Why do people hate this game?

Ω Xenogias Ω;159711 said:
*pokes Nephany* >.>

All my friends (that hated IX) gave me the same reason: They don't like the kiddy look. The funny part is that I found it to be one of the most serious FF games, people died without mercy. Sometimes they died without even knowing they were about to die.

I know, I know. So many people complain that it was hard to take seriously because of the chibi design, as well as because of Kuja's appearance, however...I personally rank FFIX right next to FFVII on a scale of seriousness. XD

FFIX revolved around love, war, and friendship. It wasn't a cheesy game at all. Every game has it's ups and downs, but this one was almost perfect.

The only aspect that might not be considered likeable is the battle/ability system.
My First FF was one on the nintendo cuz we have like 2 of them laying around and i loved 1. then i played 8 and loved the story on it. i played through 8 and picked up 7 and loved it too. i hadnt played 9 until abput 2 years ago after i had gone through X and X-2(ICK). but when i play 9 i feel it lacks that good Story Hook that all the other games have at the start.

1-Lighting The Orbs
7-Chasing Sepiroth
8-Becoming A seeD
X-Finding Your Way Home
X-2- Even though i dont like it, it had the right idea to focus on finding tidus
Tbh appart from the wierd characters I really enjoyed IX. I loved the weapons, the whole ''Trance'' thing was class. The workshop idea was genious. The graphics wernt bad either and the storyline was amazing.

So I dont know why people hated it. Maybe because some of the characters looked like retards. lol
None of the FFs are as good as they could be.
As far as I know, none of them have ever been 100% completed upon their release. Hence why the later versions which are released in other countries... months after American releases...are packed with extras.

FFIX had poor character development...to a degree. The characters were satisfactory...only a few of them had very good development. Characters like Quina and Amarant kind of bit the dust on that plane.

The game had good sidequests...plenty of moogles and chocobos.

Only thing that left me SOMEWHAT dissapointed was the battle/trance/ability system.
That reminds me of people who didn't like Zelda: Wind Waker because of the graphics.

People like that make me laugh. How pretentious can you get? Do you just not let yourself have fun? Do you prefer melodrama to a good story and good gameplay?

Not just that i know people that wont play kingdom hearts because it has disney characters and scences in it
Right. FFIX had one of the best stories.
FFVIII had something going, but the giddy childish romance between Squall and Rinoa ruined what could have been a great plot.
I think it's great. So far(I havn't completed it yet) the storyline is almost as epic as FFVII. A lot of people probably don't like it because it has a medi-evil theme and is not so futeristic(like FFVII and FFVIII).
Simply put, IX is one of the best FFs made, ranking right up there with IV and VI.

As for why people dont like it...about 90% of the anti-IX people i've encountered say the main reason they hate it is because of Kuja, which is pretty friggin shallow if you ask me. "liek omg! an effeminate villain!" That's the dumbest reason to hate a game or a character, simply because they're effeminate.

I ask you this: given Kuja's soft physical features, would normal male clothes even look right on him? Frankly, i dont think so. And aside from his appearance and mannerisms, nothing about him was effeminate at all.

Also...i think most people who hate IX are the ones who grew up on VII and VIII, so they're used to more sci-fi and cyberpunk elements. Not only that, but IX is an homage to all the oldschool FFs, so unless you've played the older ones, there's alot of things in the game you wont be able to appreciate as much.
I won't say that I hated the game, but I did not like it very much. I remember playing it after I first bought it and I only made it about 4-5 hour in because I got bored. After a few years I decided to try it again. I still didn't like it, I was still a little bored, and the only character that I really liked was Kuja. It was only okay.
I also agree with VengefulRonin with the fact that I can't say how many time's I've heard people bashing FFIX altogether just because of the character Kuja.

Or just to go with the fact that it didn't have as much of a gripping story or really Cool main character (a lot of my friends hate it for that reason).

I personally loved Final Fantasy IX although I only got onto disc 2 with just playing it myself and then saddly my disc 2 and 3 broke lending it to people. I really liked the main character Zidan(e) aslo and Vivi ^^ .

It's definatly one of the better FF game's in the whole series in my opinion :] .
Zidane bugged me a bit, because I have a major dislike for the "ladies man". Otherwise, I found every aspect of IX to be brilliant. The world map was detailed enough and original for each new area to keep the player interested, and housed great locations over the entire world. From towns to crevices in mountain-sides, I thought the detail was great.

Like Nephany mentioned, the character development seems somewhat fleeting. I can actually see character development in wonderfully subtle moments throughout the whole game... I don't know how other people can't see it too. Quina didn't really change, and she/he's the only real exception. More of a comical implementation to the story, I find.

