Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

  • FFI

    Votes: 15 5.6%
  • FFII

    Votes: 27 10.0%

    Votes: 18 6.7%
  • FFIV

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • FFV

    Votes: 10 3.7%
  • FFVI

    Votes: 3 1.1%

    Votes: 10 3.7%

    Votes: 19 7.0%
  • FFIX

    Votes: 13 4.8%
  • FFX

    Votes: 14 5.2%
  • FFX-2

    Votes: 74 27.4%
  • FFXI

    Votes: 22 8.1%

    Votes: 48 17.8%

    Votes: 60 22.2%
  • Other (Please Specify)

    Votes: 24 8.9%

  • Total voters
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Final Fantasy XII was the worst for me they put shiva and bahamut as ships and made up a load of new creature's to summon, The story was very boring and I liked it better when the character's had there own unique weapon's
Final Fantasy XII was the worst for me they put shiva and bahamut as ships and made up a load of new creature's to summon, The story was very boring and I liked it better when the character's had there own unique weapon's

Comments like this are why I think FFXII is severely underrated. You people just cant get past OMG THEY MADE OLDER SUMMONS AIRSHIPS INSTEAD OF SUMMONS when they replaced the classic ones with beings from Ivalice which... gasp this is set in.

lol saying they are new creatures when they were extremely important in FFT.

Also, FFXII Espers>>>>>>Other ones.

Plus Bahamut is actually
the final boss in a way
Final Fantasy XII was the worst for me they put shiva and bahamut as ships and made up a load of new creature's to summon, The story was very boring and I liked it better when the character's had there own unique weapon's

I loved that esper art. Remember? oh Gawd! I totally came the moment I glimpsed at those. And those tatoo/glyphs? Came TWICE! twice.

That's about the only thing XII had going for it aside from airships. But I agree too Shiva and Bahamut should have DEFINETLY been espers too. There were a few bad ones they made that could have benefited being replaced by both Shiva and Bahamut.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Not only one of the worst games I've played in a long time, but one of the worst games I've ever played. The plot is stupid, the gameplay is boring, the script is atrocious, the works.

FFX is also nothing special IMO.

THANK YOU! I thought I was the only one. When I bought the american translated imported version years ago for my japanese modded Gameboy Advance I thought "MY GOD!!! It's going to be like the PS1!! PLEASE GOD make this the game I can spend two hours with!"

Let me spin a quick yarn for ya:

It was highschool time for me and I lived VERY far from school, so I invested all my bagger-boy money on the game so I could take advantage of the very long bus rides. What I thought I was in for an epic quest with customizable characters (via the classes) with great music and monsters to occupy me for at least the entire school year. But what I was really in for was DISAPPOINTMENT!

The worst part was the fact that your quest DOESN'T REALLY MATTER! *Read black spoiler below for details*.
The entire adventure was a fairytale and it never mattered.

Now excuse me if I'm mistaken but isn't that one of the BIGGEST middle finger you can give to a gamer who shelled the cash, and was enthusiastic for the opportunity of being blown away by a potentially good story? If you're answer is yes then I would like to shake your hand.

I'm not mad, no really I'm not. Just disappointed that Square Enix had ruined a good opportunity for a good story. And isn't that the first thing buyers want when they buy Final Fantasy installments?


Well I guess that's up to interpretation. But it sure as hell the reason why I play FF games in the first place.

Anyways rant over, I'm sorry you had to see that people. A suppressed memory got loose, and I got ugly for a minute. But I'm happy again, and hey! I didn't need the pills this time.

Wiegraf: I'm thanking you because you made me remember this title WELL. I'm definetly putting Tactics Advanced as my worst FF experience ever.

Redeeming Quality: I mean it's a beautiful looking game for it's time, but the story is what FF is all about for me, to me the story is = 100% of the journey (good story = strong plot + diverse and depthy characters). The gameplay can suck so hard it'll make me frustrated but if the story is on par with Alan Moore awesome then I'll take one for the team and tell the world to watch cut scenes on youtube or something.

