Why do people hate this game?

Most of the old school final fantasy fans loved this game. (I'm talking, if you first got addicted way before VII and loved them) If you're first final fantasy that you fell in love with was VII, then you probably wouldn't like this game. It has the old school feel to it, which I love. :)
I liked IX a lot. It was nice to see a game set in a traditional fantasy setting after VII and VIII. Don't get me wrong, I liked those games, but they were more sci-fi than fantasy. I was also very amused by all the references to past games.

I really loved the story and the characters of this game. It was nice to have a more lighthearted character after Cloud and Squall. And Vivi is the cutest thing ever. Freya is just awesome and very well developed. It was also fun to have a goofy knight as opposed to the traditional badass knight.

Kuja is one of my favorite villians of the series. I mean, the guy started an entire world war! That's more than Sephiroth ever did. And what's not to like about a guy that wears a thong and trys to destroy the world?

This game by far has the best side quests. I expecially loved the chocobo hunting game.

People say this game is more childish, but what's so childish about:
-Dagger's mother trying to kill her in order to steal her eidolons.
-Vivi pondering his existence and is terrified of dying, several towns are bombed and destroyed.
-Zidane finds out about his orgins and nearly loses it, Eiko and Dagger summon a very power eidolon (Alexander) in order to stop bahamut but end up destorying the city.
-Zidane, the main character, is a thief, and you start out the game by kidnapping a princess and succeeding.
-Freya's lover returns with no memory of her and never gets it back.
-Blank is petrified through half the game after saving everyone.
-Black Mages don't understand the concept of death and wonder when their dead friends will wake up.
-All through out the game, most of the characters are afraid of dying. In the end after the fight with Kuja, Necron comes out as death personified. You fight this battle but you technically don't win because death can never be avoided, but the characters decide to keep fighting and never give up. (Meaning that they will live as long as they can)

This game is a lot darker than people give it credit for!

The ending is also great. It was nice to have a happy ending.
Most of the old school final fantasy fans loved this game. (I'm talking, if you first got addicted way before VII and loved them) If you're first final fantasy that you fell in love with was VII, then you probably wouldn't like this game. It has the old school feel to it, which I love. :)
VII was the first one I fell in love with and I still like IX.
VII was my first as well but IX is my favorite.

There's no reason to hate the game unless you hate good storylines, characters, worlds, graphics and music.
Ω Xenogias Ω

Well I can compare a few things with FFVI and FFIX...-

1) Kefka & Kuja both betrayed those they were working for (Emperor Gastahl & Queen Brahne).

Kefka wasnt betrayed by Gastahl, in fact, Kefka absorbed the power of the three statue and murdered Gastahl in cold blood with a powerful magic spell and threw him off the floating island - SHIIROW

I dont know why people over rate 7 so much... half the people who rave over the game havent played a single FF before it... I was a role player back in 1987 with the NES and Master System... I played the very first Final Fantasy... and four... and six... though with the re-numbered SNES versions... Honestly seven seemed incomplete and wraught with typos and text screw ups... one part in the game made absolutely no sense whatsoever... and dont get me started on eight...

But back to the topic at hand... nine was a magnificent game, it was easy and pretty linear... and anyone who spent enough time getting techniques and leveling could easily make it to the end... there was similiarities to six sure, but its not the same game...
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Personally, I can't understand why people think FFIX is such a bad game. I mean yeah, of course its not like FFVII at all, but eh idk. VI and IX are probably the best in my book. I never really started liking VII until this year, I actually sat down and paid attention to the storyline and such. My recent discovery though is that I hate FFVIII....gah.

OK that went a little off, sorry about that. Yeah about FFIX being too childish? like Rydia posted, this game seems to have more mature situations than most of the games in the series; disregarding the graphics of course. :P
Most of the old school final fantasy fans loved this game. (I'm talking, if you first got addicted way before VII and loved them) If you're first final fantasy that you fell in love with was VII, then you probably wouldn't like this game. It has the old school feel to it, which I love. :)
Heh, I'm an old schooler and I didn't really care for this game. I just couldn't get into the characters at all. There was too much "Hollywoodized forced in humor" for me. Every time I see Steiner I am reminded of Jar Jar Binks...
9 just didn't live up to the hype that was lingering on SE's doorstep at that time. But i think it would have done better if the older FF's had been released in both the US and the UK because it had A LOT of references to older FFs. It just seemed like storyline to all players of that time that were not japanesse. 9 is probably one of my top five, but, i still don't see why people hate it myself. If people want to hate an FF, they should butcher FF-10/2. it DESERVES IT.
I played FF9 first and me and my friends had never heard of the ff serise. (We were 12) I then played FF8, FF7, FF6, FF5, FF4, FF2 and then FF1.

