X-Men - Sign up and Discussion


Bare fists :tehe:
Mar 24, 2007
London, UK
The RP

In this RP, you have the option of playing 1 or 2 roles. You can play as a character from the show, your own made up mutant, or one of each!

This will be OUR (FFFs) own X-Men...consider it our own storyline. We can make decisions (Who will be alive by the end? Will Jean and Scott get married? Will the X-Men be in their teens or be adults?) and the decisions we make will shape the story anyway we want.

Created Characters

If you create a character, be sure to give them a side, (X-Men, Brotherhood, Government, Maybe even your own depending on how many people join) and of course, don't go out of control when deciding their powers, pick something reasonable, not something that can end a battle in a click of a finger.

Character template:

Mutant Name:
Battle Attire:
Casual Attire:

(Feel free to add more information)

Canon characters

As mantioned before, you have the chance to play as a character from the X-Men, but to do this, there will be an audition process to be sure that we give the role of that character to the right person. Details of how to audition will be given later. I also want to say, if you don't get the character you wanted, don't let if get you down, you can always try for another character, or just create your own.

Audition Process

  1. Type who you wish to play as in your post​
  2. Your name will be added to the list of those who wish to play that character​
  3. When you get free time afterwards, send a PM to me and unphased, and in that PM, RP as that character performing a monologue. (Prove to us that you can really understand that character, the way they think, and you know the sort of actions they'll take, because that is what we're looking for!)​
  4. Once all applicants have sent their monologue to me and unphased, me and unphased will decide who did the best, and we will post the winner.​
(Note: If it has been two weeks and there is only one person on the list, they will automatically get the role.)

As the story progresses...

As we all know, as the story moves on, more and more characters will be introduced to the storyline, villains in particular. I ain't really planning on immediately introducing Apocalypse, at least not until halfway through the RP, so if you plan on taking certain characters, you can audition for them any time you wish, just be sure to introduce them at a good and fitting time.

Battle system

The Battle system will be up for discussion on this thread until the RP starts.

List of important canon characters

Here are characters that have a very important effect on the storyline and therefore, we will prefer it if they were taken.

Professor Xavier [CLAIMED]
Jean Grey
Senator Kelly

(More characters may be added)

Audition listings


Professor Charles Francis Xavier: unphased
Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner): Demi-Fiend
Wolverine (Logan): Faith

Sparks (Calvin Mitchell) - unphased
Shadow (Stephen Hownam) - Heartless Riku
Tel (Kyle Torren) - Ryuuzuki
Melting Point (Benjamin Rawlins) - Demi-Fiend
Crimson (Faith Crest) - Faith
Flame (Rene Skylar) - Hitsugaya Toushirou
Major Glacier (Blue) - Shadow Jet
Avenger (Zack Hunter) - Lightleonheart
Turpis (Elizabeth 'Liz' Taylor) - Hitsugaya Toushirou


Orchard (Amelia Malfoy) - Kermit the Frog
Destroyer (Neo Walker) - Faith
Madness (Kuyo Kamino) - Kupo
Vendetta (Vivianne "Vi" Ayame) - xshedevilx


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i am tempted to join this RP but then again, i don't know what power to have as there are two powers that i want to use and i can't decide between them
I have never done an RP, like ever, but this one looks pretty interesting. I'm actually thinking about creating a new character....hmmm. Dunno.
I'm pretty sure I want to join this. Give me time to create a good character for this, and then I'm definately game. :)
Characters Wanted

[Original] Calvin Mitchell
[Canon] Professor Charles Xavier

Canon Character Profile

Name: Calvin Mitchell
Mutant Name: Sparks
Age: 24
Nationality: Black British
Side: X-Men
Power: Electricity
Personality: Quiet and contemplative, Calvin is often lost within his own inner thoughts, as he was forced to live both a life on the run, and a life of solitude, from an early age due to the emergence of his X-gene. For this reason, he values true friendship above all else, and so, is not ever afraid of setting his own life aside for that of his friends and allies. Because of his deep thinking, he is often capable to taking a step back, and thinking through all sides and possibilities of a situation.

