Worst Final Fantasy Game

The Worst Final Fantasy Game?

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Final Fantasy x-c was a horrible game. I enjoyed playing it at first but in the end everything was a bit to repetitive and the story line was not even close to the of ff7. ff x-2 does not deserve to be mentioned in the same sentance as it.
final fantasy 2 left a bad taste in my mouth.

Mod Edit: Please elaborate more in your post. Say why you disliked FFII. Thank you. =]
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for me, FF seven to X-2 were just fine.
but among those, my least favorite would be FFVII.
cloud was like having a heart of stone. like a bum, lazy or whatsover.
he's strong and cool looking guy. but i think, its better for the character to be versatile and more complex. i would prefer zidane/tidus against him.
and among those FFs I mentioned, the best FF game for me would be FFX-2 and FFX. (sorry mods if it's off topic) i consider it as a one game. I love playing FFX-2, i don't care about the being childish thing, yuna transformed to a naughty looking girl or whatever. I just play the game and i enjoyed the whole story.
even though many haters choose it to be the worst.

the only thing i liked in FFVII were Tifa and Vincent.
Tifa was a hot chick. And Vincent has the coolest outfit among all Final Fantasies.
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i voted crystal chronicles cuz honestly i could get into it unless i was with a friend and final fantasy is suppose to be 1 player.....it was jus boring to me
ffVIII for me oh by the way hi everyone...
ffVIII was just a huge let down as it was trying to be like ffvii with a bad system no story and better graphics(just proves that graphics arent everything) its the black sheep of the series
ffVIII was just a huge let down as it was trying to be like ffvii with a bad system no story and better graphics(just proves that graphics arent everything) its the black sheep of the series

How was it trying to be like 7? And no story, its right there in front of you and alot easier IMO to follow then 7s.
XII, i felt the story was a big unengaging, the characters were weak and i didnt like the battle system.
saying that i will have to play it through again and hope that i enjoy it more, i hate to have to dislike a ff game =S
I voted Cristal Chronicles... I hate that game! Yeah, the combat system's really interesting but I hated the fact that whatever spell you got on a level you lost it as soon as you finished that level....

But that little fact is not as annoying as the whole plot: You go out of town, search for these droplet-like-thingies to prevent the barrier around your town from dying, return to the town just to go out and do the same again and again....
I must say FF X-2
I absolutely HATE that game. wtf happened to my favourite character Yuna? She turned into a virgin Britney Spears! And Rikku... She was much more mature when she was 15. Now she's like gay Ken -__- Paine... Is she a man or a woman?! And Brother, he's a disgusting punk!!
All the new characters sucked -_- The only two characters that I actually liked were Lenne and Kimahri.

I don't wanna talk about this anymore.
I didn't mind FFX-2, though FFVIII is what I voted for. I just didn't really get into that game, wasn't that interesting for me. :(

I would probably say FF X-2. It's not that I hate the game exactly, but compared to the others, it's not one of the best.
I've only beaten VII, VIII, IX, X, and XII, and of the worst of those i'd say X was the worst, i couldn't really get into it throughout the whole story
Boy am i glad tha ffxii is creaping up there that game was a waste of an oppotunity
for sqaure to break the mold with a whole new way of doin stuff but they screwed up and have a lot to make up for in ffXIII....the hell were they thinking man? that people would play this kind of system where you dont do anything god dammit!!!!
X-2... was just.... *snores*
Mod Edit: Would you please be so kind to elaborate your post more? Please explain what you liked/disliked about X-2.
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I voted for FFX-2, which a majority of the people seem to have as well.

It's more so my least favourite, not the worst. I liked that it ended happily, and didn't leave you with a disappointed feeling, not only for itself, but for FFX. I liked a few things about FFX-2, storyline aside. I enjoyed being able to change outfits, so any one of the girls could be anything you wanted. It was a nice change from having Rikku and Yuna only about to really do certain things, like all previous FF games.

Though I didn't like only having three characters, let alone three female characters. I generally dislike playing female characters, I don't know why... so I was a little hesitant to play it from the get go.

The story throughout didn't quite feel like a FF story, but more of a filler until you reached the end and got the ending that should have been in FFX, more or less. The baddies impeding your path to your next objective were more annoying than anything. They felt more like a joke than a serious enemy throughout. The entire game didn't feel serious or... FF enough for me. It almost felt as if Square Enix was trying to make up for the generally disliked ending of FFX, and didn't have any interesting or exciting ideas to reach the ending everyone wanted. It all felt like fillers...

So, after saying all that, perhaps I actually do think it was the worst FF game...:oy:
I voted for FFVIII. I actually enjoyed my time playing X-2, much more than I did playing VIII. X-2 would be my second least favorite, but I still find it to be at least 100x better than VIII. I didn't like any of the characters in VIII aside from Zell. There was no storyline for the first half of the game, then they throw this sorceress crap at you. I did not like the junction system and hated switching back and forth between Laguna and Squall.
it has to be x-2
seriously what were they thinking when they made a game like that?
the songs were kinda catchy though
I chose Other for MYSTIC QUEST

EDIT: My funny was not so funny to those it was a funny toward. :)
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