Why do people hate this game?

Haha I think that Zidane's character just shined a new light on the whole series. What I especially love about him is that he doesn't let his feelings for Garnet interfere with his own personal issues.
I like how he actually dared to leave her behind when he had to deal with his own errands. That's what made me hate FFVIII...not that it was a bad game altogether, but Squall was so rambunctious because of Rinoa. I'm glad that Zidane had his own personality. ^_^
Zidane and Dagger I think had one of the best Final Fantasy relationships. Neither of them were so obsessed with the other that it would make me hate the pairing.

There also wasn't any love at first sight going on. Zidane saw that Dagger was hot was wanted to get laid and Dagger was annoyed by him. They slowly fell for each other as the game went on though and had one of the most emotional endings in all of Final Fantasy.

They also have one of the best scenes.

Zidane after accidently touching her butt: Ooh soft...
And then Dagger got mad and said something that I can't remember.
Haha I think that Zidane's character just shined a new light on the whole series. What I especially love about him is that he doesn't let his feelings for Garnet interfere with his own personal issues.
I like how he actually dared to leave her behind when he had to deal with his own errands. That's what made me hate FFVIII...not that it was a bad game altogether, but Squall was so rambunctious because of Rinoa. I'm glad that Zidane had his own personality. ^_^
Zidane is something special ... not purely because of his origins (being a special Genome created by Garland), but because he had a seemingly unending sense of compassion whilst retaining a sense of duty. At the end of the day, it always came down to, "You don't need a reason to help people", even if that applied to someone who destroyed one world and tried to destroy another ... like Kuja. :)

Interestingly, Cloud had a similar perspective, which was exemplified in FFVII: Advent Children, when he said, "You just don't get it, do you, Sephiroth? There's nothing I don't cherish". Unending compassion to all living things ... this is what we need to remember. :)
LOL yeah I loved the way their relationship progressed. ^_^
It was cute that he was always hitting on her. But they didn't let it get in the way of their mission.

Kether, yeah I completely agree.
Plenty of people might say that Cloud and Squall are the same, but IMO they are 100% opposites in terms of personality.
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I'd have to say that VII and X are better than this game, but I did like that there were lots of secrets and subquests on IX. And they weren't totally impossible, like the Ruby and Emerald Weapons on VII... Ozma was pretty damn hard, but it was a challenge, and I like that. And it was totally worth all the effort when i got to see it shatter into a million pieces! So satisfying! I liked the world on IX too, it was really interesting, and beautiful.
ruby and emerald weapons were easy
but i prefer 7 to 9 .
But dont get me wrong, ff9 is one of my favs
I prefer FFVIII on the whole, though FFIX wasn't too bad. The story line was a bit draged out towards the end, but besides that the characters and all were great so there is little to complain about - except Garnet or Dagger or whatever, she just annoyed me.
I think MOST of the people(note the word MOST) that hate ff9 are people that...
Write magazines and dont know wtf theyre talking about
Never played it and want to pose as gamers
Or are just plain a-holes. The game was fun! Forget them! you dont like FFIX, dont play it.
Plenty of people prefer VII to IX, since FFVII has such an intricate plot.
You really don't need to theorize your own ideas in FFIX, since everything is bluntly described in the game. :)
I think the people don't like FF9 that much bcoz of Kuja, I mean this bad guy is sissy and gay too(I think)...did u ever saw a bad guy wear like him?!
He only looks like a gay sissy because it isn't in real time high resolution sequences like Advent Children.
The game is hated because it's different from the so-called "beloved" FFVII and FFVII games that were made prior to it. FFIX threw a new slew of characters our way, in which they weren't given the stereotypically "cool" look to them. FFIX was a great game. It would have probably been the worst ever though if it was based off of FFVII and FFVIII and used many of the features from those games.

Change is good. FFIX was unique and definitely interesting in terms of characters, storyline, and battle system. Also, those FMV's were BEAUTIFUL!
It brings a lot of originality back. FFVIII had no moogles, and you couldn't do chocobo sidequests without a bloody pocket station!

FFIX has a lot of great aspects. ^_^
Because of the great music, sidequests and love story. ^_^
I think the people don't like FF9 that much bcoz of Kuja, I mean this bad guy is sissy and gay too(I think)...did u ever saw a bad guy wear like him?!

Who cares if he looked like a sissy. He started an entire world war! Who knows how many deaths he was responsible for. Just goes to show that you can't judge a villian based on looks.
Didnt someone say that in the original version, he was female?
That may explain some of the femininity of his character.

Or you could always look at it in the aspect that it's a game in a fantasy based world. o_O
i liked it, it was the first final fantasy game i had ever played when i was younger. IX is really what got me into FF
You're lucky that you got a good game as your introduction to the series.
FFVII is a really confusing introduction.
And FFVIII sucked. Period.
I really like FFIX because there were some nice sidequests to do like the chocobo sidequest and i thought it had a good story. It kinda resembled ff4 with cecil being lunarian