Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

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I think FFXII was the worst of the lot. I hated the battle system, and those english voices drove me nuts. Plus I could never get past the last boss. He was impossible to beat, it ended up being a chore rather than fun.

You're joking right? The undying was the easiest FF boss in quite some time. He didn't hit for a lot and he went down with a few quickenings.
I may be one of the few who actually loved X-2 :unsure:

Actually at first I hated it. The cheesy music after winning battles and completing missions kind of reminded me of a 70's porno. And it was a little bit silly and it took me a while to get used to it.

But once the story got confusing and interesting I became more enthralled with it. I love the story between Shuyin and Lenne, and I am a big fan of Yuna and Tidus so I was trying so hard to get the perfect ending. But of course I didn't get it so I'm playing it again (and I won't get it again...if I play a third time I will get it. Mark my words).

But anyway...back to my least favorite. I really don't hate any of them but if I had to choose one I would say FF1. Maybe because it was before my time and of course the graphics were crap and the storyline was ordinary. I'm not saying it was totally bad but it's my choice.
I did not go for X-2.It was not "Final Fantasy" enough for me.That mission/story progression thing was not to my liking.Yeah,it had classes,but to be honest,they were made a mockery of.i can not honestly say that i even tried to finish the game.The fact that it was a continuationof ten was what kept me playing.It had nice graphics and all,but horrible gameplay
VIII by far, I can't stand anything about this game, The characters, the story and the junction system are pretty terrible imo.
having played and completed ff: 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 and 12
not counting all 3 ff:cc (mylife as king meh), and tactics (ps1)
(7,10,10-2 on the shelf; playing 6 now)

id say the worst is 1 but thats not fair since its the first game
so the second worst id say is 5
barts was not really interesting and when compaired to the other main characters (forgiving ff12) he does not really shine. best aspect of the game is ex death he such an a..hole and i love to see the new ways he fcuks with barts and his girls.
over alll the story was full of cliches and corny dialogue.

one positive? ..... the job system was kinda fun, but grinding for the red mage's double cast wasnt :<

worst ffcc? *cough* Ring of fates *cough* *cough*
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FFII is the crapiest one and still overrated. FFVIII is disappointing; FFVII's story is inconsistent at some points. FFX2 is a shameless follow-up mirroring the dated graphs of FFX.
In this order of worst to greatest IMO.

FFV - I can't even get past the first hour of gameplay before turning it off and not turning it on again for months only to repeat the process.

FFI - I can't do the whole "No personality" main character thing.

FFXI - Never played it, crappy internet connection. It might be good, who knows.

FFVI - Rip off of Final Fantasy II, "Oh no! Evil empire governing the world... let's not join a rebel faction to try and take 'em down!!" Kefka was a pansy who ran away the first few times you met him, relied on everyone elses power and when he finally got power for himself, he destroye the planet showing he has no control, thus not a good villain. Didn't even really have a true purpose to me.

FFVIII - Junction system made the game too easy, I didn't like the way the characters were modeled. I think this Final Fantasy had the least amount of broad character movements. In every Final Fantasy from the PSX back had broad movements (Like jumping sproudically when excited, etc.) to show emotion... no such thing here. That and the lack of MP, the test taking exam as well as getting your weapons was all boring. Oh, not to mention the fact that to access parts of the game you MUST have a small pocket station that was fail, only having five games to work for it EVER. So no one had it.

FFX - Story wasn't that impressive, the combat was fun and I LOVED the sphere grid. I didn't care for the characters too much. I always ended up using the same ones every time.

FFXII - I love the setting and the voice acting. Something about their voices sounds... so nice. I don't know what it is. It has a nice feel, but the game gets boring after playing it for long periods of time.

FFII - Must in depth dialog system of ANY final fantasy and the way you level your skills up reminded me of Morrowing/Oblivion (Favorites of mine). I just loved this game to death.

