Why do people hate this game?

Well, it took me up until Disc 3 to realise it was crap. (I joke) x3 I stopped playing at Disc 3 cause it got impossible.

seriously?? i thought FF9 was one of the easiest FF games. Its absolutely amazing, and the ending is the best in an FF game imo. My fav FF games in order are:

1) FF7
2) FF9
3) FF8
People can say anithing they want for this game, but I LOVE IT.
It's my best forever.
It returns to the classic-style of the Nintendo FF of the 90's, when FFVII & FFVIII were too "far" from this style. FFIX marked a "rememoral breath" to the originals Final Fantasy.

The FFIX characters have the MOST traumatic-phylosophical-metaphysic (so deepest) personality of all series!!! (well, I've never played FF Tactics, people say it's the best story, probably the characters are too).
A lot of people hate it because Zidane is a sexual outspoken kid just like a normal 16 year old!

And emo people prefer emo Squall or emo Cloud because i don´t know....i guess they relate themselfes with them:mad:
A lot of people hate it because Zidane is a sexual outspoken kid just like a normal 16 year old!

And emo people prefer emo Squall or emo Cloud because i don´t know....i guess they relate themselfes with them:mad:

I thought Zidane was 24.
I don't know if it was mentioned but another reason is that FFIX was released after the PS2 came out (Well in Europe anyway). Before I got FFIX, I think I only actually saw a brief review in a magazine and that was it. When I got it I completely forgot that it came out. I don't think it was hyped up enough. FFXII was released close to the PS3 but the amount of hype surrounding the game obviously would have helped the sales.
And Zidane acts like a normal 16 year old i believe!

Not like Squall who is 17 and acts like a troubled 40 year old!
ff9 was my first game of the ff series i played and i nearly died on the weird plant until someone showed me how to use dyne so i think it should have in game instructions or something........
i didnt really get into this game because i was trying to complete FFVIII with only items and physical attacks
Many consider FFVII (for whatever reason) to be the best FF game in the Series, so naturally after FFVII fans expected better but IMO no FF game is as bad as FFTA, I personally like this game alot, it has good character development and the music is, as awlays, one of the highlights of the game
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FFIX is my favourite game in the series, and I know at least three others who agree with me. The FMV graphics are almost on par with some of the stuff you see on PS2, the story is excellent, and the gameplay is wondrous. Oh, and I love the character designs.
Best FF-game I've played along with VI !

The fantasy-part is really big in this one (there are not as many humans as in other FFs). I enjoyed the storyline a lot and the world was the best ever (big cities who all are very different). The characters were very fun!

I like the equipment system and that you can learn abilities by them. There's an overload of equipment which some may find annoying and others (like me) fantastic.

The difficulty is quite alright, there are some more difficult parts altho you should have no trouble in any of the random battles, only the boss battles are hard.

Great music: especially on terra, black mage village, mount gulug,...

Fun minigames
Like I've said (I think). It is usually the people that are probably not totally into the FF series but had played either FFVII/VIII or both and thought it was crap. A lot of FF fans really appreciate this game as it is a great FF title but it probably didn't appeal to many as FFVII and VIII might have.
i guess it was because it had a different kind of graphics to its predecessors, making it more childish and some people despised that whilst others praised the way they went about it.
Yes. A lot of gamers prefer the realistic type games. That's why people are also quick to down grade the Wii because of it's more friendly appeal.