Why do FFFan's hate this game?

This is my favorite Final Fantasy, always has, and maybe always will unless one of the new releases games dethrones it. You can't beat the storyline, it was just amazing. I really liked Squall and Rinoa as a couple, best one in my opinion. It wasn't so forced and felt real to me. Anyway, I could praise VIII all day, but you get the point ^_^.
I have no idea why some FF fans hated this game. I believe it to be the best in the whole series :P the thing I DON'T understand is why everyone made such a big deal over FF7... that game sucked =P
people who hate this game for fucking stupid reasons piss me off.

someone said the enemies were too easy. what about the final boss battle??? That was the hardest in ANY FF in my opinion.

Seriously, FF8 was great. Not as good as 7 or 9 in my opinion, but it's better than X and X-2.
I'll admit that the final boss was very worth while; and the final dungeon was well worth playing through for. FFVIII's final dungeon is among my favorites, honestly.

My main peeve about this game was the lack of character development. Anyone can step up and argue that the characters were greatly designed, but the fact is that...they lack substance.
well it really depends on who you pay attention to. I think they developed quite a few of the character very well. Squall went from your cold hearted lone wolf to a great leader. zell was you immature brat to a man of responsibilitysome of the characters didn't realy need to develop. Selfie was already caring. Quistis was the mature figure. Irvine just showed who he really was to squall even though around everyone else he was just a womanizer. Rinoa was the support squall needed to become who was supposed to become.
I can keep on going on why this ff had the best character development compared to the rest
Some people never played FFVIII and that way they hated but i love FFVIII because it was the first game i played when it came out.
I started playing this game but then I stopped coz i bought FF12. Well...... that wasnt the only reason I stopped playin it. The other reason was that I found the junction and draw systems confuising. I'm playin FF10 atm but when ive finished that I'm gonna go straight back to FF8 because now that ive read the manual a few times and got to understand the systems I wish I'd never stopped playin it:)
NOB said:
But they like FFVII and the game graphics is actually sucks!
My opinion is:
The game is so great if you understand how to play it, I mean you wont enjoy any game if you didn't understand the game system or the control system or w/e it's,but at least you have to try and you'll love this game.
I know some people likes FFVII just because it's too easy to understand and coz it's easy game, where's the fun here?!
Final Fantasy VII was a tough act to follow. I don't think that the junction system is all that complicated. I used to, but it makes sense. It's just different, and a lot of people who like something don't like changes. This game is amazing though, once given the chance. I think so anyway. >.o
I think most people don't like it because FFVII came before it. They played that first and bought FFVIII expecting it to be exactly the same but it wasn't so that dissapointed them. They also probably didn't like the junction or draw systems. I'm talking in third person because I like the game:)
Eh im one of the people who loved the game as well. I can say partilly it was due to it being the first FF i played besides part of ff1 for the nintendo while i still had it. Graphics were great and the characters seemed more real to me. You could relate to them easy and understand what drove them to saving the world and all that crap. Yes it revolved around a crappy love story as many say but it also had much more back story to it that made it all the more intresting; war, the sorceress, and a band a friends separated and for no real other reason then the GF(which was not explained) all but 1 and actually 2 lost all thier memories of one another.
I think FFVIII is my least favorite FF-game. Only FF-game which sucks even more is FFX-2 but I havent play it but yes I can tell just by looking at X-2 and tell it sucks.

Oh yes this was FFVIII thread. Music and Graphics were awesome in this game. I really liked both. Unfortunately I basically didnt like the rest.

Junction-system was really annoying and even though monster level with you they only get more HP but nothing else but they fall still very quickly. This FF-game has also the most ugliest monsters in FF-games history. There were not many nice looking monsters. I dont mean big and scary but pokemonlike monsters.

Characters- I can stand all from the main six except Quistis who did nothing in the late game and she rarely opened her mouth. Lagunas crew was okay so was Seifer and his buddies. But the characters I hate most were Cid and his wife. Espescially Cid. Worst Cid ever. He was such a boohoo loser who left school immediately as things went wrong and returned when things were okay again. I could impale that fat old man.