That's it from me for now: what say you Forum community?
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I loved that esper art. Remember? oh Gawd! I totally came the moment I glimpsed at those. And those tatoo/glyphs? Came TWICE! twice.

That's about the only thing XII had going for it aside from airships. But I agree too Shiva and Bahamut should have DEFINETLY been espers too. There were a few bad ones they made that could have benefited being replaced by both Shiva and Bahamut.

Final Fantasy XII has way more stuff going for it than the esper art and airships. Heck, I believe it is the best main series FF so far. Yeah the story is a bit hard to follow on the first run, but on subsequent runs, its genius. And Bahamut and Shiva definitely shouldnt have been airships. Having the Lucavi as summons was genius and having classic summons would be sort of anti climatic.

THANK YOU! I thought I was the only one. When I bought the american translated imported version years ago for my japanese modded Gameboy Advance I thought "MY GOD!!! It's going to be like the PS1!! PLEASE GOD make this the game I can spend two hours with!"

Let me spin a quick yarn for ya:

It was highschool time for me and I lived VERY far from school, so I invested all my bagger-boy money on the game so I could take advantage of the very long bus rides. What I thought I was in for an epic quest with customizable characters (via the classes) with great music and monsters to occupy me for at least the entire school year. But what I was really in for was DISAPPOINTMENT!

The worst part was the fact that your quest DOESN'T REALLY MATTER! *Read black spoiler below for details*.
The entire adventure was a fairytale and it never mattered.

Now excuse me if I'm mistaken but isn't that one of the BIGGEST middle finger you can give to a gamer who shelled the cash, and was enthusiastic for the opportunity of being blown away by a potentially good story? If you're answer is yes then I would like to shake your hand.

I'm not mad, no really I'm not. Just disappointed that Square Enix had ruined a good opportunity for a good story. And isn't that the first thing buyers want when they buy Final Fantasy installments?


Well I guess that's up to interpretation. But it sure as hell the reason why I play FF games in the first place.

Anyways rant over, I'm sorry you had to see that people. A suppressed memory got loose, and I got ugly for a minute. But I'm happy again, and hey! I didn't need the pills this time.

Wiegraf: I'm thanking you because you made me remember this title WELL. I'm definetly putting Tactics Advanced as my worst FF experience ever.

Redeeming Quality: I mean it's a beautiful looking game for it's time, but the story is what FF is all about for me, to me the story is = 100% of the journey (good story = strong plot + diverse and depthy characters). The gameplay can suck so hard it'll make me frustrated but if the story is on par with Alan Moore awesome then I'll take one for the team and tell the world to watch cut scenes on youtube or something.

That's it from me for now: what say you Forum community?
Thank goodness someone else agrees. Sometimes I think that the game is so utterly forgettable that people forget just how bad it was xD

I blame Nintendo... I love Nintendo, but they honestly do have a way of making stories more kiddie in order to maintain an E rating. FFT for PSP and PS1 had a T rating, so for Nintendo I dont think that flied.

Lol, I have a friend who's press at last E3 and he mentioned to me that Nintendo's behavior at these conventions is pretty Nazi. They hold you off via security and not staff like you're some sort of criminal and they micro-manage EVERYTHING. They even have security escort you out if you need to use the restroom. So I can imagine them eye-balling Square and muscling them into editing content.
Everyone please remember to keep to the thread topic. The thread is about which FF game you feel is the worst. Thanks. :)
Hmmm. It's between FFVIII and FFX for me.

I'd say FFVIII was worst, but the characters were less annoying than FFX.

FFVIII just wasn't even a good idea. A bunch of teenagers trained to be death weapons in gardens which are acutally schools. No.

