Would you stop playing if you disliked a character?

I hate and can't stand Penelo and yes...sometimes it made me want to throw the controller at my TV and make them both explode BUT no, I wouldn't stop playing because of one character....and yes even if I don't like them I would make them just as powerful as the other characters...after all...my perfect game is counting on it >>;;
*hehe interesting question :) well i have a few characters who i hate but that doesnt make me stop playing,instead i try to understand him/her or just dont use him/her in my party :) that simple :)

*although i have been soo hot tempered whenever i get beaten by low level monsters or cheating monsters with one hit kill attacks :) that made me throw the controller and cursed liked a crazy person! :D

*weeeeeeeeeee :D PARTYYYY TIMEEE!!!! :D :D
ive had my fair share of characters i couldnt stand but i kept going with the game. i do have to say tho that i recently tried to replay ffx, and tidus really got on my nerves. i almost stopped playing but i remembered how good the game waz and kept going
Absolutely not. I (I'll sound like a total geek and an ultimate retard for this but...) have a goal to play and beat every FF game. A stupid character won't keep me from doing that.
In my honest opinion, I don't think it's the right thing to stop playing a video game because of the character. (Like Raiden from MGS2, lots of controversy a while ago) Because you might be missing out on a real huge experience just because of one character.

Sometimes I don't like one or two characters which is fine, not much harm done. I see them, I hear them say what they need to and get on with it. Battle-wise I might like them or they just fight and do what I tell them to. Fair enough. If it's the main character, I just go through more things and progress through the story if the story is interesting.

I was young when I played most early Final Fantasies, so I don't have much comments on some of the characters until I finally replay them.

I don't think it made much sense, I'm real tired so please excuse me. >_>
Heck no. There are characters which a person dislikes in every story! It would not only be missing out on the game itself because of some petty dislike of a character, but a waste of money. When I get a game, I play to finish.
In every single game you have to hate some characters the did this in purpose..those fuckers! and No I wont throw it away.
Sometimes and depends of which character i dislike,

If i really never, never like the main character; sometimes i quit. Part of the fun and hook of game is the story of the characters, and if i don't care about the main one, why should i keep playing??

At least that there's another one which i really liked and care (as in FFXII xD)
If my favorite game in the series, Final Fantasy Tactics, is one that has two characters I despise more than any other, Algus/Argath and Dycedarg, then it is a safe bet that as long as the rest of the game is good, I won't spite it for a few pricks.
I can't stand Rinoa but I still play VIII and it's actually my favorite game. lol.

So, no, just having one or possibly 2 characters that annoy me won't make me stop playing the game.

no matter how much i hate a character i couldn't abandon a final fantasy game
No i have not,
there were some characters in games who i didn't like at all
ie. Vaan, Basch, Vivi, Red XIII
but i played through it all
it doesnt turn me away from the games.
I wouldn't stop playing a game just because I hated one of the characters. A game can still be great, even if there is an annoying person in it. For instance, I absolutely despise Vincent from VII, but I love the game! *gets tackled by Vincent fangirls*

Things might be different if I hated everyone, but I don't think that will happen.
If it was a game where you just controlled one character, I may be put off if the character is pretty boring or dull but then if the game is good enough it shouldn't be a problem - I mean Mario is hardly the most interesting or nuanced character but obviously that doesn't detract from the games.

So I won't generally be put off a good game by a bad character but the opposite can happen: I can be drawn to a bad game because of a good character.
Absolutely not, but I can assure you they are always warming the bench. For instance I never liked Parom and Polom. I kept them the whole game outside of the party. Same happens with characters I dislike in other games, Irvine and Rinoa. (FFVIII)

Just because I don't like them doesn't mean I dislike the game or much less stop playing it.
Nah just beacuse i didn't like a character it didn't make me stop playing it, mainly cause i had nothing better to do, but i disliked Vann and Penelo i still played FF XII (mainly for the awesomeness that is Basch) i wasn't to fond of Kimarhi i still played FF X and it one of my fave FF games, erm Yuffie, i didn't like her to start of with manily cause she stole my materia but i grown to like her and yeah that's about it.
no, id stop playing id i disliked all the characters, but because the characters are sp doverse they all have there own personalities and we can al relate to at least one, and as a result we all normally like at least one
I still havent compleated FFXII because of Vann, its not so much that i dislike the character, its more that he seems a bit pointless and is much more of a child than the main character in any of the other games. It made it hard for me to get into the game as much