Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

  • FFI

    Votes: 15 5.6%
  • FFII

    Votes: 27 10.0%

    Votes: 18 6.7%
  • FFIV

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • FFV

    Votes: 10 3.7%
  • FFVI

    Votes: 3 1.1%

    Votes: 10 3.7%

    Votes: 19 7.0%
  • FFIX

    Votes: 13 4.8%
  • FFX

    Votes: 14 5.2%
  • FFX-2

    Votes: 74 27.4%
  • FFXI

    Votes: 22 8.1%

    Votes: 48 17.8%

    Votes: 60 22.2%
  • Other (Please Specify)

    Votes: 24 8.9%

  • Total voters
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im gonna have to say Final Fantasy XI...i did not like the fact that you have to Pay to Play.
FFX-2 is the worst game? I dont think so....FFXII was and is by far the worst FF game ever how do I say it without profanity......it was just really really really bad........really bad.........really very bad!

also FFIV gets a a dishonourable mention for it being a slow arse game even though Terra is a hottie
All final fantasies from X-2 and upwards. X was still pretty ok but personally I think that after IX the quality dropped.
FFXII. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, I just felt that they could of done much more in terms of character, I didn't feel that much for them as much as I do for the characters in FF games, just thought they were a bit dull, and it felt lacking in terms of character development and interaction, and the plot, though very sohphisticated, I didn't feel very much more, I didn't utterly hate it, I just felt it could of been so much stronger, I think my problem with the plot itself relates to my problem with character as mentioned earlier.
Every time a new FF comes out I swear its the worst...Then I buy the next one and am proved wrong again...Currently i'd have to say XIII is top ranker for the worst...and this time its for the super simple battle system...it literally makes the user really needless to be there...
i'd say, DoC, even though i love it
it just was too short and the story wasnt that great, still good, but not great
and Crystal Chronicals
now those sucked, but can be fun at times
I'd have to go with 13. It is an ok game, but I don't ever recall playing a FF game and just tapping X while I'm in another room and still win a fight. Too simple and basic to be a 13th installment of a title.
For me it's between XII and XIII. The battle system and story in XII were absoloutly terrible, I could say the same for X-2.
XIII had two of the most annoying characters ever, all you heard from Snow was hero hero hero, and Vanilles voice just made me extremely angry. And I have to agree with Assassin Baby, the battle system is way too easy, but it looks amazing and the battle music is pretty good. But overall I was disappointed.
FFX-2 was horrible... gameplay sucked ... i just can't describe how much i hated it. but VII was by far the best. I dont care what anyone says... its the best. period.
Of the ones I've played, XII, & I'm happy to see it's getting what it deserves in this poll. Not so happy about X-2, though. I mean, it's a little campy, but worst game in the series?
I think FFiii is the worse game :hmmm:

There did'nt seem to be story which was disapointing after FFii which had a great story so it seemed to be a step backward. I suppose i wanted an involving plot like FFii and FFiii realy had nothing in terms of plot.
Probably the worst FF game I've encountered so far is without a doubt FF Tactics Advance. The division of races, while adding depth for character relations, proved to be a massive thorn in creating decent character. On an offshoot, wtf is with the bangaa's white monk class? I played through the game expecting to see a bloody dark monk or something but never did.

Then there was the addition of the laws. While interesting to manipulate the laws and make some classes moot regarding battle I saw it as a just something else to try and keep track of.

Then the secret characters. They sucked, plain and simple. I utterly despised them all. None of them even approached Beowulf in usability. In fact I would say that the Byblyos in the original FF Tactics was more useful than them.

Next the race summons. I only ever used the moogle, bangaa and human ones. The others were not even worth my time. The damage they did was paltry compared to what I did in the original.

The abilities were crap. I expected the ninja to be as good as the one from the original. No it was a bloody piece of shit. The veil attacks were hardly even worth my time to use dealing maybe 20 damage if i was lucky. And the AP system was a load of crap. 999 to learn double sword? That took about a week or two to do on a normal week; I could have a ninja with the two swords technique in a single night of playing.

The characters lost my interest from the minute I played. Mute was a whiny little bitch... The rest lacked much dimension at all.
the worst ff game is xiii the characters is good and the story too but the gameplay i dont think so ..the gameplay not good like X or vii or viii or ix even xii its all great gameplay...and there bad thing in XIII if the leader is dead its game over this the bad thing in XIII :bored:
Hard to say which is the worst, because I really don't like XII because of the story, but the gameplay makes up for it, the storyline in XII was extremely boring and way too political, and felt like it was dragging on for too long.

But if I had to choose a worst FF game in general, it'd be II because I hated the fact you didn't level up, only your weapons did, which really bugged me, the story wasn't that great either, and I didn't like any of the characters. They were bland and had nothing interesting about them.
KeyranSolo...u can said that about ffXII because the characters is not interesting but the gameplay...its best gameplay ever :busta:
I really could not get into three. Which is strange - maybe my tolerance for the older games and their simpler plots was up by the time I got to it! But I dunno, I love four, and I even like five. I dunno!
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