Appearence: 5'6, with light brown skin over a slightly athletic frame and a closely-shaven hairstyle. His deep hazel eyes are very intriguing to any watching him, as sparks can often cross through them randomly from time to time.

Battle Attire: For missions, Calvin switches to a close-fitting navy-blue leather jacket and jeans which were specifically made to enhance and further conduct his inner electricity.

Casual Attire: A white sleeveless Polo shirt over a sleeveless navy-blue T-shirt that has a Komodo dragon motif on the front. Dark navy-blue jeans, and a pair of white trainers completes his casual outfit look.

Bio: Even from an infant, Calvin began to show signs of the emergence of his X-gene. He was often struck by lightning ... and survived. Once was a miracle. Twice was an act of God. But three, four and five times? There was simply no doubt about it. Calvin was a mutant. Forced to flee from his own family who were tempted to turn him in, Calvin took to a life on the run.

He grew up on the streets, stealing what he could, when he could, and using his emerging mutant abilities to see him through even the darkest times. He gradually began to learn the extent of his abilities on his own. For a time, he resented his parents and other humans, but in time, he began to fell regret for them. They simply just did not understand.

Then came the fateful day when he was approached by a strange man in a wheelchair. 'Approached' was the only word that Calvin could say for it, though it seemed as if the man could see into his very thoughts. From that day, Calvin became a student at the Xavier Institute for the Gifted, and has grown up there ever since under his care and guidance.
Ahh...right, with that, I think I'll need another judge to fill your place >_<.
There is also the point that eventually I may need to be auditioned. We'll have to decide who to give the position of the third judge to.
Good call. I'm sure we can find a third X-Men fanatic in order to further judge our own canon auditions...
the third judge has arrived, and he has brought his own Bio

Name: Stephen Hownam
Mutant Name: Shadow
Age: 19
Nationality: English
Side: X-men

Personality: a regular 19 year old teenager, fun and outgoing, dislikes the fact that he has to go to school, plays football and most other sports. enjoys the company of girls and isn't afraid of people knowing about his powers.

Appearence: Standing at 6 feet tall Stephen has blue eyes and mid length brown hair,he has no scars or bruises but does have a tattoo that spans down the entire left side of his torso, it in a tribal design. weighs 11 stone and has an athletic build.

Battle Attire: Skin tight black Sleeveless T-shirt, Black jeans, Black hiking boots, and black fingerless gloves that are made of a Lycra like substance, these gloves can be bought from most sports shops as they are the type of gloves Rugby players wear.

Casual Attire: normally a White T-shirt of some kind they have a verity of Patterns or Logo's on depending on Stephen's mood. His jeans are similar to his T-shirts in that he has a verity of different Styles and colours depending on his mood, and he normally wears a pair of white trainers, he wears his Mission gloves almost all the time.

Bio: after his powers manifested themselves when Stephen was 10 years old his parents rejected him and sent him to a boarding school over 300 miles away and only came to visit him at Christmas. he taught himself to use his powers during his long lonely holidays in the empty school.after learning to control his powers he tested the limits of his Teleportation and since he mastered his Distance and how many consecutive teleports he could preform he began using his powers for personal gain.
after being caught and spending six difficult months in a correctional program he returned to school and became a 'good student' he stayed out of trouble when possible and stopped using his powers as much as he could.
Name: Kyle Torren
Mutant Name: Tel.
Age: 17
Nationality: American.
Side: X-Men
Power(s): Telekinesis,Speed,Flight,


Kyles main weapon. He will often use to it to throw large objects at his enemies. Cars,Trees, basicly anything that would case a great deal of damage. This is a very dangerous power to have, if in the wrong hands or used the wrong way it can be disastrous. Kyle constantly trains his skills, as he gets better he seems to be able control even larger things.


Kyle was gifted with a very strange combination of powers. The only thing he uses his speed for is to get places quickly if needed. For the most part this is as usefull as flight because he can run pretty much as fast as anyone could fly.


Kyle always combines this power with speed. He gets a running start as fast as possible and then jumps into the air,thus giving him an extra boost if he wants to fly quickly.

