Why do people hate this game?

You're lucky that you got a good game as your introduction to the series.
FFVII is a really confusing introduction.
And FFVIII sucked. Period.
yeah i know what you mean, bcuz before trying out IX i played VII and i gave up bcuz i didn't quite like it. But now after all these years im thinking of giving it another shot, just have to clean the dust on the case first tho :P
FFIX was my game to start on even though it wasn't the first one I completed. I personally agree with those of you who are saying it is a good intro to the series because it does break down a lot of the harder concepts, and the characters are so easy to get to know.

The great part though for us veterans then is that towards the end it gets more challenging with Garlandcreating Kua and Zidane and what Zidane's main purpose was; where Necron came from and what the "Hill of Despair" is, etc. Great game for all levels of play in the FF world.

I Love FFIX.

And Tacos.
FFIX was my game to start on even though it wasn't the first one I completed. I personally agree with those of you who are saying it is a good intro to the series because it does break down a lot of the harder concepts, and the characters are so easy to get to know.

The great part though for us veterans then is that towards the end it gets more challenging with Garlandcreating Kua and Zidane and what Zidane's main purpose was; where Necron came from and what the "Hill of Despair" is, etc. Great game for all levels of play in the FF world.

I Love FFIX.

And Tacos.
agreed...I love FF IX, better said, I love Final Fantasy, PERIOD.
I don't completely remember what I put in my last post.

I think a lot of people don't like this game because they started with VII. So they started with a badass main character. Then they played VIII and had another badass main character. Then they went to IX and they had Zidane who was not badass like Cloud and Squall. The story wasn't full of emoness so they immediately think, "It's childish!" I already said in my last post why this game wasn't childish.

Of course many of these people won't play any game before VII so they won't see any similarities to the previous games.

As much as I love VII and VIII, IX was a breath of fresh air and actually felt like a Final Fantasy game after playing the last two.
I started on FFIX. Hated it... Then loved it. I love VIII too. I dislike VII. Maybe just because I gave up on it cuz it was so damn SLOW. IX is probably my favorite. Then XII then VIII.
FF9 at first wasn't so bad...but after I've finish the game up,I hated it.

Hard to explain, but the game itself seems well...to low for me, the FF energy is so slim that everytime I try playing this game, i turn out the machine and go straight to something else ( FFVII ). Honestly, that game didn't have such a bad story line, but the gameplay sorta bored me to a point, that i though that this game really lacked compared to 7. Although, that is only my personally opinion, everyone is different.
I played almost all of the other FFs before IX, and i still think IX is one of the best. I prefer the earlier FFs which is why i loved IX so much. The first thing i thought when i played it was "this is so much better than VII & VIII". Of course my love of IX may be biased as my gf has the same name as the female lead, but that just makes me enjoy the game even more
Well, it didn't suck as such...
It just didn't have the same impact that e.g. FFIV, VI and VII did.
It was much better than VIII and almost in every wat better than X.
Sure it went a bit crazy in the end, so that kind of made it feel like a crappy ending, but still... It was epic, and that is a lot better than crappy VIII.

The best FFs of all time:


III I haven't played yet, so can't say anything of it... But probably it goes somewhere between II and V.
Why is X way down there? =/

I actually put X above most of the old games that I liked (probably on part with VI). Great story, drama, graphics & animation, gameplay wasn't bad either (the sphere grid is probably the greatest system implemented in any FF game so far) not to sounds and voices (they weren't bad even in the english version of the game).

X-2 was complete garbage though, its like the only good part about that game was getting the perfect ending just to properly end FFX. Though I did like finding out more about spira and the war from before...
I would suggest that we all stay on topic and quit spamming the topic, please, and thank you or i will get a mod and/or admin.

I dont think that people so much hate it... they just think/make snap judgements "its just ANOTHER Final Fantasy for me to play and beat"
" it cant be as good as the others..."
i think that gamers dont give it a real chance after playing VIII. and after playing VIII, they think " that system sucked, or so and so happened when i did this" and all those thoghts revolve around the NEXT Final Fantasy...IX! they think maybe theyll have similar systems, or since they had enough with the PSX Final Fantasy series theyll wait for PS2 Final Fantasy series to come out.
but i DO think VIII gave it a bad Rep
I would suggest that we all stay on topic and quit spamming the topic, please, and thank you or i will get a mod and/or admin.

I dont think that people so much hate it... they just think/make snap judgements "its just ANOTHER Final Fantasy for me to play and beat"
" it cant be as good as the others..."
i think that gamers dont give it a real chance after playing VIII. and after playing VIII, they think " that system sucked, or so and so happened when i did this" and all those thoghts revolve around the NEXT Final Fantasy...IX! they think maybe theyll have similar systems, or since they had enough with the PSX Final Fantasy series theyll wait for PS2 Final Fantasy series to come out.
but i DO think VIII gave it a bad Rep
Why would VIII give IX a bad rep? VIII had its bad sides with randomly getting characters with GFs switched out for one that don't but I don't think that gave IX a bad feel.

I personally think IX is one of the greatest FF games. Vivi is by far my most favorite character of all the games because he kicks ass!

Maybe what made people feel uneasy about IX was cross-dresser Kuja. ^_^
Why would VIII give IX a bad rep? VIII had its bad sides with randomly getting characters with GFs switched out for one that don't but I don't think that gave IX a bad feel.

I personally think IX is one of the greatest FF games. Vivi is by far my most favorite character of all the games because he kicks ass!

Maybe what made people feel uneasy about IX was cross-dresser Kuja. ^_^

LMAO! i have to give you a 100% exactly right about the Kuja thing.
I dont know why they created a character that wears a thong...?????
the guy does look kindaaaa womanish. the whole facial features, and choice of clothing OMG why, what would make a man wear that. he obviously went insane right after he was created then started trying on womans clothing....
anyways back on topic, i can see your point of view but in my case the systems reaked with chaos. i wouldnt of tried this game if i hadnt of bought the guide first.
And between me and you, this is my favorite Final Fantasy Too
i only heard about everyones problem with FF IX last week, i think its amazing, one of the best, and far far far superior to x (which was good but just not as indepth). M'oan the IX
I think Final Fantasy IX was a great game overall but the random encounters slowed down the game so much, even at the highest battle speed.
i dont know why any1 cud hate this game it was awesome. has there ever been a bad final game ever?? no!!! i loved 9. the blend of character is brilliant. the fact that a monkey can get a beautiful princess gives us all hope.lol.

that gargant roo bit annoys me tho always get stuck there for ages.

ff9 rules
Ive just thought of a very good (At least IMO) reason of why IX is so under-rated - IX was released shortly after the PS2 came out which means that when it came out people would have been more interested in the PS2 games and brushing IX off as a "another PS1 game"
I think it was because of the high of FF7, everyone loved FF7, I mean, everyone and their dogs and grandmas loved FF7.... FF8 came out, people didn't like it, it sold, but it wasn't liked, so they continued thinking that Square will do something more like FF7 with FF9, they didn't so that's why they hate it..