Who are your main guys?

My crew (all level 68)
Vaan: Masamune
Ashe (leader): Deathbringer
Fran: Perseus Bow

Reserve (all level... 29)

No gear on them, I just switch it from my main characters if they were to die.

I'm currently in the process of finishing the hunts (3 left) and getting all the Espers / really good weapons.
I use all the characters about evenly. But the way I have them set up is:
Basch - Heavy Armor & Great Swords (Close quarters Combat) also with Light Healing Magic Support
Vaan - Poles / Cross Bow & Light Armor also with moderate Black Magic Suppport
Fran - Spears / Bow & a combination of Light & Heavy Armor with Moderate Green/Time/White/Black Magic Support.
Penelo - Staff & Mystic Armor also with Heavy White/Time/Green Magic Support
Balthier - Gun / Hand Bombs & a combination of Light & Heavy Armor also with moderate Arcane / Time / White Magic Support
Ashe - Mace / Sword / Bow & Heavy armor with heavy White Magic Support. (Basicly a cleric)

Though I normally run with Balthier, Fran, & Vaan. Balthier being party leader.
Vaan is my party leader. I usually use the person you first start out as as a leader with a mix of abilities.
Fran for longer-ranged attacks.
I rotate the rest to level them up evenly.
I heard the game was relatively easy before I started it so I decided to only level 3 characters. I have 3 (Vaan, Fran, Basch) at 60, Penello at 26, Balthier at 9, and Ashe at 13.

Not being able to switch out has gotten me killed a few times, but the game still seems easy, although still really fun.
Ive got everyone at most the same levels, and I have them all with close range weapons, except for Fran. But in case of need, Ashe and Vaan come out to be good bowmen :P.

Well, basically, I use most: Vaan, Basch, and Ashe.

but other characters are just equally leveled in case of unexpected death.

Anyway, ive set up everyone to automatically heal allys when needed, and all have most the same spells, so using any character is almost the same.
I use Vaan, Ashe, and Penelo for my main group. They're all at 99 now so lvling isn't an issue, but the magick power that ashe and penelo have comes in handy often, though I'd rather keep Fran in my group ;)

Basch just never had enough magick to make him useful to me, Balthier has good strength, but not that much more any of the chicas. And Vaan is just well balanced and high all around. But, I guess it depends on your style.

I'm gonna do a two character playthrough next, and I think I'll use just Vaan and Ashe for my party with Balthier as backup (for HP reasons)
Basch, he was the tank with shield and axe - Leader
Ashe, with sword and shield was strong too but with healing priorities
Balthier, guns for range combat

All at level 67 at the end.

Vaan for Basch, most of the game with spears
Penelo for Ashe, first with rods then with sword and shield
Fran for Balthier with bows

At level 50-60 at the end
I have Penelo and Balthier outfitted with guns, and Fran outfitted with a bow, so one of them is always in my group. Out of the three, I seem to use Balthier (effected with Haste,) the most. Other than that, I use Ashe as my healer, and Basch as my tank. I haven't found my use for Vaan.

So... Balthier, Ashe, and Basch.
I rotate mine.
Vaan/ Baasch - leader - melee damager
Fran/Balthier- long range and support
Penelo/ Ashe- melee and spellcaster

They are no more than 1 level seperated. One a character levels up, I switch for the other. This way, during combat, if anyone falls I can replace them with another character with relatively the same capabilities.

Although I make them specialize in different weapons.
Well, sence I just got FF12 on Xmas, and I've only finished the leviathian part, where you get penelo back, I have mainly used Vaan for magik/occasional healing/occasional damage, basch for tank, and fran for healing, or balthier for healing.
Vaan:the short range attackerweapon:Spearsmist charges: 3 guagesFran:the long range attackerweapon:Bowsmist charges: 3 guagesAshe:the spell-casterweapon:staffs and rodsmist charges: 2 guages (I'm almost getting the third after getting 50 LP)these are my main chracters but i actually change them after finishing their mists so the other characters make their mists(that mostly happens in a boss battle, a hunt or a strong foe

WELL, penelos (underage) so i felt weird staring at her the whole game so i think shes still lvl 9...

so im using:

ASHE:45 - battle mage (katana)/Tank-Thief
FRAN:46 - ranged white mage (bow)
I have no quickinings (just summons)
(anyone l337 enof, that uses only 1?)
I started using Vaan, Basch, and Ashe for my main party ever since the Tomb of Raithwall since they just seemed to fit the storyline more.

Vaan (50, mainly attack physically with some white and black magic here and there)

Basch (mid-40's, same as Vaan)

Ashe (mid-40's, attack physically but does more magic)

Basch and Ashe are interchangeable with Balthier and Fran, though the former have higher levels, better equipment, more Mist, and the Espers. I hate Penelo. :D
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I mainly use Ashe, Vaan, and Basch. Even though I am going to start interchanging the others to get them up in higher levels.

I am at

Vaan and Ashe - Level 32
Basch - Level 34.
well on all my main people i use whit and black magic, but my main 3

Vann:tanker/sometimes black magicks(heavy armors with bangie(for libra))

Fran:long range/black and white magicks(light armor)

Basch/ashe:close range/white magick(heavy armors)
Balthier, Fran, Basch in that order...
All lvl 59 now, Fran and Basch both use the "Save the Queen" swords and Balthier uses the "Golden Axe"...

They are the kick ass and take name team who all have the exact same stats and can use all black magic spells and white magic spells like pro and have high hp who can take a hit or two.

I hardly ever switch them up.

*shrugs* I did have Fran use a bow before, but I changed her before I fought Gilgamesh
No one seems to be using Ashe much...hmmm...

I used Vaan, Ashe, and Balthier. They were all my Tank type fighters. I had no individuality in the game, I just stocked them all up with all the spells, the strongest weapons, and the best armor haha :)
I have Vaan,Basch and Ashe.All are physical attackers,with Ashe casting supportive and healing magick.Vaan and Basch have Deathbringers and Ashe has a Ragnarok.They are lv.73,but I reeeeaaallly need to level up the other three,since they're at 14:(