Would you stop playing if you disliked a character?

Well people are different. It does happen. Some people refuse to complete alot of things. Its their choice.
I have not played with a character because I thought they were quite annoying (aka: Steiner). lol. But, not the entire game. Wow. That's a tad much, no?
I stopped playing FFX because of not just one character, but several. Besides Auron, Lulu, and Rikku...I just, couldn't stand the rest of the cast. I quit after the wedding scene and just youtube'd the rest of the story, haha.

Rinoa made me quit FF8 for a while, as well, I just got too tired of her in disc 2 to want to continue.
Depends on the integrity of the game. I usually don't care about characters as long as they aren't as whiney as Luke Fon Fabre from tales of the Abyss. Cute girls are an exception, though.

Tidus was an annoying character, but I don't think an annoying character could make me stop playing a game because I usually play for the battle system and minigames, customization or whatever it is that's exclusive to the game. Characters don't really have an impact on my interest in gaming.
no i wouldnt stop playing a game jus because i didnt like a character. i can get along with most people so i can live with any character on the screen.

pretty much only exception is yuffie. so i jus didnt use her at all.
The only thing that makes me stop playing the game is if I dislike ALL of the characters. Such was the case with FFIX; the characters just weren't gripping enough to finish the story. In FFXII, I came back after not playing it for five months because none of the characters had an impact on the story besides Ashe, and it was annoying.

I loved Tidus' whiny nature, though. He was just fun to see mature. :]
No, that just seems like a stupid thing to do. I guess it would make sense if someone didn't like the entire cast though.
No, I'll have wanted to when I was playing FFIX because I disliked everyone there, except for Vivi, and I played that game completely annoyed and angry just because for the fact that it existed and it had tainted the sacred concept that I had of the FF games.

Yet I finished it, it was out of pride because I can't leave things unfinished, no matter how much I hated the game and characters I finished it, not in the best way like I've finished other FF games, but I did and after that...well I haven't touched the game, actually I can't not even remember where it is >> well that was money well spent ¬¬
Nope main character for FFX and Penelo Balthier and Ashe annoyed the heck out of me in FFXII but I didn't quit playing.
Most of the FFXII cast annoy me, except Fran, but i wouldn't stop playing it, doesn't stop it from being a great game, they all have dislikeable characters.

Amen to that. Everyone's voice actors/actresses were on point in FF12, though. The variety of accents especially between races was really neat. In my opinion, the most annoying characters were probably the Guest party members... bah, I wanted to control them! :blink:
I think everyone in FFXII annoyed me due to the lack of depth and personality but I wouldn't stop because of that. There was still plenty going for the game ^_^
Wow, I've actually found other people who hate Balthier! Even though they hate most of the cast..hating Balthier makes me just love them more :3
I quit FFX for 6 months because I was sick of the characters..x.x I got to Seymour's final form, beat that, and stopped while I played the first Kingdom Hearts game.. once I beat that, I finally went back and finished X.x.x
I think to stop playing a video game because of a character you don't like is a bit extreme. However, if you absolutely do not like the entire cast, then its more understandable.

Usually I will not finish a game if I do not find the story line to be interesting or if I find the battle system to be boring.
The only RPG I ever played for enjoyment of gameplay, was Rogue Galaxy. Otherwise, I'm playing RPGs for the plot, and the characters.

So, yes, if a character, or several, bother me so much, and have a vital role in the story, I'm not finishing it. I quit FFX, X-2, Kingdom Hearts, and Kingdom Hearts II because of that.

Square has just used so many of the same character prototypes, that it's hard to find characters anymore that don't fit into a 'seen that, heard that' category.