Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

  • FFI

    Votes: 15 5.6%
  • FFII

    Votes: 27 10.0%

    Votes: 18 6.7%
  • FFIV

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • FFV

    Votes: 10 3.7%
  • FFVI

    Votes: 3 1.1%

    Votes: 10 3.7%

    Votes: 19 7.0%
  • FFIX

    Votes: 13 4.8%
  • FFX

    Votes: 14 5.2%
  • FFX-2

    Votes: 74 27.4%
  • FFXI

    Votes: 22 8.1%

    Votes: 48 17.8%

    Votes: 60 22.2%
  • Other (Please Specify)

    Votes: 24 8.9%

  • Total voters
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This is brilliant that FFVI is the only one untouched <3.

I am actually pretty sure Dave (Riku / Kerrigan) had voted FFVI a long time ago. Maybe he felt bad because he was the only one who voted for it and changed it :wacky:

But that being said, a few years time is a long time to change your mind about something. For me, my vote was Final Fantasy V. The game got to me because it was actually somewhat difficult and all the boss battles were redundant.

But now that we have Final Fantasy XIII, FFV can be proud that it was subpar and extremely mediocre, considering it came out when 2D graphics were cool.

There are a number of things I hated about Final Fantasy XIII.

1. It reminds me of doing Lower Spire trash (inb4 "lol 40k DPS nub") in World of Warcraft. ZZZZzzzz

2. The gameplay was about as appealing as watching paint dry.

3. Token black guy acts like he's white, and instead of stabbing Hope to death, taking his wallet, and buying some kfc... He is a perfectly rational and unfunny human being.

2. the gameplay sucked

2. the gameplay sucked a LOT

2. lets put it this way

if FFXIII was a girl, the odds of her having a double chin would be virtually zero because she sucks so much. :monster:

I'd rather work unpaid overtime than play FFXIII again :monster:
I vote for FFI and XII to be the worst.
I bought the remake of FFI for my psp hoping for something amazing, like they remastered graphics, added some touches to the storyline, but nothing. They put in FMVs, yay -_-... but other than that, it's exactly like how it originally was (but with more saturated colors >_<)...
And then there's XII, oh boy.
I loved the graphics in the FMVs (in the regular cutscenes, Vaan made me want to puke everytime I saw him) and the towns (because they looked so pretty) I have to admit. But the storyline was so BAD, and I hated the battle system, I liked how you could see the enemy roaming around on the map before you approach it and all, but something just made me hate it. :mokken: It took me forever just to finish my first playthrough because I couldn't get hooked :O
FF12 was by far the worst one for me. Not a point in that game i actually enjoyed. FFX2 would be 2nd
I sort of want to say Final Fantasy XIII but I don't think it was the worst. Final Fantasy X-2 always annoyed me in more ways than I wish to describe and it sort of brought Final Fantasy X down a bit, too. It has to be Final Fantasy XII as well for me, I hated the battle system, it was far too slow and tedious, I think if this was sorted the game wouldn't have been a problem for me even with the lack of background development and storyline. The latter is a shame really because it had the potential to have an amazing storyline. :sad3:
Let's watch the one line posts, thank you. :) Try to explain why you happen to dislike a certain game, please.

I can't say I actually think there's a... worst. Well..I kinda can. I can't really get into FFIII, but I also haven't given it a very fair chance. :wacky: I enjoyed FF7 the first time I played it as well, but now it bores me.. but I still can't say it's the worst.

I actually really enjoyed FFX-2 and FFXII, which a lot of people didn't. D= Oh well. :sad3: I like FFX-2 because it's fun, and FFXII for the battle system, really. The plots of them aren't.... really shining :wacky:
I was going to go with FFX-2 but I remembered I haven't actually played the game so it's not really fair. (I hate the concept of it, I hate Yuna and Rikku's new clothes and a few other things that I have heard)

From the ones I have played within the last few years, these are cons I can think of:
FF1: Lack of actual characters, no within party interaction
FF2: A few characters and under developed
FF3: Terrible villain
FF4: Cannot comprehend, nostalgic fanboyism is too much
FF5: Characters are not really developed (have not fully completed game)
FF6: A little overloading on characters... (not yet finished game)
FF10: Fanboyism is too much to comprehend
FF12: Vaan, not terribly annoying, but not amazing. From what I hear Vayne does not live up to the hype I built up after seeing him for the first time
FF13: I finished the story, LOVED IT but I cannot bring myself to touch this game again.