And while FFX might have been an interesting idea, the absurdity of the characters, severly got on my last nerve.
While X-2 was awful character- and story-wise, to it's credit the Dress-sphere system was implemented quite nicely, and battles flowed well.

FF1, while a classic, just doesn't stand to the test of time for me. Not having any real main characters was a minus for me, and no matter how much I try and play it, I just can't get into it.
FF2 was weak as hell. I didn't get far enough to enjoy any of the characters or the story, because the development system sucked ass so much I literally could not play the game.
FF3... sure, it invented the job system, but later games have done it much better, and I just generally didn't enjoy it all that much.

So for me, it's probably a toss-up between 1 and 2, I guess.
Awe. I'm a little sad to see some people couldn't enjoy I and X. I thought they were some of the best games under the Final Fantasy banner along with VI, VII, VIII and IX.

Anyways I'd have to say Chrystal Chronicles for the sole reason that it seems to be the least talked about and least memorable game under the Final Fantasy banner. Even though I enjoyed the game, out of the FF titles I played, even I never gave it a second thought until just now. Even games I didn't like that much (II, XII and XIII) for story reasons were able to stay in my mind because they did have aspects I enjoyed but with Chrystal Chronicles nothing good or bad ever stayed with me that much.
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Crystal Chronicles pretty much takes the crown as worst FF, it felt like it was made for 12 year olds and the Wii motion controls for "battle" were a terrible addition
The Final Fantasy Adventure. For the GB. I could NOT play that game. It was horrible. It was black and white, mostly text during battle, and confusing as hell. SO yes, FF Adventure is a horrible game. The worst in the series.
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
For me it was very close between 12 and 13 but seeing as I thought the terrible battle system of 12 would be irradicated in 13. But it didn't it got worse even the story got worse (not even I could have done that)
True dat. XIII was pretty horrible, i think what made it worse though was the high expectations of the fans, graphics alone don't make a game.
why is ten2 up so much????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:holyshit:

You'll probably find most people will see it as a 'girly' game and mainly just a spin off to make money. Which I agree with. Still the perfect ending made everything for me alright in the end. FFX was so sad at the end it juct couldn't end like that.
You'll probably find most people will see it as a 'girly' game and mainly just a spin off to make money. Which I agree with. Still the perfect ending made everything for me alright in the end. FFX was so sad at the end it juct couldn't end like that.

Despite it being labelled as a girly game, in the end, I just couldn't help think of it more as fanservice for the depraved guys.
I'm sure most of the girl fans would have been fine with Yuna in a dress, rather than hotpants, right?

And as for the perfect ending... I guess it was alright, but it actually ruined it for me.
I LIKED the tragic ending of FFX. I know, I know, the end of X in most versions had a clip of Tidus reappearing underwater anyway, but it would have been fine to at least leave it ambiguous.
The end of FFX was very emotional, very moving, and very well done. And it should have stayed that way, IMO. Not every Final Fantasy has to have a happy ending.
As much as people longed for a happy ending for Yuna and Tidus, I hated the idea.
And the very concept of an entire sequel focused on trying to bring him back? Made me hate FFX-2 all the more.

The only thing that saved it from being my worst FF of all time were the reasons I mentioned above. At least FFX-2 had good gameplay.
I hate to call any of them bad but for me it would have to be XIII.
I wish i could like it i really do, but i just can't.
It was the first FF game that i had to force myself to finish, and for me that's really no good at all, most of the other games i just couldn't put down and even found myself rushing through and skipping sidequests on my first playthroughs just to progress the story.
But FFXIII was one of the biggest disaopointments of my life.
I loved XII and i even had a lot of fun playing X-2.
But nothing to do with XIII worked for me, the graphics were amazing, but that's not what these games are about, too much emphasis on graphics i beleive is why the game ended up so linear.
But everything from the music, to the characters and even the story just weren't right. :(
Dirge of Cerebus should have been included in the poll.

I've never played it but from reading comments about it people feel it's not very good.
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