Personality: Kyle is mostly a quiet type. He doesn't like to talk too much if he doesn't have to. He is not the kind of person though who would just sit and watch someone get beat up and then walk away quickly. Despite how anti-social he is, he is a very caring person.

Appearence: Kyle is not super muscular but he is not weak either. He is somewhere inbetween. He has dark brown eyes and messy unkempt black hair(imagine the prince from Versus's hair). He is a skinny person but relatively built.

Battle Attire: He usually sports a black jacket and black pants that have thin-white stripes on the arms and the sides of the pants. He also wears black gloves.

Casual Attire: He usually wears a black-T shirt and jeans. He is a big fan of the color black so alot of his clothes are that color. He also is often seen wearing White T-shirts aswell.

Bio: Kyle was a pretty normal kid for most of his younger years. His powers didn't show up till the age of 12. One day at school his powers randomly got out of control and he was expelled from school. His parents tried to defend him from other kids that would make fun of him and call him a freak. He ran away from home one day as he couldn't stand it anymore. His parents were heartbroken when they discovered he was gone the next morning. Kyle fended for himself for a few months before he was found my Professer X and taken to the institute. For a year he was just taken care of as a boy who had run away from home. But when he had turned 13 Professer X decided it was time to train him in his powers. He made quick progress and was quickly getting the hang of things. Professer X asked him if he wanted to become one of the X-Men. Kyle was confused because he didn't know what they were so Professer X told them what thr X-Men did and Kyle was enthusiastic to join. Kyle had been with the X-Men for five years now and had gone on his fair-share of missions. He hopes one day humans and mutants wont fight and the humans will except mutants for who they are.
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I'll join this, I love the X-Men. <3

Character template:

Name: Amelia Malfoy

Mutant Name: Orchard

Age: 13

Nationality: Croatian

Side: Brotherhood

Nature Control. Amelia can cover herself by calling a branch to disguise her as a bush. Can call over a tsunami, tornado, flood, earthquakes, and hurricanes. Amelia calls them over when necessary, to wash out danger or clear the sky.

Animal Morph. Amelia can morph into certain animals, even extinct ones, such as T-Rex, mammoths, and giant sloths. Amelia is very respectful to animals, and takes care of them as much as she can. Her morphs are mainly used either for investigation, like morphing into a mouse and searching places for investigation, or to transform into a strong land animal and bash a high-security gate.

Personality: Very quiet, does not like to be disturbed while meditating. She smiles rarely, once in a while. When Amelia fights an enemy, she mocks them, telling them how weak they cannot withstand her mutant powers. She likes her leader of the Brotherhood, Magneto, because he is very old, but strong in his heart. She helps him any way she can. Amelia is very, very timid within the the habitat around her. When a crash "accidentally" happens, her pupils turn white with annoyance. She then does something unusual : goes to take a drink of water, and then rest her head on a table.

Appearance: Emerald green eyes, with yellow specks and orange rims. Eyes turn entirely green when casting nature. Long, chestnut red hair up to the middle of her back. Bangs cover left eye partially. Hair and bangs have golden stripes all around. Eyes are almond shaped, and lips are full. Skin is slightly tanned. Nose is natural shaped and medium. Cheeks are rosy. Body is flexible looking and slender. Bust is medium sized. Amelia is 4'6, weights 102 pounds.

Battle Attire: Black, fingerless gloves on hands, with a morphed green and gold ring on her index finger. Long, gold necklace with cross on it. Thick, green leaves cover her breasts, half her abdomen and her chest. She wears leather green mini-shorts, with leaves dangling all around. Dark green knee-high boots worn on feet. Rings of leaves cover small portion of thighs.

Casual Attire: Corduroy jacket with green shirt, denim jeans, and sneakers. Hair is dyed black and contacts replace her eye color with blue.

Bio: She was born in Rijeka, Croatia. When she was nine, she accidentally motioned a tree and threw a it at her worst enemy. Her enemy was unconscious, but all right. Her parents saw her and they were afraid they she would wreck havoc. So they shipped her to the U.S., where she wandered in an alley before being found by a mutant of the Brotherhood.

