Would you stop playing if you disliked a character?

You couldn't play it. It was more of a managerial game. Utter crap.
Yeah there are some characters I dislike (like Selphie, Cait Sith, and some others), but that doesn't stop from playing the game. I usually just ignore the characters I don't like and don't use them.
I wouldn't stop playing a game just because of certain characters I didn't like. That was be phoolish.
No way. I've beaten VII twice and the ONLY characters in there I like are Red, Yuffie and Vince (and only because he looks cool, he's still a shite character), everyone else can go die.

So no, as long as I have fun playing the game I can overlook terrible characters.
ive never herd that quitting a game because of of a hated charater. but i did hate barret a little annoying the way he spoke
Nope, can't say that I ever quit on a game before just because of characters I don't like, and I won't start now...ever. I dislike Vaan immensely (probably the only character that I seriously dislike) but never quit XII because I'm no quitter when it comes to FF games, and I did wanted to finish FFXII no matter what. So I tried to ignored Vaan, although it's pretty hard to ignore any character.
I wouldn't stop playing a game because I disliked a character. I've more just didn't really care, rather than disliked, a character in numerous FFs however, I think that disliking a character makes it better in a way. There are some you love and some you hate, it helps the experience in some sort of way.
I've never quit a game simply because I disliked a character. In fact, I don't think I've ever played a game where I liked every single character. Sometimes a character will irritate me to a point where I turn the game off for a while (Locke, for instance), but I always come back to it.
In fact, I don't think I've ever played a game where I liked every single character.

Agreed, No matter what game I've played, there's always some character I end up not liking...

Anyway, no, I certainly wouldn't stop playing a game all together based on the dislike of a character.

How did they ruin Blitzball, I never played FF10-2.
you don't control the game play, you tell the players how to play, but you don't get to run the plays...
it's more like coaching blitzball, not playing it...
sucky V_V
No I've never stopped playing completely because of a character. I can't stand most of the characters from VIII or X but I finished both games because I wanted to find out what happened with the story and to the characters I actually liked.

In XII, I didn't like Vaan, found Penelo just to be one of those characters I didn't care about, and Ashe was a bitch. So I just never ever used any of them unless I was outright forced too, and continued on the journey since most of the rest of the game was great.

Even though there are characters I end up not liking, that's not enough to make me lose interest completely.

AB said:
I like are Red, Yuffie and Vince (and only because he looks cool, he's still a shite character)
Talk like that will get you an infraction my friend :wacky:
In a Final Fantasy game? No, for however bad a character might be they aren't terrible enough to throw off what are otherwise decent games.

That really, really gay guy has kind of put me off ever playing Enchanted Arms though. In english at least.
why would i do that?!
I totally love the designs of the characters in the FFX series
like Yuna having the image of a down-to-earth summoner to Yuna having the Diva image hahaha

but well I haven't got annoyed in any of the FF characters yet
I totally like them all!

nobody hates mi Yuna!
I hated almost the entire cast of Final Fantasy XII, but that didn't stop me from playing it.

What stopped me from playing it is the incredible difficulty in defeating Yiazmat...

dont get mad all you squall fan girls/boys but squall is the reason that i didnt finish FF8... i just got annyoed with him... i didnt like his character at all... the only reason i played it was because of zell... he was the better character XD squall just seemed really lame to me... boring... srry all you guys XD
If I hated a caracter, I would just live it dead for the whole game without bottering to use him/her (Yuffie)
No, I don't think I have. I stopped playing XII but that was only because I got bored of it lol. I disliked Irvine in Final Fantasy VIII a lot but that definitely didn't stop me from playing the game, it turned out to be my favorite in the series. Stopping a game because you dislike a certain character is silly in my opinion, there are lots of other characters you might like and besides, I don't know how someone can stop playing a FF game. They're just too much fun.