So I am going to go with Final Fantasy 13 which is funny because I voted it as the best on the other topic (things have changed)

Why? Well dont get me wrong I loved the game and couldn't put it down but after you get past the story, the gameplay flaws become as obvious as...something thats really obvious. So I LOVED LOVED the story and the character and the settings and the villains (despite Jihl's pathetic early demise) but the gameplay...gah

-I get that the plot defines who I have in my party and I like that but defining who I play as? No, I do not like that at all.
-You have 3 main roles on the crystarium and the other 3 are really hard to upgrade? No, I wanted more customization than that.
-Lack of post-game play value. This one I am not sure how to define. I guess there is just something not there.
-Not being able to switch around people during battle? Leader dies and the party loses? No, I don't like.
-I get that summons have a sort of overdrive mode but do they have to be transformers when they get it? Really?
-WHY couldn't Sazh simply have Ifrit instead of that sorta cool eidolon with a beyond horrible gestalt mode?
-I can't go back to all the places? Why not?
-There is still a fecking arrow telling me to go to Eden! NO!
-No theatre mode, for a game that focused so much on the looks that should have been a must.
-It's linear, although it didn't really bother me, I saw too much potential to not put it in.

Just a few reasons why I hated the gameplay of FFXIII! That is sadly why it gets my vote.
I voted for III and VI

Let me start off by saying that I don't hate any of the games in the main series or associated with the main series...except XI, which shouldn't even be part of the main series. I still hold to my opinion that it should be called Online and what will be XIV should be Online 2. XI should be the game that is called XII and XII should be the game that is called XIII. But that's for a different thread. I didn't vote for XI because without playing it, I felt it would be unfair to justify my dislike for it.

My problem with III was probably because we got it so late. I had played V many times. So I guess I was expecting III to be very similar with the jobs. But it wasn't. My other problem what how quickly the difficulty went up. I don't mind a difficult game, but this one started easy, and before you know it, I was being slaughtered. And it's not like I could go somewhere slightly easier to level up, seeing as my boat was chained up by Goldor.

As far as VI is concerned, something about it just didn't sit quite right with me. It consistently loses my interest. In one save, I'm ready to go get Kefka, but I stopped playing at that point. In another, I don't even know where I am. I haven't played it that much recently either. To me, it's also the least memorable. There are some memorable parts (mainly the opera), but if I think about every other game, I can remember a lot more about each of them than I can about VI.
IV was the worst thing ever, it was like being hit in the senses with a badger, the characters were boring and and so lethargic I was happy when they started dying, that was excellent actually. The story was so slow and even more boring, let's get the crystals, oh wait there are actually even more crystals, seriously what was that. Then there was that kick in the face of having to level Cecil back up when he was made into a paladin. There was nothing good about that game and I didn't like it very much at all.
I've only played 4 of the main story games [1,4,7, and 12 (I've played a few spin offs and other games as well)] and by far the worst was 12. The gameplay annoyed me to no end, Vaan annoyed me (and looked like a girl), the story played out really slowly, and the storyline was completely boring. The only plus about it was the graphics. They were beautiful.
There have been a few which I dislike quite a lot. FFX, X-2 and XII. However the worst I've played, is FFXIII. When I first got this game... all I could do was get to the end of chapter 3, and couldn't play anymore. The story was bad imo and I disliked the battle system. Controlling only one character and if they die, game over. Even the music was weak for a mainstream installment. I sold my first copy, borrowed my cousin's copy and tried a second time to play it... and gave it back that day. I honestly feel that SE went downhill with FFX, X-2 and XII, and XIII continued to go down to the depths of Hell. I 'do' have the game again, for a third time, just to have in my collection. It was a new and sealed, Limited Collector's Edition for the Xbox 360, which was priced at 10$AUSD. When I asked the store owner if that price was correct, he told me it was and that he was selling secondhand copies of it, for 5$AUSD as well. When I saw how many secondhand copies he had, I laughed my ass off... but also felt sorry for the guy.
There is an "other" option. :lew:

What was bad about DoC? You didn't elaborate, so I'm kinda curious.

Now, usually, I hate games that are made solely as a fanservice (which DoC was), but I can let DoC slide since Vincent and Yuffie were optional characters in FFVII and didn't get much show time, but that's the least of it's problems.

The game was made as a third-person-shooter, and badly. As a fan of shooters, this was just a major disappointment. When I heard about it, I thought, "Final Fantasy-awesome, Shooters-also awesome." so my excitement was through the roof, only upon the release and after spending $40-50 (I don't remember the initial price it was when it came out) I was met with the hollow shell of a RPG and Shooter. Broken controls, choppy movement, it was what every Shooter shouldn't be.

