X-Men - Sign up and Discussion

As little sense as that makes. Whatever, just get out my room or I'll NPC Cyclops and kick your arse :P
I did, and you can't enter my room unless you truly want to die. Absolute Zero is instant freeze, and Blue can live through it due to the fact that he isn't affected by the cold.
Well duh considering absolute zero is around -200 Degrees.

Hey Sonny, considering that I've created an NPC roommate I was considering making her non-NPC and making her a character. Anyways here's her bio:

Name: Elizabeth "Liz" Taylor.

Mutant Name: Turpis (Latin for "The Unseen")

Age: 17

Nationality: American

Side: X-Men

Power: The ability to become completely invisible (Nuff said dont cha think?)

Personality: Kind and caring to others but has a special relationship with Rene that makes her very short-tempered. She has a tendency to be too trusting and has often been known as the complete opposite of Rene at times.

Appearance: Liz has long blonde hair and green eyes. She stands at around 5"6 and has quite the slim figure. Despite this she can punch and kick extremely hard, making her quite feared to those she dislikes. The only person who seems to not care about her strength is Rene, which she quite likes.

Battle Appearance: In battle she wears a specially made X-Men suit that allows it to become invisible when she does so she can have full invisibility without becoming naked. (To the disappointment of many boys.)

Casual Appearance: When out in town and in the mansion she normally wears a white short sleeved shirt with a flower pattern on it, blue jeans, trainers and sunglasses.

Bio: Liz first came to the Xavier mansion when she was 10 years old, around the same time as Rene. Because of this they became quite close friends and she always knew how to deal with his tantrums (A sharp hit on the head normally) In that time she has grown a lot and is quite admired by a lot of people for both her strength and beauty. Many people take the piss out of her because of her sexuality but she never let's it get to her unless they're being extremely mean about it (She's Bisexual). The only time Rene ever takes the mick is when he complains about her leaving her "magazines" on her or his bed."

EDIT: Oh yeah and did I mention she's a complete perv when it comes to both girls AND boys :P Enjoy people.
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Right, Danny and Lightleonheart, you characters are accepted!

A lot of people seem to be joining this RP! ^_^ Wasn't expecting it to get this popular!
The good side is talking but, no1 comes to the dark side... we're so pitiful. May god bless us with a miracle.
:sorry: Even so. Jean is good, for now. And we only have 3 members and no cannons... I must invite more to the dark side... Just don't know how to...
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Cuz mah char is all i need. Mah char is the real me in virtuality (well the "me" that is under this posture). Gotta use all my emotions to that. Cant share with another one.
hmmmm well i am thinking of making an NPC char who will move in with me. Maybe a guy who can control temperature levels. nah.... How about a copycat? yeah that'll do. I'll post his bio later. his name'll be Green. Not original, but i suck at making names.
I'd really like to join this. I've been looking for a good Rp for awhile based on X-Men..xD I have two characters if possible. One for good and one for bad. I'll post my baddie first. If no approval, no sweat! Thanks! ^^

Name: Vivianne “Vi” Ayame[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Mutant Name: Vendetta[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Age: 19[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Nationality: Japanese/Finnish.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Side: Brotherhood[/FONT]

Emotional Abuse:
Vi is able to manipulate and change the emotions of the people or creatures around her. She can change the most chaotic of people into pacifists with the mere thought of it. As well she can use this ability to turn perfectly good comrades against one another in the blink of an eye.
This ability alone helps her to sense incoming enemy attacks since she can sense the hostility in their emotional aura. This allows her to become a valued hunter due to her sense of prediction.

[FONT=&quot]Personality: A rather sadistic and vicious girl, she tends to spend most of her time manipulating the emotions of strangers into helping her steal or surrendering valuable information to her. Due to her interest in gaining information she has become very knowledgeable. She enjoys reading and writing as well as listening to music and singing. Though she can be social most people take precautions when coming near if they know of her abilities.
Left & Right Arms: Tribal cat-like stripes from shoulder to elbow in solid black ink.
Back: A black-striped Cheshire cat grinning from ear to ear on her mid back. Lower back sports a Japanese symbol that remains translated to only Vi.

[FONT=&quot]Appearance: Vi stands at 5’6” with an average but slightly toned build from her increased enjoyment in the field of boxing and kick-boxing. She has long black hair which is usually tied up in an awkward bun with strands falling here and there. Cold yellow eyes are an unnatural feature besides the various tattoos she sports about her frame.

[FONT=&quot]Battle Attire:
[FONT=&quot]Casual Attire: She tends to wear her battle attire but instead of black she wears a white version with a white trench vest to cover.

Much is unknown about Vi until she joined the Brotherhood of mutants. She was recruited anonymously by a fellow mutant intrigued in her abilities to gain information and change minds. She was able to change a perfectly straight “A” group of Japanese high school students into a reckless gang without so much as raising a finger.

She is a loyal follower and believer in Mutants before Humans, feeling the need to dispose of any unnecessary beings, Mutant or Human, if they stand in the way.[/FONT]
this rp looks interesting i will be posting a bio later on once i have decided on a power to have