Why do people hate this game?

I think the only reason why this game isn't as popular is because it didn't have as many "epic" characters as VII and VIII, except for Kuja I really didn't like any of the other character that much... While I admit that they were awesome, just didn't stick that well with the fans.
Yes IX is definently underrated. It has one of the better storylines in Final Fantasy and it actually had a fantasy theme to it.

I think of all the FF games, IX had the best side quests. Chocobo hunting > Breeding chocobos. Finding out Garnet's real name and getting Save the Queen are also fun and add to the story line.

And it was nice not to have 2/3 of the game focus on emoness. Sure Zidane had his moment, but he had a good reason and he got over it pretty quickly.
I totally agree with IX being underrated. It was a shame, too! I really thought it was a fantastic game and to this day - it's my favorite Final Fantasy! The characters were soo memorable, even Quina, whom I dearly love. :neomon: : gets called a freak : I was entertained the whole way through and yes, Kuja beats the hell out of Sephiroth, the fanboi's favorite, as a bad guy. Big swords, the summoning of large rocks from outer space, tight black leather - just doesn't do it for me. I'm sorry!
FFIX was a bit underrated but I must say that it met lower than my expectations. Its characters weren't as memorable as its predecessors (except for Kuja) and it was weird of putting a kiddy character desgin in the whole medieval world. It was though I must admit especially with its two player mode.
I also have to agree that FF IX was definately underrated. It had a great storyline and a greater variety of characters and classes. This game also brought humor into the picture which was a well placed throughout the story. All and all I would give the game a 9 out of 10:P
Next to FF 10, FF 9 was my favorite. Yes, I do think it is VERY unerrated and unappreciated by many.

I see lots of people who bash at it even, saying it isn't worthy to be part of Final Fantasy.

But I really enjoyed it because it's unpredictable and I liked the environment and story very much.

And also the Is-Kuja-gay-or-not question you have in your head the whole time you're playing it. :lol:

Yeah, it is underrated in my opinion. I've spoken to lots of people online that love Final Fantasy IX, but as far as people I meet and talk to in person about FF, most of them claim that they didn't like FFIX.

Behind Final Fantasy VI, it's my personal favorite FF.
I feel that this game was very underrated and underappreciated by FF fans. I think this was the last of the series that was actually a very good game to play. Seems like after IX the games just got too lame for me, and didnt have characters nor a plot that I could get interested in.
This game was definately underrated. I talked to some friends the other day who love Final Fantasy, and when I asked if any of them liked IX it was a unanimous NO!! I just can't understand why so many people don't like this wonderful game.. It's amazing storyline, music, and characters make it my 2nd favorite FF game.. It definately deserves more respect than most people give it.
I think the best thing about this game is the mini-game, tbh.

That being said, I do like this game and it's the sole reason that I got so into Final Fantasy in the first place. I can even remember the day I bought it. :wacky:

I don't think this game is underrated, but I do think it deserves a little more praise for being the last real Final Fantasy game.
I think this game is under-rated, it really doesn't get the praise it deserves.

Mugen said:
it didn't have as many "epic" characters as VII and VIII, except for Kuja
Anyone who thinks the characters in VIII were more epic than the ones in IX really needs to replay the games. IX had some amazing characters with great stories - Zidane, Vivi, Freya, Garnet and Beatrix, for example, while FFVIII had 5 people who all grew up in the same orphanage. Lame.

I think FFIX was released at a bad time, it was released when the PS2 was and PS1 games were dying, it's a classic, and really is the last traditional FF, yet it doesn't really have any hardcore fanboys, when you compare that to the fact that FFVII and VIII have loads of screaming Cloud/Sephiroth/Squall fangirls, you kinda wish more people would hype Zidane and Kuja...
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if you have any love for nostalgic final fantasy or old fashioned stories, then FFIX is perfect for you! Me? I loved it!
I don't think it's underrated, I played the game and I didn't like the storyline nor the characters, and the villain is just bah I thought he was a girl at first, and I don't think it's underrated because many peoples like it but heck I don't know why. -_-
This FF is my second favorite after FF7 and one of my favorite video games of all the times.Don't get why it receives so much hate.Is it because the characters are short and don't remind humans,is it because there's not much blood,is it because it's not dark?I really don't know.I think Zidane was the flavor of the whole game.Up until two games ago we had two quiet characters(Cloud,Squall) and Zidane was very different.There would always be something funny whenever he talked.Whether it was Steiner or Garnet.He was flirty and not like the other characters that's why I loved him.But some don't seem to find him cool because of his tail and maybe because he's hyper.
I'm surprised there's people against this game...
This was what pulled me into the series, and got me embroiled in the world of Final Fantasy.
Plus the music, i thought it was really good... And graphics (For its time)