Now, being an optimist, I had thought that maybe it would be a good RPG-if it was original and had everything that I knew Final Fantasy had to offer then I could overlook the bad gameplay...And of course, that had to be a complete disappointment to. Though in all fairness, the game seemed to try and lean more towards a shooter rather then an RPG, which as I said before, was terrible attempt. But anywho, to the point, when I play an RPG I expect a compelling story and good dialogue (though I give DoC some credit for this, since the dialogue wasn't so bad), but all I really saw

To that point, what made me hate this game was the characters, more specifically, the villains. A bunch of "generic" evil, depressive, so-and-so's who were thoroughly convinced their problems were worse then everyone else's and I would elaborate more on that but I don't want to give away any spoilers since this isn't really the proper section for it. I can say though, Nero, more then anyone (except for Shelke who tops anyone when it comes to pettiness) was way too annoying for his own good. Naturally people would disagree with on this since he's so 'hot' and anyone with physical attractiveness in games can't be a bad person.

If this wasn't part of the Final Fantasy series, I have a feeling it would have a smaller fanbase, but of course, anything labeled with 'Final Fantasy' and 'Character Design by Nomura' is usually instantly considered 'good'.

Well, I'm done, even if I sounded like I was super hostile or angry I'm really not, I just didn't find this game very good, but I leave it at that, it's not really worth freaking out over since it's just a game.
The game was made as a third-person-shooter, and badly. As a fan of shooters, this was just a major disappointment. When I heard about it, I thought, "Final Fantasy-awesome, Shooters-also awesome." so my excitement was through the roof, only upon the release and after spending $40-50 (I don't remember the initial price it was when it came out) I was met with the hollow shell of a RPG and Shooter. Broken controls, choppy movement, it was what every Shooter shouldn't be.


Well, I'm done, even if I sounded like I was super hostile or angry I'm really not, I just didn't find this game very good, but I leave it at that, it's not really worth freaking out over since it's just a game.

Hey, no problem, I was honestly curious. I have my own gripes about the game, but I didn't have enough to warrant this to be one of my "worst" ones. I mostly like it for the Vincent factor.

I agree with the whole shooter thing. I love FPS games, but something about DoC just didn't quite do it for me.

Overall it was a unique and somewhat fun game, but it's not one that I'm going to just sit down and be like "ok, now I'm going to play DoC" just because. I have to WANT to play it.
(except for Shelke who tops anyone when it comes to pettiness)

Um, what? She was kidnapped and mindraped for ten years. Then her "friends" tried to kill her.

What is petty about her being a bit upset and bitchy?

Shelke was the only good thing about DoC.
Well, I know a lot of people won't agree with me on this, but I had to vote for Final Fantasy XI. I won't say it was because of the control scheme, story, music, or even battle system. I hate, I repeat, HATE, online only games. They would be good, but I don't like the fact that I have to play a game with someone else, especially a game franchise like Final Fantasy, where I have worked perfectly fine playing without anyone else. I like playing games alone the majority of the time, not with other people. I like being able to only have myself to blame if something goes wrong and I like to be able to rely on myself to not let something go wrong.

Making XI MMO takes away from the important fundamentals of Final Fantasy. If it wasn't included in the general series and was an outside title (such as Mystic Quest, Legends, CC, etc.), I wouldn't have had a problem with it, but I am obsessive compulsive and I never leave something unfinished, except this game. It is unbeatable since it doesn't really have an ending. Also, I don't like having to pay every time I want to play it. I sometimes play 97 hour weeks of games and other times 97 hour years, so it doesn't help that I would have to pay again, after buying the game, to play it. I will just end with it's a good game for a lot of other gamers (excluding myself, of course), but it should not have taken the XI position. Thus, XI was the worst game in the series.

Its absurdly linear play.

Its terrible plot, really her name happens to be NORA...? Hope is a whiney bi†ch.

Lack of side-quests and don't tell me searching for chocobo treasures or doing 60 hunts count because both of those are lame and add nothing.

Player development- it uses sphere grid light, can't even fully develop them till after you see the games ending.

No NPC's to chat with, no outside perspective from others.
No towns to explore.
Every area is a "dungeon."
Money & ultimate weapons take forever and by the time you get them you don't need them (reminds me of wrymhero).

Music was awesome & battles were cool, so was the battle initiation, and thats about it.
I personally enjoyed the story of XIII I just wish they didn't implement that gameplay. FF X's gameplay was decent enough to be rehashed. That said, it would have been more interesting if they tried using the KH II engine. The game would definetly have been more of a buy for me then.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Not only one of the worst games I've played in a long time, but one of the worst games I've ever played. The plot is stupid, the gameplay is boring, the script is atrocious, the works.

FFX is also nothing special IMO.
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