Why did you buy it?


Blue Mage
Dec 12, 2006
West Yorkshire, England
Just what it says why did you buy KH?

I wasn't going to buy it at all because I thought it would be crap cos Disney and Final Fantasy just shouldnt go together but i was in game with my mum and my xmas money looking for somthing new to play and she picked it up and said 'get this cos it got that Final Fantasy thingy you like' after looking around and finding nothing else I gave in and bought it and loved it so I owe big thanks to my mum :lol:
I used to have kh a long time ago but someone stole my ps2 and all my games( lucky one of my friends had it and she gave it to me) i guess i bought it because it looked cool.
I brought it because it looked pretty cool. I heard the battle system was pretty unique, graphics looked okay, and all that.

I think I also saw Square Enix with, so I said: I gotta get it! :P
I borrowed it from a friend. They received it a day later. I vomit a little every time I think of playing it again.
I bought KH the first day it came out...

I was excited about seeing all the final fantays charecters together
I was more than a little obsessed with it before it came out. I even made a reservation and still have the bonus poster that came with it. A couple of my friends were actually pretty skeptical, but once they saw how much fun I was having they picked it up as well.

Haven't regretted it for a second.
I got it for Christmas and I loved it. If you can't appreciate the masterpiece that is called Kingdom Hearts you need a new brain lol jk. I really liked it though.
Actually, I didn't buy it... I rented it from my local Blockbuster.

But still, it's cool. Because the blockbuster's like, right next door.

Rented it because I was curious. Neat game.
Why did I buy it? It looked fun to me, even though the whole FF/Disney cross seemed pretty weird...but as I love both FF and Disney and everybody was hooked on Kingdom Hearts, I grabbed it :3
Kingdom hearts is great.
Final Fantasy AND Disney???
What more could a person want??? ^_^

The first one was way better than the second. ^_^
I think i saw a review of it in a magazine and then i waited for it to come out for months....so i basically had my own little hype going on.
I sort of rented it on a whim, given that there probably wasn't much to play at Hollywood Video at the time and we had gone out to get movies and stuff for the weekend. When I played it, though, I instantly got into it and realized I had to buy it. I got it a month later.