FFVII - My first Final Fantasy, it's my favorite but I don't think it's the best. Most iconic characters, most memorable characters and probably some of the best music written for any of the Final Fantasy games.

FFIV - Loved the characters, loved the story and I truly didn't see the whole Golbez older brother thing nor the second moon thing. If you don't get it, then you didn't get far enough.

FFIX - The best, by far. Hands down... love it. It's perfect.


I don't even consider FFX-2 a real Final Fantasy game. But I voted for V, I, VI and X-2 since I played them and did not enjoy them.
After replaying FFV recently. I've changed my mind. FFV is not the worst FF game. FFII is.

FFV is really fun to play once you get into it, FFII is just an incredibly frustrating experience throughout. I hate it with a passion >_>
I'm a disappointed in all the hate for I. As far as I'm concerned, it's immune to criticism. For one, it's a bog standard RPG, and I quite enjoy those. I don't need some overly dramatic and pretentious plot to have some fun. Not to mention it started the whole bloody series.

I know I'll probably get a lot of shit for this but - FFX was the game in the series I liked the least. The character's were incredibly annoying and forgettable, the plot was convoluted as hell, and the game was linear as fuck, which was a huge turn-off for me.
I don't consider FFX-2 as a main FF game, so I'm gonna discount that, although I wouldn't call it the worst. I quite like the job system it has.

I voted 2 as the worst. The character development system is seriously poor, and the whole keyword thing it has doesn't work at all. Even with the graphical update of the remake, it seems so outdated, moreso than FFI somehow.
X-2, i mean its called final fantasy ten...two
odviously its the worst

Mod Edit: Can you put a bit more effort into your posts please? Say why it's the worst exactly.
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My least favourite is definitely 3 (DS). The script and story felt...childish to me. I don't know :S It probably doesn't help the first FF I owned was 10, got me too used to epic (well, sorta) story-lines.
It pains me to label an FF as worst D: But I'll also have to go for the Japan/DS FF III. The looking around thing with the shoulder buttons annoyed me, and the classes were unbalanced...thieves were outdamaging warriors by a lot :/

with me, no worst FF Games. I like all of them

Mod Edit: Can you put a bit more effort into your posts please? And try to stick to the topic, say which one you disliked the most.
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i didn't much care for the DS version of 3...
but i wouldn't say i hate any final fantasies, i just can't be bothered with some.
It's also FFIII for me I mean I loved the characters but it made absolutely no sense. I mean the story could have elaborated so much more. It was just really disappointing for me.

my personal opinoin is that ii is the worst cause i could never realy get into it like all the others and..... i always get killed (not counting the opining battle).
it just always bores me
Final Fantasy X-2 is my least favorite my a landslide. I only played through the game fully once. I attempted to 100% it but I couldn't stand to watch those same scenes over and over. Don't get me wrong, it was a cute idea but those dress-spheres and missions were NOT my style.

I also really did not like Final Fantasy IX. I can't really even explain myself on this one... I hear it's a great game and I've tried so many times to sit through it and beat it but something about the game just pulls me away. I think it's Steiner's fault.
I wouldn't say I hate a Final Fantasy, just more that some just are less interesting to me to leave me desiring to play more. However, I'd say Final Fantasy IX would be my least favourite, if I were to name one. I just cannot get into it at all. I only enjoy perhaps the first disc and then after that I fail to get myself back into it. It's the only Final Fantasy I have completed only once - excluding Final Fantasy XII as I no longer have a PS2 to play it, despite being near the end.

I also tried out Final Fantasy XI Online a few months back and was relatively dissappointed too, however the prospects of Final Fantasy XIV have me rather excited to see the improvements.
I'd have to say that in my opinion, FFX-2 was my least favorite. Although it gave the characters a happier ending, it seemed like more of a fashion show than a game, to me. :( They seemed to want to show off the girls's bodies rather than their strengh or personality. It really bugged me.
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