Why do people hate this game?

i dont know why any1 cud hate this game it was awesome. has there ever been a bad final game ever?? no!!! i loved 9. the blend of character is brilliant. the fact that a monkey can get a beautiful princess gives us all hope.lol.

that gargant roo bit annoys me tho always get stuck there for ages.

ff9 rules

You must be talking about Fossil Roo. the one with the Switches and everything.

VII sucked compared to this game in my opinion.
Back on Topic. Now we're getting back to reps.
Even though VII sold the most, VIII came out after...sales went WAY down. and yes they probably did hope for another VII battle simulated game, only to find that it was junk,something to add to the collection.
Than IX came out...noone gave it a chance in this world *cries*.....
I did hate it, but because it reminded me of my first boyfriend and this was his fav Final Fantasy. But I started to play it again last year and I refell in love with it. Its my second favourite Final Fantasy. The characters are okay, although Zidane and Quina annoy me, but I dont let that ruin the game.
I think that the gam is amazing, but people may hate it because most of the characters are monsters like things, Garnet one of the only reall looking person, Stenier is alright. But I don't mind, But that's the reason why my friend hates it.:)
How could any1 hate it !!! it was an all tym classic ! the characters an clothing was admitedly crazy lookin but that was the point ! FF ppl are meant 2 be weird ! take cloud for ex. he might look normalish but wot about his legendary purple outfit ! any way i luvd it !!!!!
mainly, I didnt like it cause I didn't give it much of a try. But also, I didn't like the characters. I didn't like Quina or Steiner or Freya really. The only characters I actually did like were Beatrix and sometimes Dagger and Zidane were cool
Everyone I know enjoyed it. I liked it to it wasnet that bad. I think its awsome that the characters were different for once. I liked the fact that the characters were so much more diverse than usual. Othe than Quina all the characters were awsome especially everyone's favorite black mage, Vivi.
FF9 was a great game! I had only played FF7 (favourite!) before this and I did notice a huge difference, but I really enjoyed it! Like FF7 it all seemed fun but then I played FF8 after and found FF8 much less fun and less enjoyable because of this! Seemed too serious inna way... just hoping they continue to make the fun ones!!
FFIX is my second favourite FF game. The only thing that strikes out to me why people wouldn't like it because of the art design after FFVIII and with new FF fans might not be too happy with that. I nevermind them though because I know this is a great game.
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The most common complaint I get is the characters look "cartoony" and chibified. Never thought the art stylings were terrible by any means; "the first two discs were kinda slow plot-wise" is a much more reasonable nitpick, since it's actually got legitimized to a degree. Why people obsess over adequate yet different graphics, I'll never know.
I actually though that this was one of the better FF games. I really liked the storyline. I guess some people didn't expect that kind of storyline because it was fan-based. But who knows, they might just be retarded.

Thats funny considering FFIX is graphically better than VII and VIII as far as FF games on the PS1 go. Although I think its stupid to hate a game for the character designs. If someone cant see past something they don't like and see something even better they shouldn't be allowed to judge.

Thats just the way I see it.
Quoted by Seloan: FFIX was my first and favorite Final Fantasy. Might be my favorite game of all time.

I've only played VII, IX, and X though.

I'm exactly the same! I thought FF VII sucked but everyone else thinks its the best! But I loved Advent Children!
I finally came to my senses and decided to play it again only a couple of months after completing it although this time I plan to do a lot more sidequests. Just got to Dali and this time being more prepared, I have a decent inventory for the moment. God I love this game, not far in the game and already spotted some good quotes.

(Cinna busts in when Zidane and Garnet try to escape)
Zidane: Don't worry Princess, it's my friend Cinna.
Garnet: Oh really? I am sorry. You startled me.
Zidane: Well, with a face like this, I'd be pretty shocked, too!
Cinna: Man, that hurts! I wash every morning, you know!

(Zidane's reason to save Garnet)
Zidane: I can't sit around knowing a girl's in trouble. Goes against my nature.
Blank: Whatever. You're full of crap.
Zidane: Ohhh... I get it. You're jealous that I'm gonna get me a sweetie pie.
Pshhhh... She's not even my type. I came down here to give you this.
You're always thinking about me... but I won't need a love potion to reel this one in.

The humour works well in this game.

actually i find it a good game (like the other ff except the x-2)...i don't how can some people say that's a childish game...
People just don't like this game soley because FF7 came before it. I mean people are to pickey now-a-days. I'd say it was one of the better FF in the series.