Who are your main guys?

All my characters are about the same because since I maxed out the whole License Board, there's really no difference between characters
My three main people in my party?

Ashe - When it comes to damage, she can deal it. Plus her
magical abilities are very helpful. She's in my battle party quite
a bit.

Penelo - She is very helpful when it comes to dealing damage multiple
times in a row, plus her magical properties make her essential to the

Vann/Basch - They both can deal out alot of damage for me. Plus
I just liked both of them.
I'd Sub them in an out with each level gained.
In hopes of a 2 party dungeon.

There was none >:\
My love will always go to Vann, Fran and Balthier Thats the party I started with and its kinda hard letting them go T.T (Specially Fran) Its just feels wierd whenever i play with my second party ><;;
Basch, Fran, and Vaan were the main three most of the game. I've since leveled up Balthier to a respectable level. Ashe is not great but she's in her mid-30s. Penelo, I refuse to use her. She's level 12, just like when I got her.
batsh he is a true fighter you cant have a party without him
vaan because he is the main character
ashe because she is insanly hot
Vaan, Ashe and Balthier. Vaan because he's the main character, Balthier is just plain cool and Ashe is hot.
Vaan (main tank - strongest in the game for some reason, eventhough he's a "street-kid")
Basch (long range gunman :P)
Penelo (healer/magicks)
Vaan (main tank - strongest in the game for some reason, eventhough he's a "street-kid")
Basch (long range gunman :P)
Penelo (healer/magicks)

basch isthe strongest player from the main party and how come you have him as a long range gunman
I use all of them, but when beating up Bosses I use this Trio:
Vaan - With him I attack and use Black, White and Arcane Magick
Basch - I use him simply for attacks and, if I need to, White Magick
Ashe - Also an attacker but also a main healer