Why did you get it?

Why did you get FFX2?

  • The sexy girls

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • The gameplay

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • The thirst for a sequel

    Votes: 24 35.8%
  • It's another Final Fantasy

    Votes: 29 43.3%
  • Other <specify in post>

    Votes: 8 11.9%

  • Total voters
I bought it for the thirst of the sequel.
Right at the end after the credits when they show Tidus swimming upward in X, I just knew right then and there that the story wasn't over and I was dying for more
and I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed the game
I got it because I beat FFx on 24th December 2004 the I got ffx-2 on 28th of december . I really wanted more of ffx's story who would've known that there were hardly any story for ffx-2 ><
The ending of FFX was perfect for a sequal.. I just didn't like how they put X-2 together.. it was kind of stupid and cheesy. The battle system was good, but the "new Yuna" was like OH MY GOD YUNAS DIFFERENT!? It did need a change, but I didn't like that particular change.
well this final fantasy was the first one that i had ever played i didn't know about FF untill i got KH so i wanted to see how it was so i got it
I got Final Fantasy X-2 because I had Final Fantasy X. I wanted to see what happend next so I got it.
My reasons for getting it:

1. We were at Sierra Vista Mall, and I knew my mother probably wouldn't get it for me for Christmas and it was still a bit too early for FFXII, and I was getting fed up with running into a battle every milisecond in FFX and I was tired of switching my controller and memory card to play FFVII, so...yeah.
2. After hearing so much about how Yuna changed, I wanted to see for myself. Heh, and this game is turning out to be pretty funny.
3. It's another Final Fantasy.

I only brought the game to see how the story of FFX continued. There were certain factors I wanted to find out [like whether Tidus comes back for example] so no it wasn't for the girls :P Also, it was another Final Fantasy and so I was intrigued to find out what it was like in terms of the battle system...etc.
I bought FFX-2 because i was at the mall.and they had SamnGoodys closing and everything was like 75% off.so i dicided to buy.come on i know u would of bought it if the regular price was $20 then 75% off
my reason is real simple. i love the final fantasy series and anything fomr it i know will be good so i got it even though i wasnt fond of the whole approach of sex sells, but the game itself in the aspect of a game was very nice.