Who are your main guys?

Vaan: Spears and Battle Harness. Tank and main attacker.

Basch: 1H Sword and Shield. Tank, healer, and secondary attacker.

Balthier: Guns. Healer and ranged attacker.
At the moment I'm mainly using:
Basch - Sword - Tank and offensive character
Balfear - Rifle - Self-sufficient, balanced, can double as either mage or damage dealer.
Penelo - Staff - Support mage and healer.

I occasionally replace Penelo with Fran if I feel a second outright melee fighter is more necessary than a mage.
At the moment - playing as im typing so it could change -

Ashe - i control her no gambits - Mage and Warrior
Fran - Long range fighter and back-up mage
Basch - close range fighter
Vaan - Tank with 1 handed sword / self healing sometimes
Basch - Melee DPS (Zodiark spear) Berserk helps if I want him to really pump out the damage
Ashe - Healer and buffer
I'm organising my party in terms of whoever actually seems to have a character (usually in FFs this is hard as everyone does) so at 100 hours in i'm Fran, Balthier and i'm still waiting on a 3rd one so i've just put Vaan in since he is technically the lead, but again... no real reason why.
I didn't just use only three characters. I had the six characters split into two different teams and once everyone in one team leveled up, I switched to the other team until they leveled up. That way, everyone was about the same level. I also made it so that everyone can use cure.

Team 1:
Leader: Vaan; weapon: pole; attacks up close and uses all types of magic
Basch: Weapon: sword and shield; mostly just attacks
Fran: weapon: crossbow or bow and arrow; attacks from afar and uses all types of magic

Team 2:
Leader: Penelo: weapon: axe and shield; can use some magic attacks up close
Ashe: weapon: katana; attacks and uses some magic
Balthier:weapon; bombs; attacks from afar and uses some magic

-the best team is team one though (sorry for the long explanation)
My main three are Vaan (lvl 31), Basch (lvl 31) and Penelo (lvl 29). Generally I have them attack with their weapons but on occasions I'll use black magic. I have my characters trained strongly in white magic though which is handy. Regen is helpful for me!

i use vaan (main character) ermm party leader?
magic caster both offensive and defensive = fran
tank = ashe.

i still think balthier is the hottest :D
I used Balthier, Fran & Basch for pretty much the entire game. Got them all up to about lvl 70-74.

Ashe, Vaan & Penelo I only leveled up to about...40 or so, cause I didn't really need 'em :/
well during ht emian game I used Vann, Basch and Ashe, but now that ive mastered it it doesn't matter because everyone is level ninety nine.