Why do FFFan's hate this game?

Thats why I thought alot of people liked it, is because you can relate to it. They were all in school, theres that kinda 'high school' crush on Squall that Rinoa has, that turns into something else later. I thought it was great too though.
FFVIII is rubbish..i hate it...

Well actually, no i don't. In fact, i just made that title up so you'd all come in. It's actually pissing annoying that this 'Final Fantasy Fansite' says FFVIII is one of the worst FF games. How dare you call yourself Final Fantasy fans. I'm all for people having opinions, but FF8 is similar to 7, just with a different storyline, different characters and locations. The battle system is very similar and the graphics are slightly better. So how can FF8 be bad. I didn't get the same feeling i got when playing FF7, but FF7 is unique and it's extremely hard to recreate that feeling. But it's beginning to get almost unbearable reading comments from ''FF Fans' saying FF8 is rubbish and what-not.

It is people like you that change Square-Enix's mind. They do read comments online, believe it or not. There was a guy i had once spoken to and he owns a website, which doesn't deal with video-games, yet he worked for Capcom (i think it was Capcom, i can't remember now). And he said all video-games companies check what people are saying about the game. In real-life, on the internet, in forums, in chat-rooms etc. Because their aim is to make sure that the finished product appeals to as many people as possible, because the production costs are so high, they want to make as much profit as possible.

So, when people say FF8 was the worst game, Square-Enix have listened, without some of you even realizing. From Final Fantasy 1 way back in 1987, to Final Fantasy 9 in 2000, the battle system was virtually perfect. It had been the same for 10+ years. FF10 made the most horrible , negative move that Sqaure-Enix could have taken. They added a horrible new battling system, i forget what it was called, but learning a new move was with those silly emblem things. No more materia or such-like. Now, Final Fantasy has changed into 'real-time' battles, just like Zelda. One of the main reason i loved Final Fantasy was because it took you into a battle scenario, not the horrible, repetative, LIMITED 'real-time' battles like in Zelda.

Now to me, the series is buggered. The whole series has fell apart. From 10 onwards. I hope to god 13 will be a great game, because that is supposed to be the last in the series. But please, next time you say a game is terrible, please, please post your reasons and make them VALID. Because i blame people who know nothing about the Final Fantasy legacy for ruining the series.

I don't mean to offend anyone, but everyone has an opinion, and this was mine. Thanks for reading.
I dont see why people thought 8 was a bad game, I loved it. Everything really, at first I hated the junctioning system, but once I got used to it it kicked ass and I loved it.VIII is one of the best in the series.and I feel the same way about the real time battle systems. Final Fantasy to me shouldnt be like that. I loved the battle concept of going into a battle screen and getting exp and stuff. But when DOC came out it had that Zelda battle thing, and I guess the same with 12. I even heard that FF7s remake will be in real time. What kinda bullshit is that
I dont see why people thought 8 was a bad game, I loved it. Everything really, at first I hated the junctioning system, but once I got used to it it kicked ass and I loved it.VIII is one of the best in the series.and I feel the same way about the real time battle systems. Final Fantasy to me shouldnt be like that. I loved the battle concept of going into a battle screen and getting exp and stuff. But when DOC came out it had that Zelda battle thing, and I guess the same with 12. I even heard that FF7s remake will be in real time. What kinda bullshit is that

exactly my point. FF8 was great because from the glorious opening scene with Sqaull being slashed across the face with a sword, you instantly fell in love with the characters. And that's what Final Fantasy is. You're going on a 'Fantasy' with these characters. FF7, 8 and 9 were the best games in my opinion because in each game you were forced to feel emotion for the characters. I can honestly say i felt nothing for anyone in FF10 and FF10-2. I've never played FF11 and don't intend to. Final Fantasy shouldn't be an online game. FF12 is supposed to be awful and i believe it. I don't have high hopes for FF13.

And i heard that FF7 remake would have real time battles. If that's the case, i wouldn't buy it.

Real time battles are SO BAD !!! I cannot tell you how much i hate them. Forcing you to battle MADE you level up. It's too easy to skip real time battles and the effects on the screen isn't the same.

I miss Square when they had their brains in gear. Now, they just wanna try out different styles of gaming in the FF world and are ruining it.

Like, i don't like Zelda. But Nintendo constantly gives similar Zelda games, so the fans are happy. Square tries to give us something different ,but they're trying to fix what isn't broken!!!!
Oh, you're coming at this from a different perspective.
I didn't think the high school stuff was all that great, really.
I mean, the fantasy element in games like VII and IX got me out of the real world, you know what I mean?
I didnt really 'like' or 'dislike' the high school romance thing. It didnt really effect my game playing, except I always wanted to see what Squall would say/do next to Rinoa because she wouldnt leave him alone. But yeah I understand what you're saying. I didnt like that the characters all came from the same boarding house thing at one time. It kinda made me mad when I first saw that but I got over it.
I don't really think anyone did like that part. :lol:
I mean come on, they could've been more original with the character backgrounds, you know?
But all of them having the same, nah!
Yeah man exactly, if the characters had been like VII's with really deep backgrounds, or even like X's with fairly deep or kinda shallow backgrounds, the game would have been so much better, I mean it would have helped loads.
I agree I prefer to say less good than to say worst FF.

Even tho I didnt like FF 8 as much asq the others it's still high above all other games that have been made.

FF is heaven on a console.
I know, I wish Square would realize what they are doing to FF and pull their stuff together. Its ridiculous that they think they have to move up because Nintendo and Xbox is, as far as Im concerned, Id play a new FF no matter what console it be on, PS3 with great graphics, or the original playstation with 2 dimensional graphics! Its all about the story, and I think square has forgotten that, due to new technologies and game advancements.
Well, here are my opinions.