With uninteresting characters you cant have good plot. There were good parts but I didnt like most of the plot twists. They suck mostly like that orphanage scene where they remember everything. That was ridicilous.

It was nice though that theme was love. Yes in RPG i like more fantasy than futuristic world but it was nicely realistic.

One more thing: I really hate Cid and I could smash his head with a rock and pee on his corpse. Yep that fat man was so loser.
This FF-game has also the most ugliest monsters in FF-games history. There were not many nice looking monsters. I dont mean big and scary but pokemonlike monsters.

What the hell are they supposed to look like? Frickin' pansies and daisies? Get over it. I'm so sure if you're getting your ass pwned by a monster, that you're really going to give two shits about how fugly your monster is.

Most Final Fantasy Fans hate this game because most of them are very young, and therefore not very open to the unfamiliar and change. For example, most of the games just have a simple equip screen and that's it. This game has to be your first final fantasy for you to ultimately love it and enjoy it. Otherwise, you'll most likely end up like every other wanker that cries about the junction system.
What the hell are they supposed to look like? Frickin' pansies and daisies? Get over it. I'm so sure if you're getting your ass pwned by a monster, that you're really going to give two shits about how fugly your monster is.

No, monsters don´t have to look cute but more animal and humanoid like than just some random shit. Like enemy called Buel (lives in Ifrits cave)
it just look weird and not even funny weird it is just ugly. Other very good ugly monster examples are Geezard and Gayla. http://www.ffonline.com/ff8/enemies-fg.htm
Look at them.
so what about the whole uglyness thing. FFVIII is still the best i mean come on, look at your mom, her face kinda scares me but I still play w/ her.

the only factor is how well it kept u entertained.
well if you hate it for how ugly the enemies look, you must dispise VII because those were much worse. I personally thought they looked quite nice compared to most. they are just simple compared to enemies of the later FFs. but the look much better than any that have come before them.
This FF-game has also the most ugliest monsters in FF-games history. There were not many nice looking monsters. I dont mean big and scary but pokemonlike monsters.

So you want to be fighting pokemon instead of ugly monsters? o_O Um, excuse me, but when something is given the name monster, that generally means the thing is ugly and/or unnatural. If you want pokemon monsters, go play Pokemon or Dragon Quest. Thats the dumbest argument against an RPG i've ever heard, the monsters are ugly. I wonder what you think of malboros, those are pretty damn hideous.

Most Final Fantasy Fans hate this game because most of them are very young, and therefore not very open to the unfamiliar and change. For example, most of the games just have a simple equip screen and that's it. This game has to be your first final fantasy for you to ultimately love it and enjoy it. Otherwise, you'll most likely end up like every other wanker that cries about the junction system.

Well i wasnt young when i played this game, but i guess i'm still a wanker cuz I didnt like the junction system. I'm fine with change (the sphere grid was a drastic change but i like it) but i just plain couldnt figure out the damn junctioning. The rest of the game i quite liked, graphics were a vast improvement over VII and the characters and story i liked. I just couldnt get into the junction thing, so i sold the thing...probably gave up on it a little too easily, but oh well, i can always go out and buy it again.
Just to break the mold, I have played every FF in the series and I loved VIII. Especially as it came after VII (the best in the series IMO, so very hard to compete). Loved the characters and the changes. The scene on the train blew me away. Havn't played it in about 5 years but it stays with me as one of the best.
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So you want to be fighting pokemon instead of ugly monsters? o_O Um, excuse me, but when something is given the name monster, that generally means the thing is ugly and/or unnatural. If you want pokemon monsters, go play Pokemon or Dragon Quest. Thats the dumbest argument against an RPG i've ever heard, the monsters are ugly. I wonder what you think of malboros, those are pretty damn hideous.

Malboros are forgiven since they are regular ff-monster and its ugly in a good way when on the other hand you look at monster called Geezard. Wtf those shits supposed to be??? Those are ugliest monsters in FF-history and I think FFVII much better looking monster, just use your imagine to turn them to FF8-graphics. I want monsters to be more animal/humanoids ( I forgot right term) and not some random shit like Geezard which supposed to be some sort of lizard I guess judging by its name.

Anyway the most worst thing in FFVIII is that coward Cid.