Would FFX story be any better if...


Blitzball Player
Jun 5, 2008
... FFX-2 was never made? i mean simply letting tidus dissapear. at least in my opinion, i think it would be somewhat better, as the story of FFX-2 wasnt the best and the reason tidus reappeared was null, yet i liked the gameplay. Tell me what u think
I... (looking for a word. Ah.) HATED Final Fantasy X2. Any excuse for it to have never been made, I am one hundred percent behind lol.

Don't you think these Cheerios would taste better if FF X2 had never been made?
Oh HELL yes! Of course these Cheerios would taste better without that God awful game in existance.

But aside from that game sucking so hard, it put Lil Kim entirely out of business, yeah. X was a masterpiece how it was. Humble beginnings, new worlds, intricate story line, great graphics, awesome gameplay. Tidus sacrifices himself for everyone else. It's like that movie, Stranger Than Fiction (Where Will Farrell is the character in some novelists book, having his life narrated) The main character dies in the end because it's self'less, heroic and beautiful. Next thing we know, here comes X2 and it turns out that Tidus is still alive, he's just in an underworld hospital after walking out in front of a big metaphorical bus.

Take's ALOT away from X. And for no good reason. I didn't like any of the girls as much in X2.
Um, I kinda treated the game separately from each other (except the Tidus/Shuyin theory) so even after playing FFX-2, I still found the storyline of FFX to be very engrossing. I kinda disregarded the fact that Tidus reappeared in X-2 - it didn't really bother me, to be honest, simply because I refuse to let the storyline of X be ruined because of my own opinion of X-2.
Why are you in the FFX forum if you hate the game?
I'm not trying to clown on you or nothing, but, I really didn't like FF VIII. I don't know what it was about it, something really rubbed me the wrong way. And you won't see me go into the FF VIII forum because I don't enjoy the game.

Also, if you hated FFX, you're nuts.
As much as I hate the fact that Tidus "came back" in FFX-2, I still like the game. Had SE left it as "we found this sphere, there's a dude that looks like him in it... oh, turns out it's not him afterall, nvm, lol" then that would have been fine but as it stands, FFX-2's secret ending ruined what was a perfect ending for FFX.

All that being said, I don't think that FFX-2 makes FFX worse, not by any stretch of the imagination. If anything, it only served to make Tidus' character even more debatable and therein hated.
No, it doesn't make FFX's story worse. They are different games, and as such it can't effect the story of FFX.
The only thing that can change is how we view characters, and that is only Yuna.
FFX's story is self contained.
I don't think it really changed it. >.<

They are two diffrent games, just because
Tidus ended up coming back at the end
, IMO made it more happier, like Yuna and Tidus could finally be together.
Though it didn't really ruin X as such (I can still play X and not feel bad), X-2 did take away a little of the power that X's ending had. I was completely satisfied with Tidus' fate, it was a strong way to end a FF game and give closure to an otherwise annoying character. Then X-2 came along, makes Yuna a fucking slut, makes Riku more annoying than she already was, gives us Spice Girls nostalgia (yep, cheers for that SE), makes saps of exsisting NPC's who should have been left untouched (Cid, Issaru etc..) and gives us a bullshit reason for the return of Tidus at the end after going through the stupid game numerous times for the special ending we HAVE to see because we are Final Fantasy fans and thats what we do. It wasn't even a good story either. Most powerful Machina in the world? oh noes lets Charlie Angels his arse and be back in time for tea! and did they ever really fully explain why the Aeons reappeared? like fuck did they. The whole 'two factions after the fall of Yevon' was probably one of the only things about the story that could of made sense....if both didn't end up as whining little basterds. Nooj and Baralai can both fuck off too tbh, bad as one another. Not Gippal though, at least he was fairly cool in some odd way.

Bitching about how fucking lame the story was aside, the gameplay was pretty good. When I say this I mean the Job system that I absolutly love. Dresspheres was a bloody good idea IMO! The Mission system wasn't all too bad but it was plagued with some fucking awful missions. Handing out balloons dressed up as a giant...thing (What the hell is a Moogle anyways? cross between a teddybear and a Bat?) is not cool. And revisiting areas many many MANY times in the game was boring.

If you play X on its own without thinking at all about the horrible turd that is X-2 then it should be too much of a problem, just forget X-2 even exsists. If you do want to play X-2 then go ahead, just keep in mind that everyone, including you, is on drugs and everything going on in the game is just a figment of Yunas crazy imagination whilst she is on PMT.

I guess Final Fnatasy X-2 is kinda like Metallica's St.Anger album of the FF seires. You know its going to be rubbish but it ends up taking the utter piss at the work before it, then plays horrible but somehow has its odd potential amongst all the unesassary bollocks.

Hell did I even carry on with my thread about what I thought about X-2 as I was playing through it?....no I don't think I did, I might have to go back and carry on if I ever find the strength and tolerence to do such a fete.
moonchild u can definetely use "power language" XD.

But... If i liked that tidus dissapeared in ffX ending? No. It felt kinda wierd. all the practice i gave him and then he goes rubbish.
But... if i liked tidus to come back in FFX-2? No. XP. i mean, what was the reason? was some kind of reward to yuna for saving the world again? I can resume the ending in ffX-2 with 3 words: WTF?!
I don't think it ruined the story of X, if you don't like it, you can just pretend they are not related, or forget it exists, I mean they are two games after all so X-2 can't really take anything away from X imo

I didn't mind X-2, I found it quite fun, although Yuna pecked my head so much in it, it was like 2 squealing girlies and she was such an ARSE :gasp: I didn't really like her all that much in X either tbh, but Idon't hate her characterin X even more because of X-2

Just burn it and pretend it never happened
Yeah, it's sad when the main character dies in the end, and yeah it's a happier ending that he came back and him and Yuna could get together, but like I said, it was a beautiful tragedy. Shakespearian work of art. It was perfect and that abomination cluttered up the harmony.
just wanna say final fantasy x is the greatest romance story game i ever played. i was complete my game ffx a bout 8:yuna: years ago. but still ,... i love this game untill now. this is embarrasing,.. but i think i falling love with yuna. oh my god...
If you don't like the way X-2 ruined the epic and moving ending of X, then just pretend X-2 never happened :) That's what I've done with many sequels that were crap compared to the origional. I like the happiness in X-2's story, even if the game kinda sucks...
You didn't need to make this thread to get an answer.

FFX would be perfectly fine if there was no FFX-2.

FFX-2 Ruined it in almost every way but hey, this is only my opinion.
I really hated how Tidus dissapears, I know lots of people are saying X-2 sucked but hey, im still gonna give it a try to see the endings and just to see what its like. I for one am glad that tidus comes back.
I don't mind X-2 at all. Sure, the girls were quite annoying and the storyline was lame, but the dress-sphere system was awesome and I was quite happy that Tidus came back. After saving the world twice Yuna deserved to be happy.
After saving the world twice Yuna deserved to be happy.
I agree :monster:

My big problem with X-2 was the plot. I mean they could've come up with something a lot better than that Vegnagun crap and those idiots Shuyin and Lenne >_> I liked the gameplay and everything though, and Tidus coming back didn't bother me at all.

And no, I don't think X was made worse by X-2. I mean the ending is happy, and all of the main characters have closure, so you can't really get mad about that. If you prefer having Tidus dissapear and never come back though, don't play X-2. Simple as that xD
X-2 was the worst game ever. The gameplay was horrible. "Let's find spheres to help us find Tidus." Whom they don't evencall by name. (Referred to as "him") Some of the spheres let you change clothes. Woooo. Bottomline: There was more reason in teaching a pine cone to swim, than playing this game.:sick: