Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

  • FFI

    Votes: 15 5.6%
  • FFII

    Votes: 27 10.0%

    Votes: 18 6.7%
  • FFIV

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • FFV

    Votes: 10 3.7%
  • FFVI

    Votes: 3 1.1%

    Votes: 10 3.7%

    Votes: 19 7.0%
  • FFIX

    Votes: 13 4.8%
  • FFX

    Votes: 14 5.2%
  • FFX-2

    Votes: 74 27.4%
  • FFXI

    Votes: 22 8.1%

    Votes: 48 17.8%

    Votes: 60 22.2%
  • Other (Please Specify)

    Votes: 24 8.9%

  • Total voters
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i've not played XIII, I and III and currently midway through II, but from the ones i've played it has to be XII.

nothing to do with the battle system, the OST was alright and the graphics were stunning. its just the man character had no significance whatsoever (compared to the other FF's) and the story wasn't that great; would've liked another twist in it.
I'd have to go with X. To me the game lacked a lot of depth, the change from exp to the sphere grid didn't make me to happy either. The voice acting didn't really help, the characters weren't that interesting to me except for Auron and Kimarhi, but the lack of the atb and no world map really did it in for me, maybe i just am to much of an old school rpg fan but i always enjoyed being able to control my own airship and search for hidden areas
Starting off topic but there is a world map for FFX just go to your menu and select items its in there trust me.
Ok i would say X-2, But i replayed it last week and got the perfect ending so ill hold off on chosing that:P.
im gonna go with XII. it had some good points but it was very repetative and there was allot of stupid crap. The espers were a lame excuse for a summon, in my opinion they were even worse than XIII's edilons.
I voted for XIII there are a few others I dislike (I & XII) however XIII left me wondering how much worse they could make FF games. The battle system was a huge step backwards & the lack of cities & npc left me feeling very alone during my time playing.

The worst bit by far was by far all the farming needed to get the last trophy it reminded me way too much of my time playing FF11.
I'm going with the DS remake of III. I've never been so frustrated playing an RPG. Also, it was just really boring to me. I didn't really have any drive to finish the game. I don't really know how to elaborate on this. Plus the difficulty really bugged me. I actually found it hard. :srsly:
Final Fantasy X-2 is and will always be the worst to me, why do a 2 part game story?
Keep it as 1, Final Fantasy X should of been the ending of that story
I picked, I, II, IX, and XII. They're all pretty boring if you ask me.

The earlier games just give me head aches from the bright colors and graphics. IX is just--lets just say I don't take child heroes well. They bore me. I mean, they're kids, they aren't even old enough to be not cool. :mokken:

And then, finally, XII. It's storyline just tries way too hard for my taste. You either got it or you don't, and XII does not have it. :mokken:
Not to mention, it rips off Han Solo, Chewie, and Princess Leia. Which is a high degree of insult in my book. :mokken:
FF12 Hands Down was the worst and Lookin at ff13 im am now scared to Buy it,ff12 is in my NightMares
KeyranSolo...u can said that about ffXII because the characters is not interesting but the gameplay...its best gameplay ever :busta:

I actually disagree with this. Condensed version:

Fighting was an MMO Ripoff that was basically "like the ATB, but shittier." It didn't really solve any of the series' battle problems. The license system was a lazy-ass implement thrown in to justify basically every gameplay element. It made no sense from a logic, plot, or gameplay design perspective & was basically "Like the Sphere Grid, but shittier." Gambits were good, but they needed work. Espers are the most useless thing ever & more often than not a detriment to you. They were also...you guessed it..."Like Aeons, but shittier." Magic & Quickenings are mediocre at best.

So...basically, I think every part of FFXII--that is, the characters, the story, the gameplay, the music, the enemy design, & even the worldlore--is pretty crappy & pretentious. It gets way more praise than it deserves & it hides all of that behind aesthetics. It doesn't help that it is like 10x worse than X-2 or the Compilation as far as retaining the story of the mother title goes, but everyone seems to conveniently forget this to bash games that are actually pretty decent.

