X-Men - Sign up and Discussion

@ Shadow, Your accepted,

@ Lurid, When it comes to joining the Government (Which I really appreciate you considering doing, ta very much) I will allow you to join in anyway you see fit. However, it would have to make sense, and I imagine you would either be used, or a mutant who doesn't care about the well being of his fellow mutants.

So don't feel restricted to Shield. As long as what you do makes sense and seems at least slightly possible, then go for it.
Good-good, I'll wrangle together a profile tomorrow - I was thinking about going for some secret agent kind of role.
Name: Zack Hunter

Mutant Name: Avenger

Age: 13

Nationality: American

Side: X-men


·Bone Manipulation: Zack’s special ability allows him to manipulate the bones in his body, altering their density, growth rate and other properties. The reason behind this ability is that Zack has been granted the power to manipulate calcium inside of a living body, be it his’ or others (but to manipulate other’s bones the boy needs to touch that person for a period of time), thus being able to alter a bone’s property, being able to turn it harder and sharper than steel. The brunette uses this ability either offensively (turn his bones into weapons) or defensively (by covering his internal organs with a thick, bony shield that protects them from harm.)

·Superhuman Reflexes: Zack is able to react faster than a normal human.

Personality: Zack is a really outgoing boy who just loves to have fun with his friends. He’s the kind of guy that prefers to play outside rather than having to sit inside a classroom. It’s really usual for him to play pranks on other people whenever he’s bored, some of which might involve using his powers to display some nasty stuff… All in all, Zack is a really bright kid who values his friends more than anything.

Appearance: : Standing at 4’9’’ and weighing 95 pounds, Zack has light brown, kind of spiky hair and deep blue eyes that just seem to glimmer with the light. He has a slim, slightly athletic body and his white skin has been tanned after spending just too much time outside.

Battle Attire: Zack’s battle attire has been made with the best existing technology; it’s made of a special intelligent clothing that allows the boy to pull as many bones out of his body as he wants, resulting in a hole that quickly closes back. The suit is designed to mimic the boy’s skin that allows the free pass of his bones without injuring his skin.
His suit looks like this but it doesn’t has the red cape-like clothe and features short sleeves instead of long ones. Along with the suit, the boy also likes to wear black, fingerless gloves as well as black boots to protect his feet and hands from harm.

Casual Attire: Zack wears a black cotton shirt along with a pair loose, dark blue jeans. On his feet the boy wears a pair of black sneakers and around his neck he wears a silver pendant with the head of a wolf engraved on its surface.

Bio: Zack was born in the warm city of Los Angeles, California and lived his life like any other kid, having fun with his friends. He had a really good relationship with his parents and was well-loved by his friends and other classmates. But one day, when the boy was 10 and was at school, a group of armed men raided the place and killed several of his classmates and blew up that part of the building.

Having received a bullet in the back of his head, Zack’s body was taken out of the debris and taken to a hospital. Great was the surprise of the doctors to find the bullet stuck in the boy’s skull instead of finding it somewhere near the brain. And greater was their surprise when they heard that the boy’s body had been found near of where the explosives had been…but escaped with only a few scratches while all of his internal organs were undamaged.

Two weeks later, Zack left the hospital and went back to his house, where his joyful parents were happy for their only child to be alive and well. A couple of hours later, there was a knock on the door: it was Professor Charles Xavier who heard about the boy’s miraculous survival and decided to pay a visit to the Hunter family. The professor tried to explain to them about Zack’s abilities but they thought the man was crazy and demanded him to leave his house.

A few weeks passed and Zack slowly began to notice there was something strange with his body. Every night he woke up bathed in cold sweat and noticed how his PJs had dozens of holes…as well as his bed. It wasn’t until one day several bones began to stick out of his back that his parents finally believed in Professor Xavier and called him after having a long discussion with his son about what he thought about moving to the Professor’s school. They all agreed.
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Thaaaanks! I hope it gets approved:P Had a hart time deciding on what power I'd be using ^^;
Lightleonheart, your mutant name is the same as the canon character from the series. If it is okay, I'd rather you pick a different name. But if this is out of the question, then I can overlook it.
Spike's already taken? Oh crap <.< Well, lemme think about another name. I'm sure I'll think of something else! (or at least I hope so >_<)
Due to Ryuuzaki not posting im just gonna continue without him and assume he's lowered teh chair.
I can't help, but feel my RP was involved ... good mutant name on the contrary, however. :P

And, Rene? I'll explain the complex relationship between Faith and Rene now if you want.

How about ... Rene knew Faith, but went on a mission, hit his head too hard and can't remember their close friendship? It'd be like the opposite of what happens in Apocalypse.

Or you could have something different if you want.
Or we could just be meeting for first time, opposite missions possibly, you finish a mission and I immediately go on and that keeps happening until we finally met :)
Good idea, although as you quite clearly see (or read), Faith knows somewhat of Rene already from the things she's heard from others.
Fine by me, of course Rene's rarely listens when people talk so he wouldn't know much apart from your name and powers from people praising you.
Yup, your RP was slightly involved, Faith! But only slightly!!! I swear :lol (yeah right >_<)

Me --> sucks for thinking names ^^;
Names, I'm good with. Stories, nadda. :P Anyways, Shadow I am now angry at you and so is Rene :)
Dude, read my post in the SeeDs. Do it now, before i get pissed and then soak your entire room by releasing my control over the ice.
I'm better for thinking plots than thinking names >_< I'm constantly struggling with those >.> Oh well...

Either way I guess I'll have to wait till I get a yes! (or a no....hope it's a yes ^^; )
Calm it lass. I've already done it.
Maybe i can go freeze his room now Blue thought.
When you said that, I merely assumed you were going to freeze my room. It's an easy mistake to make so cool it.
*calms down* sorry i was just playing halo earlier, and Halo makes me more emotional than usual. At school, people think i have no emotions. Halo forces me to express them.