hard one, but I think X-2 Yuna I like more. She just changed so much since FFX and she seems to have a better understanding of things since
To me, obviously the FFX Yuna has my heart, now and forever.

FFX was a spectacular game that could not have been altered at all to be made better. I loved every second of it and Yuna's characteristic is classic. Sure she gets all Pepped up in the sequel, and that's cool, but her true story started in FFX.
I picked both in the end. Fundementally Yuna was the same person. Still she did change a lot, but anyone who has seen a friend move off to college and come back changed understands that who you are around has a huge influence on how people act. And with that point made I don't feel Yuna was so drastically different, just more outgoing.
I actually dislike the character Yuna in general. Though I like her X-2 personality better. Though she still comes off naive on some matters, the fact that she's more entertaining with a more "care-free" somewhat of a attitude is a great improvement.
If you could meet about halfway between X and X-2, then you would have a good Yuna. Didn't care much for her personality in X-2, and in X she was overly apologetic about everyone and everything.
I have to say it would be FFX's Yuna because Yuna in that game had such a more interesting story. Yuna in FFX-2 was really boring to me and it made the game suck. So my vote definitly goes to FFX's Yuna
FFX Yuna of course, she is that innocent type of girl :)

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Yuna from Final Fantasy X.

She is honest, kind and helpful. Every word that she says comes from her heart. She's wonderful.
X-2 version of Yuna is a total fail. Her attidute, her clothes. It's a completely different person!
Both. I would say X but yuna doesnt really act too different in x-2. A little more open in X-2 but thats cuz she isnt a summoner anymore and doesnt have guardians watching her every move. Yuna's outfit in X-2 is kinda weird, is she trying to dress like a hoe lol
I never really liked Yuna all that much to start with really, but X-2 Yuna really pecks my head, I swear she had a personality transplant. She is just like an irritating little girl that I so wanna bitch slap in X-2.

Tbf, the only thing I dislike about Yuna in X is her voice >_>
I found Yuna in X-2 quite annoying as well. It was like she was a mini Rikku in training and, since I already can't stand Rikku, it was a nightmare having to listen to both of them in one game <_<

I liked her a lot more in X because she actually seemed to have some sense and didn't act like a complete ditz everywhere she went.
Overall, I chose Yuna from X. She seems a bit more cohesive, with her demeanor, attitude, clothes, etc.

However. X-2 Yuna is NOT that terrible. Her personality has changed, yes, but people change! Especially after large events such as the ones she experienced. If she had been wearing a more modest outfit and still had the X-2 personality, I'm sure people wouldn't have thrown such a fit. It's all in that outfit. It IS godawful.
I agree, her outfit was a tad bit ridiculous, but i believe the makers did that to show that since she is no longer a summoner, she is free to do what she wants, so she kind of let her true personality out for us to see. Still, i liked the reserved, quiet Yuna better from X
Both as they have to design her according to the flow of the game. it'll be a tad weird if FFX's yuna is brought into X-2.
The Yuna from FF X is the better one she's just a better person in X and she's fighting for a reason but in X-2 she's just running around in the most annoying way trying to find Tidus and then she settles for someone who looks like him and then decides to follow him.

Pretty pointless if you ask me.