As for the issue with Kuja, it's a ludicrous argument. Because he has a certain attire, and a feminine face, does that make him gay? Even if he were, is that worth slating the entire game because of it? Personally, I thought Kuja was by far one of the most accomplished villains in FF history.
I think it is a fantastic game, A quality summery of many of the old ff games.

I can't believe that people can judge a game to be bad because of a feminine male villain, Kuja is a great character.
I think this game is/was awesome. Kuja being a little girly like is a set back but this game has MANY great things. Characters, Good battle system, Good story, Summons, and reallly good looking FMV's. I played FFXII all the way through then came back to this game to go at FFIX for the second time. If you compair the quality of the FMV's on this PS1 game vs. FFXII for PS2 you have to admit that FFIX was ahead of its time. Now the main graphics, you can see the difference in years and consoles as far as regular game play graphics.

I always hear people bash this game and I say let them. I have never cared what someone may say about a game this old. Due to new consoles and better games of course FFIX will not hold up through the ages. But it sure left its mark, as all great games do.
I also agree with VengefulRonin with the fact that I can't say how many time's I've heard people bashing FFIX altogether just because of the character Kuja.

Or just to go with the fact that it didn't have as much of a gripping story or really Cool main character (a lot of my friends hate it for that reason).

Zidane wasnt particularly as cool as someone like Cloud, but Zidane was alot more down to earth. He was a bit of a perv which kind of annoyed me, but he was alot easier to relate to than Cloud. And personally, i like it better when i can relate to the main character of the story, instead of them being distant and inhuman and cold.

Like Nephany mentioned, the character development seems somewhat fleeting. I can actually see character development in wonderfully subtle moments throughout the whole game... I don't know how other people can't see it too. Quina didn't really change, and she/he's the only real exception. More of a comical implementation to the story, I find.

As for the issue with Kuja, it's a ludicrous argument. Because he has a certain attire, and a feminine face, does that make him gay? Even if he were, is that worth slating the entire game because of it? Personally, I thought Kuja was by far one of the most accomplished villains in FF history.

Well, the thing is...most people who hate IX or cant see the character development are the PSone generation of gamers. These are kiddies that grew up with distant, cold Cloud and not as much character development as in IV or VI. So really, they dont even know what to look for. You said it's subtle, and thats why they cant see it.

And with them bashing the game cuz of Kuja...i just chalk it up to them either being homophobes or they arent secure enough in their own masculinity.

I think this game is/was awesome. Kuja being a little girly like is a set back but this game has MANY great things. Characters, Good battle system, Good story, Summons, and reallly good looking FMV's. I played FFXII all the way through then came back to this game to go at FFIX for the second time. If you compair the quality of the FMV's on this PS1 game vs. FFXII for PS2 you have to admit that FFIX was ahead of its time. Now the main graphics, you can see the difference in years and consoles as far as regular game play graphics.

FF IX was my...fourth PSone game i believe (the Spyro and Crash games i bought before it), and when i started the game up and watched the first FMV i was astounded. My dad happened to walk by and see it, and even he was so impressed that he called my mom over and made her lookit the thing xD And the FMV graphics on that game STILL can match many PS2 graphics today. Thats one thing i always loved about Square, they always pushed the system to its limits (although i do think they could have done better on VII).
Did anyone feel that....

Did anyone feel that this game was very underrated?
It didnt get as much promotion as FFVII or FFVIII and i believe it is overlooked by many FF fans as being a filler-in before FFX.
It isnt my favorite FF game but i believe its a really fun game with a great storyline concept.

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It wasn't underrated when looking at it from a critics POV, pretty much scored better than both VII and VIII I believe. Probably not held as high in acclaim with the fans since most first played the two earlier titles and in their fanboy way refused to believe that anything could be better and overlooked it, or they just never liked the style of IX which went with a completely different direction after the more realistic tones of VII and VIII.

Doesn't matter though really, still think IX is godly.
it didn't score better than VII or VIII actually. a lot of the time I see that it scores similarly to them, but never higher and sometimes lower.

I didn't think it was underrated... but that's because I hated it.

Gameplay-wise, it was decent. I remember enjoying it to some degree. But I hated the story. I hated the main character. I hated the supporting cast barring Freya. And I hated the "villain". And when you hate all of those characters it's difficult to like the game.

Amarant was pretty sweet though.
I thought it got a higher score by the critics aswel o_O

Anyway, I don't really have much love for this game, I guess it IS under rated really.....I think I prefer the more sci fi feel to a game than purely fantasy but that's just my opinion... I don't even really remember that much about it. Iv played it a grand total of 1 and a half times.
I think the fact that it was possible to complete it in so few hours kinda put me off. Can't say I ever tried like, because I always get distracted but still.....there's just something dissapointing about that <_<