The mutant, Mystique, immediately suspected her power in nature by her green eyes. So Mystique brought Amelia to the Brotherhood, claiming that the she had a power. So Magneto asked Amelia kindly to show her mutant ability. Amelia just stood there. But then looked at a flower by the door way. She stared at it with her eyes, and as her eyes started to turn into her mutant color, the flower grew into a healthly, bright red flower from a dead one. Magneto noticed the flower and Amelia's eyes. He knew he had to take her in and teach her their ambition. Amelia, after a while, was trained to knowing her powers well, how to control it, and how to stop them when needed. Amelia now knew the Brotherhood well, and its headquarters.

Amelia very well takes care of the plants and animals living in the Brotherhood Headquarters, since she showed her affection and care for them. If a plant or animal dies of old age in the Headquarters, she takes the living creature or plant and buries it outside the Headquarters. The Headquarters soon became a small unofficial cemetery for beloved plants and animals.

I hope I didn't control Magneto in the bio too much. I just needed someone to get me in the
Brotherhood. :gasp:

Edited parts inserted. Re-read to find changes.
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Interested in playing Nightcrawler.

Original Character:
Name: Benjamin Rawlins

Mutant Name: Melting Point

Age: 13

Nationality: U.S.A

Side: X-Men

Power: His body can create/secrete acids.

Personality: Benjy isn't much of a social person, learning from other people to keep his thoughts to himself. He is very curious though, and is somewhat less knowledgeable of the world than most kids his age, despite his enjoyment of reading books. He always seems to keep an optimistic air about him, though he is constantly in conflict with an underlying fear that mutants will never be accepted into society by normal people. He is easily scared or surprised, and unfortunately, such feelings trigger his acids the quickest. He is currently trying to learn his abilities and master them, though he is working at it in a slow pace, afraid that training too quickly will cause too much pain to those around him.

Appearence: Standing at 5'0" and weighing in at 100 pounds, this skinny little teen looked rather normal as far as appearances went... He had white skin, slightly tanned by being outside. His hair was a short, bright mop of golden blond. His eyes were a bright, glistening emerald color, showing its best at midday. He uncovered frame was short and skinny, suggesting that he would be rather quick.

Battle Attire: A purple jumpsuit with iron studs down the front. Across his left shoulder is a yellow bandolier for equipment with a red-and-black 'X' communication device on it. Black boots over his feet.

Casual Attire: A long-sleeved, purple silk button-up shirt covering his torso. Over his legs and extremities, he wore a pair of green pants. Protecting his feet from the wear-and-tear of travel wer some worn-in black converse sneakers.

Bio: Benjy was born into a less-than-ideal situation. His mother died after giving birth through C-section. Her death being due to a buildup of mysterious acid generated from Benjy's body burning her severely internally and externally, his father raised Benjy despite holding a grudge against the child for taking away his wife. A rather abusive father/son relationship taught Benjamin to keep his curiosities to himself for the most part.

His father sent him to public school with normal children, advising the teachers and letting them know that his son had a 'skin condition' that was very dangerous. It was because of this that all through public schooling, he had been teased and made fun of, a common practical joke of which was to scare him into burning whatever book he was reading (and he read often). These damages often got him more beatings from his father until his father agreed to pay said damages. When Benjy had turned eleven, his dad tired of the hassle of dealing with his gift and kicked him out of the house, leaving Benjy to wander off on his own.

During this time, Benjy had met many mean people in the cities he came across. He also lived in some of the harshest places and conditions, staying anywhere that seemed remotely cozy. He eventually found his way to Xavier's Academy at age 13, his acid mutation thankfully working in all those bad situations as a protective power over him.
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Canon Character

Interested in playing Wolverine?

Original Character

Faith Crest

Mutant Name




Telepathy, Telekinesis, Flight

  • Telepathy
    This allows Faith to basically read minds. However, there are different levels of this ability. There are strong rumours that the user could create illusions in a single or multiple minds, depending on the mind's strength itself. As well as reading minds, she is able to access the mind's memories, possibly alter or wipe them out altogether. Mind control is also one strong possibility to emerge from telepathy, although this requires a strong degree of self-control.