And that's my rant on FFXII. The condensed version. I have little love for this game.
My throw went over to XIII and II. I absolutely hated how you strengthened your characters in II, I felt like it just promoted mindless repetitive grinding with the same moves in order to get anywhere. (In my case, it didn't go anywhere after 20 minutes of play as I promptly stopped playing.)

FFXIII I just didn't enjoy in any way shape or form. I didn't like the lack of towns and the dungeons were so straightforward that I felt like there was no challenge.
same from me.....

I'm going to have to go with XII. To me the story just really wasn't that interesting and I couldn't really bring myself to like any of the characters...with the exception of Balthier they all pretty much bored me or annoyed me and a couple of them I literally forgot were even there. For me that game was just really lacking....and I hated the battle system, it just didn't work for me at all.

...plus excessive chest randomization, useless espers, incompletely developed magic, Vayne as a chief protagonist left a lot to be desired.I just didn't hate him like I had other enemies in the previous FF games...inconsistencies in the plot/story developement..stuff like that.

Crystal Chronicles, for sure. The lack of much customization on equipment, lack of a good story/characters, and general fugliness makes it the worst.

Al,so, why all the hate on FFV? The story wasn't the best, and neither were the characters, but the gameplay is great. They executed the job system well, imo. But that's just what I think, lol.

EDIT: I'm pulling my experiences with FFV from the Advance release, which is by far the best. They cleaned it up and made it very good.
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ff7,i didnt like the story at all,sephiroth & vincent were the only good characters & they should have been in a different ff game,i would rather watch advent children
Final Fantasy
Mystic Quest

This spin-off for the SNES truly did not deserve it's title. I'm a FF enthusiast all day, any day// but this game was just horrible. I usually have a big thesis on posts like this, but I can't say much for Mystic Quest except for that it is just bad, bad, bad.
It's X, of course.

Okay, maybe it's better than the NES titles, but it was supposed to be with garbage like that. And it doesn't have the "good for its time" shield of stupid argument.

This game blows so much. I wish I had never played it.
This is brilliant that FFVI is the only one untouched <3.

All are great in their own ways, but X-2 XII and XIII have not impressed me. FFXIII the most. I could ramble for hours as to why I think it's shit, but I think it's best if I just sum it up.

1: Battle System/Level Up Sytem: It's basic to say the least. Magic, HP, Strength and abilities. I admit I like the stagger bar even though the damage dealt is ridiculous. There's no speed bar, no luck, no accuracy, no evade etc. what is the point? Does it really matter what you do? You can make you characters stronger, but you have no freedom as to choose how. I know you never got this in the Previous FF's whilst Levelling up but you got the freedom of customisation with another aspect. Junctioning GF's, Materia etc.

2. Famous Faces: I am sorry, but what the fuck is that Cactuar? What the fuck is that Tonberry? Cid is nearly non-existant, I don't recall Biggs or Wedge, though I might be wrong. And do not get me fucking started on a lack of Ifrit.

3. The Summons: WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!? TRANSFORMERS! Robots in disguise. FUCK OFF.

4. Monsters: Now, I don't know about anyone else, but a Final Fantasy has always been somewhat mystical to me - a Fantasy, and seeing people fight fucking robots all the time was draining. Oh...and like 83645 types of Behemoth. And Dinosaurs. I just thought it was all robotic, you know? I want to be fighting badass creatures, not robots.

5. No MP: FFVIII gets away with it because the Draw system was sexy - you are just shit FFXIII

6. Characters: One word. Hope.

7. Predictability: There's a road to the left that's a dead end....and a road to the right to the next area. If I go left I have a tresure chest eyeball thing to open...maybe even get jumped by a robot. Boring.

