Would you stop playing if you disliked a character?

Nah no way a good storyline beats a crappy character any day in my opinion. For example i wasnt too fond of the characters in FFV but the storyline was decent so i played it through to the end.
i agree. if i didnt like a character, then i wouldnt ditch the game, if i hated the whole cast then the story wud have to be intense to keep me interested.
No, as often enough, a character's personality is important to the story somehow...

I certainly wouldn't stop because of a character. I have disliked some characters a little, but not to the point where it would anger me, haha.
I almost quit VIII because Squall was too much of an asshole, and Rinoa was too much of... everything bad.

It's Seifer and the nice plot that kept me going, really. (It was hard to get past the random romance and whiny 'princess' but I managed.)
No just because you don't like one character doesn't mean you should stop playing. I hated Vaan and Bache in FF12 that didn't keep me from playing. Storyline sucked TO but NO the gameplay was all that mattered to me cause i wasn't going to waste 60 bucks on a game just because i didn't like a some characters.
To stop playing just because of one pathetic character is quite a waste, honestly. You buy the game, you might as well play it to the end! Then again, one bad character doesn't make a bad story or bad game play.

Worse comes to worst, I'll just find means and ways to slaughter that character in the game. He doesn't deserve the honor of me stopping just for him/her.
I guess it depends. If it's the main character that I strongly dislike, I may stop playing. Although, I did finish VIII even though I didn't like Squall at the time. I guess if there's someone in the game I can relate too, I'd play it until the end. I loved Laguna, Quistis and Zell in VIII and I ended up finishing the game. I strongly dislike Fayt Leingod from SO3 and I haven't finished it yet though. :hmmm:
Not at all. I don't like everyone in rl but just because I don't like them means i'm going to let them get in my way. Same goes for video games as well. It's a tad bit harder if its the main character but, I still usually play through unless it also has a crappy storyline or i'm bored/stuck then i'll put the game down.
The first time I played VIII, I stopped about halfway through because I couldn't stand Rinoa. She was immature, and annoying, and I could get past those if only she wasn't also stupid. I loved Squall, (I'm weird, I know) and their romance just didn't make any sense to me. I eventually went back and finished it and quite liked the game anyway. I still don't like Rinoa, but I recognize that Squall needed to love someone intensely in order to grow up.

Nothing like that has happened to me in any other game, Final Fantasy or otherwise. So I guess your answer is no. Pretty much if I care about somebody in the game, I'll make it through.
I wouldn't stop playing. I would just stop using that character if possible (Aerith *cough*) or in her case on a second playthrough
Let Mr. Sephy stab her :yay:

But I would not stop a good game for one bad apple. I would just persevere. Magna Carta: Tears Of Blood had an entire cast of boring characters, which made the game lawfully un-playable.
No. Not over a single character at least. I hated Fran from FFXII, but I kept playing that one. I also hate Dagger from FFIX, but I still played that one too. Usually in these games there are 5 or more extra characters that you have the potential to like, which mans there's no point in giving on a game completely over one character.
A single character has never stopped me playing a game. However if there was an entire cast of bad characters I probably wouldn't get more than an hour in. For me, the characters make the game. I hated Hope in FFXIII but continued to play anyway. I didn't care for most of the characters in FFVIII but finished it anyway.
As of now, there isn't a game that I've ever stopped just because of 1 character. I can't imagine there ever being a game that terrible honestly. It would have to be a full group of 5-6 characters that I just flat out hated for me to wanna quit a game for that reason.
So far I had no problem with playing any of the games with the current line up.
Though I do admit that it can happen in the future that if I don't like what the characters are about I wouldn't play the game. After all, there's no reason to stick with a game I don't like. There's always gonna be a ton of games to play so why not choose?
I don't like it when I'm forced to play with a character I don't like but I would never stop playing. I think your friend probably just didn't like the game and didn't want to say why because you might of went on and on about it :P
One character isn't going to make or break my experience, FF game or otherwise. Many other aspects of the game need to play into that as well. (For me, it's mostly the gameplay that outweighs most other aspects. Story is a very close second.)
I have never stopped playing a game because of one character I didn't like. There are many games where I didn't like one character or more, I have even hated a party of people but still played it to finish. For me the story has to be good enough to sort of overshadow bad voice acting or the generalization of some characters.
Same here, never stopped playing just cause I didn't like Hope or Vaan. Personally, I give the story factor a lot of importance and it's not one or two characters that are going to ruin my experience.
I hated Vanille in FFXIII so much her accent everything about her. I never stopped playing it I never used her I never was like not touching this game again. I ended it up beating the game several hours later and didn't play post game after that.
Well I doubt that I would stop playing a game just because of a character, but it might be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I stopped playing Tales of Xillia because after hours of slow paced combat the last thing I needed to encounter was a fucking stupid sock puppet that sounds like an annoying baby digimon and gets a scripted line in every other dialogue box.