X-Men - Sign up and Discussion

This looks fun.

Will registration for this RP be closed after it starts?
It depends on what Del Boy wants. Some RPs can normally stay open for sign ups, even after they've started.
Yep! Your still free to sign up after the RP starts. Register whenever you see fit.
I've got my bio ready... but I still don't know what power to give me character... so I won't sign up just yet
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Looks like fun, am very big X-Men fan :D

Original Character

: Rene Skylar

Mutant Name: Flame

Age: 18

Nationality: English but has lived in America for over 10 years so has an American accent

Side: X-Men

Fire Manipulation.
  • Fire Manipulation

    This power doesn't just allow Rene to create fireballs and such, there have been times where he has set his entire body on fire. He cannot completely control this power and there have been times when he has exploded due to the stress and exertion.
Personality: Rene has been known to be a hot head, and that's not just because of his power, he can be easily pissed off and can have explosive arguments. Despite that he can have a lot of fun and is kind to those who are kind to him. He cannot abide people hurt others for the fun of it.


Battle Attire:

Despite hating it, Rene wears a specially-made flame proof X-Men Suit

Casual Attire:

When in the Xavier Mansion or out in the town Rene wears a T-Shirt, Jeans, trainers and his fingerless gloves.

Bio: Rene first discovered his powers when he set his own home on fire when he was barely 10 years old. Both his parents were killed and he eventually had to go to an orphanage. Until he was 12 years old he moved around foster homes. He was never accepted by any of his foster parents because somehow he always managed to burn things without any source of fire.

He was eventually discovered by Charles Xavier on the eve of his 13th birthday. To Rene, it was like a birthday present come early. He immediately accepted Xaviers offer and went with him to the mansion. It took Rene a long time to fully adjust to his new surroundings and he often got into fights with the other mutants. One day Rene had enough, during the night he ran away and even managed to avoid the security system which shocked Wolverine to no end.

For a week, Rene lived in the slums of New York, living off any money dropped by passer-bys and sleeping in doorways. Rene knew that Xavier and the others would eventually catch up to him but never expected that the Brotherhood would find him first. Pyro, a man who was like Rene in many ways appeared suddenly and demanded that Rene join him or be burned to a crisp. Rene obviously refused and he and Pyro fought. They fought for almost an hour before Rene overwhelmed Pyro. The man ran away before Rene could deal the finishing blow. As Pyro left the scene Jean Grey suddenly appeared and took him back to the mansion. Many of the students heard of his battle, despite the fact it was meant to be under wraps, and began to respect Rene, because of this many people decided to actually give him a chance and became friends with him.

Rene still has explosive arguments with other students every now and then but most of the time they are just jokey fights. In the years that came, Rene became even stronger and well liked. He has managed to keep his temper cool except for when he is provoked by others.


  • Useful for when you can't see in the dark
  • Has studied and mastered a wide range of martial arts.
  • Useful when cold.
I'm gonna start it this weekend. Don't rush me people :wacky:

Anyway. Danny, your accepted. And I also wanna ask you to try and pick a canon character to RP if you can.
i can't wait for this RP to start hopefully i can keep up with it as college has started again and i am having difficulty finding as much time on the internet as during the summer holidays
Wait for meeee!!! I wanna join this one too! I'm in the middle of creating my bio, just need to decide on a power >_<
pic one at random, write all the powers you want to use on separate pieces of paper and put them in a hat, pull one out ad go with that one

Name: Kuyo Kamino

Mutant Name: Madness

Age: 20

Nationality: English

Side: Brotherhood (he's not in yet)


Berserk, madness, bloodthirst

Beserk = His strengh and speed grow and his claws also grow on his hands.
Madness = His reflexes also grow and his skin become harder as iron.
Bloodthirsty = His eyes become red and his one thought is of destroying his enemy. Nothing can dull him of his target. Not even injuries (only when they are serious).

Personality: Madness is calm and colected. When provoked his true side appears and becames bloodthirsty.

Appearence: He's like this.

Battle Attire: With his powers, he can conjure an advanced battle outfit (something like that).

Casual Attire: He is always wearing a slevless white t-shirt and straight white jeans. He also wears a white silk coat. On his t-shirt he has some stripes and chains, attached at it and wears black shoes.



Kuyo was born with his mutant powers. From the very first day he was born, his powers were recognized. At home, Kuyo was always happy while his parents were afraid. Making him mad was prohibited.

Past Years

Kuyo, a street fighter back at his hometown, was known as Madness due to his powers. He grew a immense reputation and enemies. After an incidental killing from his part, Kuyo was abandoned by those who were around him. From that moment, Kuyo swear make those who betrayed him pay.

Present Time

He currently is looking for matches between powerfull opponents. He is also interested in the so called "Brotherhood"".
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Kupo, your appearence link lead back to this thread. So could you fix it please? But due to knowing the really important facts, I will add you to the character list, but please sort out the link please ;)

Anyway. Its been about two weeks since our last application for a canon character, I know we don't wanna wait any longer, so everyone who has requested to be a canon character has obtained that role due to no-one else coming along to challenge you for that role.

I am going to start the thread in about two hours time. And I will not have a main character, at least not until we get more members applying for the rest of the main canon roles. Instead. I will be roleplaying as various canon characters that been not been applied for.
I want to join in under the Government category, but I was wondering what sort of take the government has on mutants. In regards to the films, it seems anti-mutant, whilst still utilising mutants themselves.

Or would I be restricted to S.H.I.E.L.D?
You still accepting people? i got one here:


Mutant Name:Major Glacier



Side X-men

Power:ice control (creation of ice and lowering temperatures)
ice control:
Blue can create ice out of thin air, and lower temperatures around him considerably. When he is in dire trouble, he freezes the blood of an attacker as a last resort. As that doesn't allow his attacker to fight back, he rarely uses it, and even then it's only used in an emergency (IS NOT USED AGAINST FELLOW RPERS!)

Personality:Blue is cold to most people around him, and doesn't talk much except when in battle. That being said, Blue is always willing to help his friends and people in need.

Appearance: Blue is 5 feet tall, has blue eyes, blue hair, and is built like an all-around athlete.

Battle Attire: Blue, in battle, wears a cloak made of ice, leather gloves, and silk shirt and pants. All of his battle attire is colored icy blue and tends to have pictures of icicles on them.

Casual Attire:Blue, when blending in, wears a blue T-shirt with blue flames on it, a pair of blue jeans, and an earring which, when felt, is as cold as ice.

Bio:Blue was born in the icy region of the Artic Circle. There, everything was cold, so Blue was used to the ice around him. He tended to go outside without any warm clothing, and he said it was fine. Which promptly led to the death of his family, who had followed him out without their warm clothing, and so were frozen to death. Overcome with grief, Blue hid in an igloo and became something of a hermit, killing any who dared entered there. After a time, he found that he could control how cool it was around him. He could also summon ice, which gave him an inexhaustible water supply. After grieving for a few years, Blue decided he would learn how best to use his powers. He made a boat of ice and sailed around the Atlantic to America. When he landed at Florida, he was attacked by a few people of the brotherhood aiming to capture him. He struck blades of ice through their hearts, killing them and leaving no trace. After that, he sought out those who were apposing the brotherhood and found them. Now he trains under the watchful eye of the X-men superiors, and helps those attacked by the brother hood.