Not much love for FFXIII. In fact, it disgusts me to be honest.
Although I haven't played them all, and I certainly haven't beaten all of the ones I've played, I'd have to go with FF10. It can all be summarized with one scene of horrific voice acting. Which scene is it? I'll give you a hint: "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"
Oooh. I didn't realise we had this thread :8F:

For me, it definitely has to be X-2.
Firstly, I don't think X needed a sequel. Especially not one like that...
I completed it in a matter of days, and on most first playthroughs of Final Fantasys they normally take me at least a few weeks, as I go through trying to find and do as much stuff as I can without using a strategy guide. So yeah, the amount of gameplay was disappointing for me.
Also, I wasn't fond of the characters. I disliked the whole Yuna-Lenne thing, and the Tidus-Shuyin thing. It just seemed a bit cheesy to me that they looked alike and everything.

I didn't like the battle system either. The dresspheres annoyed me because I couldn't have a real mix of different abilites without having to change dresspheres and level them all up seperately. And the lack of summons annoyed me as well, I use summons in most games a lot during big battles.

And then, there was the ending. 3 different endings?! I don't see the point in that. And the fact that the 'best' ending needed 100% to see it was ridiculous... if you missed one little thing, that was it, you didn't get it.
I, myself, got the worst ending. And that was such an anti-climactic ending, I remember sitting there, watching it, just disappointed that I'd spent my time completing the game for that.

What else... oh, the New Yevon-Youth League thing. I remember the part in the game where you had to choose sides and whichever one you didn't choose, you were no longer allowed access to their territory. That was ridiculous, I had stuff I wanted to do on Mushroom Rock and I chose New Yevon :dry:

So, all in all, that game was a massive disappointment for me :dave: it's also the only FF I've sold in disgust. I normally keep every game I buy :mokken:
Although I haven't played them all, and I certainly haven't beaten all of the ones I've played, I'd have to go with FF10. It can all be summarized with one scene of horrific voice acting. Which scene is it? I'll give you a hint: "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Your letting "horrific voice acting" be your main reason you havent played a great game, and the last truely excellent final fantasy.

I pity you
I dont consider X-2, XI or any other spinoff or online version an FF game.

I'd have to say XIII was the worst for me. I've been really harsh on it since it's release and there are a few things they've tried in XIII that are positive for the series, like the battle mechanic and the upgrade system (if only the idea, because the execution is terrible) but as a whole the game just feels unfinished.

The player is visually exposed to large expanses of terrain and they look very nice, but then the player is funneled in by narrow boundaries and is frequently doubling up and revisiting the same areas if they wish to indulge in the sidequests. While the artists have done a good job of disguising those limitations with some visually arresting vistas, the fact that the majority are inaccessible really makes for a growing sense of claustrophobia.

Then there's the AI control. I like to have as much control as I possibly can in battle and while it would be far too difficult to implement here, I find the AI making bizarre decisions and quite frankly, outright mistakes. If I employ two medics in a paradigm and one attacker and everyone's health is red, the two medics are programmed to heal the party leader (seeing as his/her demise results in a game over) first, however neglecting area heals which would yield far a better result makes the two medics die and the attacker inevitably follows suit. Synergists aswell. Sometimes a swift attack is needed, but they're programmed to administer defensive buffs before offensive buffs, so the player's forced to either field two synergists to get the job done quicker or devise another strategy.

Then there's the diminishing effect of items. Potions are great early game. If you have the Doctor's Code you can sustain an attack even against a heavy hitter. The only problem is they don't give you Hi-Potions, etc, etc (Only Elixirs, which quite frankly you simply do not use) which means you'll either have to spam numerous potions or forget about them altogether. This however is a point that most FF games suffer from, instead of supplementing an attack, the item command is nearly always relegated to a quick fix status heal or revive. But in XIII, the situation is far worse.

I bought the game on the 360, which was a mistake. Not buying it on that system mind, just buying it period.

That means I was subjected to two discs of pretty FMVs and a narrative I could not have cared less about and eventually the final disc, which essentially just includes the Archelytte Steppe (or however you spell it) and peripheral areas.

I could go on about Eidolons, monsters, villains and characters, but it'll be too :tl;dr: so I'll stop.
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