Who do you plan on using as your main fighter?

I don't know, i've never been a fan of the main characters of the Final Fantasy titles, i'm curious to play with Kefka so i guess i would like to use him.
For heroes, Zidane and possibly Terra. They're my two favorite heroes, so those two will be who I use first.

As for the villains, Kuja and Kefka when I unlock them. Two favorite villains. :P

If I can't use any of the people listed above for whatever reason, I'll just play around with Cecil and Sephiroth for a little while.
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That's hard. I love Squall, my first FF, and he looks awesome, but I'm gonna wait. It all depends on how they play out, their skills, and their finales. :S

I might even play a villain more... Yay Kuja <3
i will probally use cloud and beat his then switch to warrior of light and use sephiroth zidane or garland depends on how cloud plays but zidane was my first final fantasy
Terra, Cloud and Zidane. Out of all the characters in Dissidia, they're the ones that look to be the most unique and fun to play with - especially Terra - as well as being my three favourite characters in the game ^^

If Beatrix was in it, or available as DLC, I'd use her all the time :wacky: She'd be perfect in a game like Dissidia!
Can we try to avoid one liners and put a little more thought in our posts please, say why you plan on using these characters

I'm going to definitely play as Zidane, although they made him look less like David Bowie and more like a girl in this game but hey, I'm sure it's the same old womanizing, tail swinging Zidane. Warrior of Light is also going to be a mainstay for me I can see, and as for enemies, I'm going Kefka all the way. I'm personally tired of playing as Cloud and Sephiroth... but that doesn't mean they still won't be fun to play as.
I'm going to use Cecil, then Golbez, then try to unlock Kefka. EVIL CLOWN ALL THE WAY MAN!!! I mean Cecil and Golbez are from my favorite Final Fantasy and all, because IV was the best in my opinion, and the reason I want to use Kefka, is because he was the best villain I've ever seen, it's the reason why I want to use the psychotic clown.
Tina Branford all the way!!! I'll probably switch it up occasionally with Zidane, even though I say this i'll still have to have a good look at what every character is like and choose the most appropriate one for my playing style.
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I would love to play as Jecht. He is my all time favourite character in all of the FF games, so it would be awesome to play as him, instead of against him. Another good character to play as would be Sephiroth! I always wanted to be able to attack enemies with his blade.. ever since the battle you see him fight at Nibelheim. Amazing how much damage he did.
I'm really going for Cloud, I would really want to use him with huge ass sword :gasp: and using his limits also I thought he was the best, but if Tifa was there I would really use her so much. :gasp:
I plan to use Tidus, because he is my favourite Final Fantasy character, later i'll use Cloud cause i like his voice and non-talking type :P Later i'll use Squall
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I'm going to use Squall in this game, Obviously he's the strongest character in this game then I'll try Cloud it'll be fun swinging that Huge sword, then I'll try Tidus.
Probably Squall or Gabranth. They're both awesome characters IMO.

Nothing would be more awesome than Squall vs Sephiroth