  • Telekinesis
    Usually used as Faith's primary weapon. This power allows Faith to move almost anything with her mind; this requires a strong degree of focus and self-control. The more that the user is able to perform this anomalistic ability, the more heavier objects could be lifted. Telekinesis can also freeze the object involved altogether and send it in another direction as well. In addition to this, telekinesis can also produce psychic shields as a form of protection.

  • Flight
    A useful, yet rarely used power that Faith only activates as an emergency. Flying takes her to high heights, possibly into space if she wanted to. It is not impossible for her to carry someone when flying, although this would be physically demanding. Out of the three abilities she possesses, Faith does not need any concentration of self-control for flying.

Very sociable and always wanting to lead everyone forward, Faith's spirit is driven by confidence and determination that seem almost unbreakable, considering how courageous she is. But on the other hand, there is another side to her. Because of what she has been through, she can also seem cold and cruel, unwilling to open up to others. At times, she is moody and agressive whenever she begins to remember her unfortunate past.


Battle Attire
When on one of the missions for the X-Men, Faith is normally seen her X-Man uniform.

Casual Attire
Outside the missions, Faith is seen around the Xavier Mansion and the outside world normally wearing a jacket, jeans, a t-shirt and trainers.

Faith Crest's life has never been what people would call simple. Her father was believed to have died before she was even born and her mother was killed, shortly after delivering Faith safely to her godmother, Patricia Musso. As Patricia began to raise the child, she became aware of how special Faith really was, considering she was a former scientist and had noticed the signs from an early stage. The two lived in England for the majority of their lives before being forced to move all over the world when Faith's powers slowly began to show when she was twelve years old. Her childhood beforehand had been peaceful, although Faith would always wonder about her real parents. She tried to locate them, but as hard as she tried, there was no information on either of them and so she gave up her search for a while.

Faith and Patricia moved to many parts of Europe: Russia, France, Spain, Germany and even Holland before finally being safe in Japan. It was here that Faith became fluent in Japanese as well as Spanish. However, everything changed when the mutant haters that caught up with them confronted Faith and Patricia, wanting to kill the young mutant in the process. Patricia gave her life to protect Faith and she was forced to watch her godmother die right in front of her very eyes. When Patricia's killers next turned on Faith, she was unable to control her emotions and her powers finally mutated, severely injuring them. Scared of what her powers were really capable of, she was left with everything in Patricia's will and she returned to England to bury Patricia.

Barely weeks after Patricia was buried, the social services contacted her and told her that they'd be putting her in a care home. Unable to accept this, Faith turned to Patricia's butler, William Jenkins, for help. He told her that there was one place she could go and that was the Xavier Mansion in America, where she could truly belong and learn to control her mutant powers. He enabled her to leave the country and get to America. However, as soon as she got there, old enemies were lurking. A rally of mutant haters, including those who had murdered Patricia, chased her through New York City, where she had to find refuge in an old and abandoned church. It was first here where she encounted the enigmatic Magneto of the Brotherhood ...

Magneto told Faith that he'd heard news of her travels and tried to persuade her to join the Brotherhood, where she could take out her revenge on those who had killed Patricia. Faith declined at first, knowing full well that it was the Xavier Mansion she needed to find in her head. Magneto returned a few more times to check on her, almost as if she was like a burden to him. After a month of remaining in the church and living off Patricia's credit card that she'd taken, Magneto returned one final time. But this time, he decided to take her by force. He stormed into the church with the support of Mystique, Blob, Toad and Pyro behind him. Faith was cornered when she was unable to fight them. She was trapped and couldn't escape. All hope was lost.

That was until the X-Men burst in. Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm and Wolverine took on the Brotherhood. While the others fought off the Brotherhood, it was up to Wolverine to get Faith out safely to the X-Jet. Despite the fact that Scott was injured during the battle, the X-Men brought Faith to safety and she finally reached the Xavier Mansion. Now aged fourteen years old, Faith was told by Professor Xavier that she would be safe here and that they'd been trying to find her ever since they learned of Patricia's death. Faith then learned that it had been Patricia's dying wish that she went to the Mansion in the first place. She began her life in the Mansion, agreeing to take up private sessions with the Professor to control her powers.

