Why do people hate this game?

why would anyone hate this game? it had a GREAT story and it combined a good story with a good love story...something VIII couldn't do. the gamplay was good my only complaint was that you couldnt control when you wanted to go in trance mode.but thats a tiny flaw, its still one of the greatest final fantasies. my 2nd favorite behind VII and in front of X.
Why do people hate the game? fanboy/girl-ism, that's why.

Most people's favorite Final Fantasy seems to be the first one they played, especially after the 3D ones came out. So many people played FFVII, and they told all their friends to play FFVII, and when a new generation of gamers comes along they're all told "omg u have to play teh ff7 cloud is teh hot!!!11!" and so they do.

The game was a bit of a departure from VII and VIII, to be sure. That's why I prefer it. IMO, real Final Fantasy games have a 4-member party system. Not to mention airships and mogs and etc. I felt like I was playing an old-school FF in 3D. This one is my favorite and will remain so.
"omg u have to play teh ff7 cloud is teh hot!!!11!"

Haha you mean: "omg ^^ Sephy-sama is sooo kawaiii!!!!!"

Are you kidding me? How can people hate 9!? I really like it. Final Fantasy IX was a fun game to play. This game also had the best side quests. I think one of the reason why people don't like 9 because of the characters. They don't like the 'chibi' look. Well...thats what I heard.
i thought this game was awesome, i bought it the day it came out and didnt really stop until id done everything, it was a very good ff and iv played them all, it just kept me intersted as all ff games do, yeah it was a little easy but beating that planet thing was bloody hard. good story, good graphics, good soundtrack good everything whats not to like!

This was by far the most romantic game in the series.

And ultima...Squall pretty much hated Rinoa's guts throughout disc one and two...he had a spur of the moment realization that she's a cute chick. He even rejected her when she sat on his love stick in the Ragnarok. He said "You should sit in your own seat and buckle up."

-In FFIX, you have the scene where Zidane rescues Garnet from Alexandria and they hold onto one another.
-Garnet loses faith in herself (and her voice) and Zidane protects her while she is unable to protect her friends.
-Zidane loses faith in himself and Garnet comes to HIS rescue, meaning...it's not a one sided relationship.
-Battling for love goes without saying...that's what the whole story is about...battles....
On the romance part, I'd have to agree.
IX was much more effective than VIII.

In fact, I thought VIII was too much romance and less action.
IX on the other hand balances both of these equally, making the game enjoyable and preventing it from becoming a complete mushy-fest.
I think that the gam is amazing, but people may hate it because most of the characters are monsters like things, Garnet one of the only reall looking person, Stenier is alright. But I don't mind, But that's the reason why my friend hates it.:)

Wow, your friend really knows how to tell games good from bad. I wish I was able to analyze and make an assumption on an entire game just by how the characters look. :P

Anyways I like all of the FF's except for VIII... but yeah I don't think some of these reasons for not liking the game are that valid. I know you're all entitled to your own opinion, but how can a game be pronounced bad because it was too easy or because the characters don't look like humans with proportionate body parts. Sonic the hedgehog was amazing. Final Fantasy games are way too big, way too full of things to do to be able to form an opinion when your reason consists of 10 words. There are too many aspects of the game to be able to do that... but that's just my opinion...
On the romance part, I'd have to agree.
IX was much more effective than VIII.

In fact, I thought VIII was too much romance and less action.
IX on the other hand balances both of these equally, making the game enjoyable and preventing it from becoming a complete mushy-fest.

that's waht i was saying. in my opinion final fantasy 8 was unable to do a good job keeping me interested in what happened with the love aspect as well as the main story. but IX kept me guessing...whats gonna happen with zidane and garnet next?.. or whats gonna happen next period? this is what a good love story needs, action to back up the romantic aspects.
I love IX. It's my favourite FF. Even though I've never beat V, VI, VII and VIII, I know that IX will always be my favourite.

As for why few people liked it... The only Final Fantasy games before IX on the PS were VII and VIII, both very futuristic in nature. It's natural to assume that the fanbase they built among PS owners liked the futuristic environments, so when IX came out, they were very dissappointed. Really, those who don't like IX tend to prefer VII and VIII.
There's no reason to hate this game other than the battle system; the only feature that wasn't totally revamped and exciting.

The storyline was flawless and original.

And if you say you dislike the game based on the chibi graphics...you're just being too shallow. -_-

I do prefer VII over IX, YF...but it's a very close call.
I didn't like FFVIII at all. VII did have it's futuristic qualities, but it was completely original...unique...the storyline is what makes the game so worthwhile...
FFVIII is just far too industrial IMO...
There's no reason to hate this game other than the battle system; the only feature that wasn't totally revamped and exciting.

The storyline was flawless and original.

And if you say you dislike the game based on the chibi graphics...you're just being too shallow. -_-

I do prefer VII over IX, YF...but it's a very close call.
I didn't like FFVIII at all. VII did have it's futuristic qualities, but it was completely original...unique...the storyline is what makes the game so worthwhile...
FFVIII is just far too industrial IMO...
I was talking about those who DON'T like IX, and that they tend to like VII or VIII, I never said they are the only ones. As for the futuristic setting, I'm pretty sure that was introduced before VII, in VI, though it wasjust a bit less futuristical than VII, at least that's what I can tell from my current knowledge of the game (never beat either).
Nono I know what you mean...most of the people who dislike FFIX are really into FFVIII. I know plenty of people prefer VII and IX as their favorite titles because the storylines are really worth playing the game for. ^___^

But FFVIII and IX are so different...
I think FFVIII is different in a bad way though. =\
Nono I know what you mean...most of the people who dislike FFIX are really into FFVIII. I know plenty of people prefer VII and IX as their favorite titles because the storylines are really worth playing the game for. ^___^

But FFVIII and IX are so different...
I think FFVIII is different in a bad way though. =\

Well, that's totally opinion based. Besides, it's pretty clear that the games attract different audiences, seeing how different they are.
I am really glad that they introduced a game like FFIX...
I actually started off with FFVII as my first game...then I played VIII, then IX...and so on...

So FFIX was actually the third game that I played, and it was by far one of the best, even after VII and VIII...and still is IMO...I didn't play any of the older FF titles until...quite recently actually...

It seems as if plenty of people favor the game which introduced them to the series...o.0
*pokes Nephany* >.>

All my friends (that hated IX) gave me the same reason: They don't like the kiddy look. The funny part is that I found it to be one of the most serious FF games, people died without mercy. Sometimes they died without even knowing they were about to die.
That reminds me of people who didn't like Zelda: Wind Waker because of the graphics.

People like that make me laugh. How pretentious can you get? Do you just not let yourself have fun? Do you prefer melodrama to a good story and good gameplay?
was the last actual good ff made ! the graphics just fitted wiv the style of the game ! i dont understand how ppl culd say this is the worst ff wen its compared to x an xii !