To me FF9 weapon's, accessory's, summon/eidion and trance was easier to get a hold of than 8 or 7.
FF9 helped me a lot when I was younger. It was the only thing stopping me from braking and made me able to cry again. (long story) Vivi was my favorite character. The storyline was good and it was a shame didn't do more with it.
I may not be in the right position to say this, but Final Fantasy IX was, and still is, one of my favorite Final Fantasy games. It's the one that I still play after all of the years that I've had it. It was the initial reason why I bought my Playstation actually...which kind of makes it my first Final Fantasy.

I'll admit that the game does have a few faults, but so does VII and VIII; Final Fantasy VIII, in my opinion, was a big flop for me (the Junction system just did not make sense). It's also one of the few games that I'll actually write fan ficiton for (which is big, since I only write what piques my interest).

Many of the characters were memorable, for one reason or another.
The music was incredible in my opinion, and whenever I can, I always listen to Kuja's/Terra's theme and Melodies of Life.
The scenery was incredible; the designers were incredibly imaginative to come up with something like the Iifa Tree and Terra.
The system for learning abilities and skills was easy to use and understand, which serves me just fine.
Finally, the story was pretty good.

Also, because of this game, I'm a Kuja fan...
...I happen to like last-minute redeemers.
there's nothing wrong with the game,,
people only say that this was a bad game because gamers of today,, focus on the "cool" thing of a game, if they couldn't find any,, they judge it right then and there as a badgame,,

another possible thing might be is that, ff9 was launched after 2 great square games, ff7 and 8,

i wonder what would gamers say if square make a sequel of this game 3 or 4 years later of the original story,, zidane and the others would grown fuller that time,, well nobody knows what possibility may bring. goodday
It is a great game BUT the alot of the others are better. I think FF9 takes a few plays to be fully appreaciated.

Top 5 FF's
3) FFX
5) FFV
I can't believe people are saying that FFVIII was better than FFIX. Absolutely no way!! Don't get me wrong FFVIII was a very nice game that had a lot of great ideas but it had a lot of flaws in it that amounted to a lesser experience than FFIX. FFIX was a lot better than VIII for sure!!
I apologize for my language in advance.:P

Fucking midgets... again, and the guy who uses swords is a douchebag. That is all.
I think IX was alright. It had a solid story and a couple of the characters (Zidane, Dagger/Garnet, Kuja, Beatrix) they were ok. Honestly, I think that the reason most of the ppl hate this game is because of the characters Steiner, The Queen and that wierd "Quina" thing. Not to mention the graphics were "slightly" on the kiddy side.

Not exactly squares best composed Final Fantasy but I still like it.
I would give FFIX a 7/10 because I play RPG's for the story lines and this one had a great one! Especially the ending.
I can understand why some people would hate this game. Plenty of people whine about Quina, and the random trance system. Admitted, the trance system was a butthole to deal with.
But on the other hand, it had one of the best love stories. Zidane and Garnet fell in love progressively; not immediately. I liked watching their feelings for each other grow throughout the game. ^_^

I think that FFIX has some of the best music out of the series. Not to mention that Zidane and Garnet are one of the best couples. And the sidequests were actually worth while, and somewhat of a good challenge!
Well, I've got to say that FFIX is my favourite FF game, so far, of all time. :)

I love the story (so in-depth), the graphic-style (should be used more often), the quality of the FMV's (which are much better than some PS2 games, I reckon), the music (truly ancient and Celtic) ... everything about. Squaresoft knew that FFIX would be their last attempt of a proper, full-on PS1 FF game and they delivered with panache. :D

FFVII at the mo gets all the accolade because no other FF game leaves so many plot questions unanswered. Of course, this led the way to developing many sequels/spin-offs, which has risen the original game to "Cult" status. But if you compare FFVII and FFIX purely on their own, FFIX wins hands down.

Perhaps it's because I prefer more 'traditional' fantasy ... FFVII is more 'Sci-Fantasy' than fantasy ... I love the legends/myths aspect to FFIX, and I love the entire medievil setting.

It's an unsung hero, clouded over by FFVII because of recent developments, but FFIX is an extremely influential game in the RPG scene as a whole. :)
I think that the graphics made it easier to see the game in the light of fantasy. And I agree with you, the music was absolutely beautiful, and it only compares in quality to FFVII's beautiful arrangements.
I also think that FFIX was one of Square's successful attempts.

Not to mention that the main character has the best personality that I've ever seen in the series to date. :)
I think that the graphics made it easier to see the game in the light of fantasy.
You're right there. The aim of fantasy, in terms of G.H. Chesteron, is to take the ordinary, everyday things, pick it up and show it in a different light so that it once again becomes something new. FFIX does this brilliantly.

And I agree with you, the music was absolutely beautiful, and it only compares in quality to FFVII's beautiful arrangements.
Indeed. FFIX music just ... beautiful. So beautiful and fits the scenes perfectly.

I also think that FFIX was one of Square's successful attempts.
Yes, indeed. Like I said, it was their last attempt on the PS1 before the PS2 came out, so they went all out, 4 CD's ... it's a masterpiece.

Not to mention that the main character has the best personality that I've ever seen in the series to date. :)
He does indeed. "You don't need a reason to help people". That is profound ... more people need to remember this. :)