Who is the best Final Fantasy villian?

Sephiroth. Why? Because he's the most evil in my P.O.V. What makes me think this is in the cutscene in Nibelheim (Preferably AC Or CC version of it) Him standing in the fire he looked sooo evil and badass.
I'm not going to say much, as I only have two games and have completed neither, but I will say this:

Everyone's opinions are different. I know it sounds like I'm stating the obvious, but I'm just saying. Some people prefer more comical villains, some prefer those with big giant swords, and some only like certain villains because they are a fanboy/fangirl of the game they came from.

Some reasons for liking villains are stupid such as, "zomg ultimecia is da best cuz squall is in dat game!!11one!" but so are the reasons for disliking them, "lulz kuja is teh stoopid becuz of teh thong!!!11". So it's all just a matter of opinion.

On another note, here are some of the things that I think makes a good villain:

a. They have great comic relief/lines
b. They have a good motivation/backstory
c. They take great pride in all they are doing, and couldn't possibly care less about what other people think about them

But as I said before, I've only played two games, but I will update once I play some of the other games.
Sephiroth. This could be due to me not thinking of much of any other villain I've gone against. I've played the series from 7 to 12, but missed 11. And this could also be that his popularity is huge and the title has been milked dramatically. Or because 7 was a great title and Cloud is my favorite hero. Plus Sephiroth has an awesome theme tune.
for the most part, almost all of the villains are pretty existential, especially Seymour. I would have to say that Kefka or Sephiroth are the best villains.
Kefka is a good bad guy, but he is kinda really F'ed too. I believe Sephiroth is still the ultimate villian from any game.
I'm playing XII right now, and I have to say that a lot of people put down the villains in that game. I can imagine it's because they don't understand the storyline, as it can be a bit confusing during some parts.

Anyway, I think Seymour, Kuja, and Vayne are the best villains. Why? Because they all had a somewhat reasonable motive for what they were doing.

Yeah, Seymour was a tad nuts with thinking he was saving the world by destroying it, but at least he had a good back story that made you sympathize with him and make you realize why he thought he was doing the right thing.

Kuja had a good back story as well. He did what he did because he wanted to prove that he wasn't just a puppet. The truly evil ones in that game were Zorn and Thorn. :wacky:

Vayne also had a set motive. As already stated by someone else, he's more of a anti hero than a villain. What he was planning to do didn't seem villainous at all to me.

Kefka was entertaining. He was evil for no specific reason, which was kind of a letdown, but I still see him as a really good character, probably my favorite one in that game. "There's SAND on my boots!"

Exdeath was strange. And boring. Really boring. He didn't have a real personality, nor did he provide lols. So what was the point? Just overall a weak villain, in my opinion.

*breath* O.K, I think I'm done. :P
sepiroth all the way he has the evil looks he has the evil voice and he is just bad to the bone.
I would say Kefka was the best villian. He was crazy for destroying the World of Balance into Ruins, selfish, and he was a clown who worried too much about the Fiargo sand on his boots. =)
I would say that Sephiroth and Seymour Guado are the most evil because both of them tried to end the lives of everybody but i would say that i have to give my vote to Sephiroth because he actually almost destroyed the planet and nobody else ever has gotton that close so props to him
What of the others there were more than just the 5 you listed 12 games only listed 5 enemies

Choas(orginal bad guy)
Plunged the world into darkness and Choas(Succeeded)

The Emperor(II)
Went about Conquering the world(Failed)

The Darkness Cloud(III)
Tried sucking the world into darkness(if I remember succeeded)

Zermous or Zemus(IV)
Controlled Kain and Golbez to collect the crystals he needed to revive the Giant of Babel(succeeded)

Kill those that imprisioned him(succeeded)
Merge the two worlds back together to obtain the power of void(Succeeded)
Destoryed enemies with the power of void(part way successful)

Gain Power of the Goddess(Succeeded)
Kill those that don't bow to him(part way successful)
Rule world for all eternity(Failed)

Call upon meteor to destory earth(succeeded)
Kill the only person who could stop him(succeeded)
destroy shinra(kinda)
Unlesh ultimate weapons

Rules the world(succeeded)
Distorts time(succeeded)
Survive long enough to rule the future by traveling back to the past(succeeded)

Destory home world which created him(Succeeded)
Destroy the summoners(succeeded)
Cause choas in the world(succeeded)
Attempt to destroy world(failed)

Destroy all machena(semi-successful SIN)
Continue to destroy mechena(successful Yu)
Kill the Final summon(succeeded 8 times i think its 8 its the number of summoners before yuna[yu])
Become final summon/SIN(seymour)

killing father(succeeded)
Becoming emperor(succeeded)
ruling world(Failed)

There I named every major baddy but I would have to say that the most successful is well none of them since they have all failed. Cause see if you really look at it in the long wrong every single bad guy in Final Fantasy failed at their ultimate goal which would be to destroy or rule the world. But if i had to chose one to be the best it would have to be EXDEATH.
have you seen the size of sephiroths sword come on now if that doest scream villian i dont know what does
IMO I have to go with Kefka. I mean come on the guy blew up planet and felt no remorse. Sephiroth is cool and all but he just doesnt compare to Kefka in my eyes.