I didn't fall in love with the characters. Tbh the characters are the main reason I disliked the game so much. I disliked nearly all of them with the exceptions of Seifer & Zell. The rest just bored me, and I didn't like the locations.

The opening CG was fantastic, which is why I was let down when I started actually playing the game cause I when I saw the opening I went, "Woah! WTF? Cool!" Then the game started, and I became bored. I don't know how else to say it, other than boring. I didn't give a shit what happened to any of the characters besides Seifer & Zell. If they all got trapped in the deepest reaches of space, I wouldn't have been upset or even happy to be honest, cause I just found them all so boring. I wasn't touched when Squall saved Rinoa cause I didn't give a crap about them or their relationship from the beginning.

I personally found drawing magic irritating. I didn't enjoy having to stock up on magic and then have to junction it to a stat. I didn't like that the GF's couldn't easily be switched with someone else before becoming more 'compatible'. It's less irritating when there's only one or two designated summoner's to me, if you're going to do that.

I didn't like FFX's storyline or characters that much either, besides Auron and now recently Yuna, but I have to say I actually liked the Sphere Grid system.

As for X-2 & FFXII? I have different tastes, so tbh I loved both X-2 & XII. I like the old battle system, but I liked XII's as well. And X-2...well I like bright, flashy, gaudy things, and I like Japanese style music so....yeah.

Also, I'm merging this thread with the other that F.F.Fan made, because they're essentially the same thing
I know, I wish Square would realize what they are doing to FF and pull their stuff together. Its ridiculous that they think they have to move up because Nintendo and Xbox is, as far as Im concerned, Id play a new FF no matter what console it be on, PS3 with great graphics, or the original playstation with 2 dimensional graphics! Its all about the story, and I think square has forgotten that, due to new technologies and game advancements.

i like you. You know what you're talking about.

The whole thing with the romance and Squall being in Balamb Garden was fine. Worked well. There wasn't a problem with the story so much, but it would have been nice if we found out why it had to be Squall who was the main character. It left many unanswered questions, and unlike FF7, FF8 never recieved any more talk or games , so years later we're still non-the-wiser. Unlike the newer FF games where the story is weak and you never feel emotion for characters, the old games had it all. Honestly, since it became -Enix, it went downhill.
Final Fantasy VIII = The best game ever!

This was the first Final Fantasy that I ever played, and how I remember those first passing minutes playing it. This game is the pride and joy for me in the series, although VII was very good as well. But I am a sucker for romance, and there was definitely no lack of that in VIII. I really liked the story, no matter how corny people say it was. At least I found it pretty easy to follow and get caught up in all the events that unfolded. I really have no gripes about this game, everything was perfect. There seemed to be an element for everyone to enjoy (at least that is what I think). There were challenges, grinds (drawing magic), comic relief, etc... My point is that there really isn't any part of this game I would want revised, it was the best experience I have ever had with not only a Final Fantasy, but of any game I have ever played ^_^.
I dont like FFVIII, it is last in my list off FF.

Only good things in this game was music and graphics. Both were awesome.

But this game had so many flaws.
Story was very stupid espesially that extremely idiotic plotwist: "hey dudes we are all from same orphanage" "Yay" "oh wait you werent there but we others were".
What were Squareboys thinking?
Characters are also lame. Squall had only character development (which sucks way his character changes to so stupid) and others were just kinda nothing. Quistis....who, oh yeah she was that boring lady who in the late game rarely opened her mouth. Seifer,Rajin and Fujin were only characters i liked.

Junction system was boring, I didnt like drawing at all. Monster in this game were all ugly.Other FF-games have cool monsters both this had no good. Well maybe few.

Oh yeah I forgot that I liked Laguna too.
And the futuristic I just didn´t like but cant say that it was that bad. It was relatively realistic.
ive got a copy of this game on the way...ill check back and decide whether i hate it or not once and for all.

FFXII - Basch and Fraan they were both very dull and never said anything interesting ( i never used eitehr of them through out the game unless you had to haev them in your team.

Basch was a beast how can you not have him in your party? and he's a better character then the "main character" vaan.
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I loved the game
felt a little darker compared to VII and was too hard in places
i cant go against why people hate the game because fair play its not the best.
definitely not the worst
I didn't hate FFVIII, I just round it ridiculous that it's one of the only games that wasn't pressured to be released, and yet, they still failed to give 110% at making it. The characters were underdeveloped, and lacked personalities; and histories for that matter. The whole game was set in this...monotone gray setting.
I did find the draw/junction system interesting for a while, but...quickly grew bored with it. I hated the weapons system...each character only has like 5 weapons...come on.
The game was HEAVILY lacking in the sidequests section. The chocobo sidequest was ridiculous; namely because no one in america owns a pocket station.

And last but not least.

There weren't any moogles.
I liked the beginning... after that I just didn't understand why I was playing it. For me to like the game I need interesting characters to drive the story... which this didn't have. I also couldn't stand drawing magic. SO boring....
What I didn't like about this game and why I think it is one of the least enjoyable FF's is because of Drawing, Junctioning and the ease of the enemies.

I hate drawing soo much. I have stated this many times so 'm gonna keep this short. It was extremely long and boring. Perhaps at first, yer, but after that it was a big yawn. I didn't like junctioning because you had to draw to get the magic to junction to improve immunities and such. The whole joke of it was that the game was soooo easy that you hardly needed to have immunities or increased status that much. Especially magic. Even advanced spells such as Thundaga and Blizzaga were utterly useless; it got on my nerves. I just used attack, which was far more effective. The only spells I used were Curaga, Aura, Meltdown, Ultima and a couple others.

The other stuff was great and memorable (storyline, characters, music and such), it was just a bit of a anoyance to actually battle because it was boringly easy.
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