In the three years to follow, Faith became one of the quite popular students in the Mansion. Everyone warmed to her at first, mainly because some of them knew what she'd been through. For the first time in her life, Faith finally felt some acceptance, apart from the life she'd spent with Patricia. With the help of the Professor, she learned to harness her powers and began to even control her emotions at the same time. Now after turning seventeen years old, she looks to the future hoping that no one will have to go through what she went through. When she leaves high school, Faith hopes to become an activist for mutant rights. And because of this, she has developed an unlikely friendship with Wolverine, now deemed her best friend in the whole Mansion.

Theme Song(s)
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life (Normal)
Evanescence - My Immortal (Past)
Madonna Feat. Justin Timberlake - 4 Minutes (Battle)

  • Fluent in English, Spanish and Japanese
  • Trained in martial arts in Japan
  • Knowledgeable and aware of history
  • Hobbies include songwriting, writing and music
  • Good with computers, espcially hacking
nice Bio faith, I'm guessing that you have a Biothatyou update depending on whattype of RP your joining because she is very similar to your Apocalypse Bio.

anyway, i hope this RP starts soon as i am looking forward to it
Correct. I somewhat alter the bio to match the RP itself. But all in all, it's mostly the same with a few minor adjustments.
Right then people. List has been updated. Created characters have been accepted and entered.

Now we need some people to join on the side of the Government (Some more Brotherhood members would be nice to, after all, Cherri can't take everyone on with just herself :gasp:). The RP can't start for at least another week anyway. So get your RP hats at the ready for the start.

We also need at least one canon character for the Government and Brotherhood side. (Preferably Magneto and Senator Kelly)
Original Character

Neo Walker

Mutant Name




Vaporization, Leptokinesis

  • Vaporization
    Neo's primary weapon. He uses this power whenever it is required. This power is used through his hands, which he aims at whatever object he wants to blow up and can separate the atoms, thus, exploding it. It is this power alone that makes Neo the monster that he is known as now. However, it is only limited because he cannot fully perform his power on a living being. If he should, he could damage their flesh.

  • Leptokinesis
    Very similar to Magneto's own power, this ability is used whenever his first power could fail him. This power aids his ability of vaporization and can allow him to phase through objects and separate the molecules of other objects, so that he can vaporize, dissolve or rearrange the structure of that object.

Cold-hearted is the word to use here. Since he has felt little love in his life, Neo is cold-hearted to those who he does not. To others like Magneto and the rest of the Brotherhood, he is somewhat calm and collected. At first sight, he can be viewed as having a furious temper, but is deep down a tortured soul wanting nothing more than a little love in his life. Barely sociable, not one for words; one for action, words later.


Battle Attire
When fighting the X-Men, Neo is known to be seen in his anti X-Man uniform.

Casual Attire
Outside fighting the X-Men and in his everyday life, Neo can be seen in high school and on the streets wearing a hoodie, a t-shirt, baggy jeans and sneakers.

Neo came into the world with a lot of complications. His mother was raped by his father and therefore, he was put in care. However, the reason for this was only because his father had killed her after she gave birth to him. So Neo was raised in a care home, always shunning those around him because they never seemed to have the time for him at all. One day when he was twelve years old, everything changed. His powers mutated and he destroyed the entire orphanage where he was looked after. Because of this, Neo was moved to another orphanage, which was much, much worse. His sadness developed into anger and he finally gathered the courage to use his powers.

He used his powers in public and turned against the orphanage that treated him badly. Around the same time, Magneto had taken note of Neo's amazing abilities. He approached him after he'd destroyed another orphanage and offered him the chance to live with a real family, the Brotherhood of Mutants. Without any hesitation, Neo accepted, willing not to decline his offer. At this time, he was now fourteen years old. Because of his upbringing, he believed that humans had to suffer and was easily manipulated by Magneto to believe that mutants were the ones that should rule over humans, which was why he now holds an extremely large grudge against the X-Men.

Theme Song(s)
Madonna - Frozen (Normal)
Madonna - The Power Of Goodbye (Past)
Chris Cornell - You Know My Name (Battle)

  • Good for breaking in
  • Hobbies include music and fighting
  • A former boxer