You Know You Play Too Much Final Fantasy When...

* You name your pets after various Final Fantasy characters
* You stay up until 3:00 playing FFVII
* You wish for a FFVII spinoff involving Tifa's childhood
* You get angry when Cait Sith gets the "Death Joker" on the slots Limit Break
* You get angry when you find that your sister erased your savefile
* You wake up in the middle of the night to play FFVII
* You call in sick just to spend the whole day playing FFVII
* You get so obsessed with FFVII, that it's all you can think about
When you check your bank statement to see how much "gil" you've got left.
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When you join Final Fantasy forums. Lol jk.
When you imagine what other games would be like if they used the atb system. (Like me. :D)
When you greet your grandparents with the formal greeting(with the circular hand motion and bowing) from FFX =D
Haha there's so much crazy stuff in this thread
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When you spend nearly half an hour, sitting there, humming the FF theme tune... Without realising that amount of time has gone.
When you expect one day to see some Final Fantasy character in real life and plan to show off your Final Fantasy collection and hope to impress them so much that they take you away from this world
When you daydream about how kool it would be to have a pet moogle. A moogle that could talk and had a humorous personality. Showing it off to all your freinds... Done this many times (dreamt about it that is).
You know you've been playing too much Final Fantasy when:

you see the full moon and think meteors coming

when you perform the play "I want to be your canary"

when you think your from the moon

when you see a person about to die and shout "Curaga!"

when you think you used to have a horn on your forehead

when you think your school can move

when you try playing underwater soccer
* You name your pets after various Final Fantasy characters
* You stay up until 3:00 playing FFVII
* You wish for a FFVII spinoff involving Tifa's childhood
* You get angry when Cait Sith gets the "Death Joker" on the slots Limit Break
* You get angry when you find that your sister erased your savefile
* You wake up in the middle of the night to play FFVII
* You call in sick just to spend the whole day playing FFVII
* You get so obsessed with FFVII, that it's all you can think about

Heh... looks like someone is a bit obsessed with FFVII... lol jk.

When you think a thunderstorm means quetzacotl was summoned

When you think that there are 2 sides of the world and a big void is between them

When you think your purpose in life is to protect the crystals
You know you play too much ff when:
-you (can) speak floating al bhed/translate everything you or any other say to al bhed in your head automaticly without really thinking you do
-In a funeral/when someone die, you dance around, trying to 'send' the dead person
-You pack your things to walk around the world to kill a certain leader, or for no real reason at all
-when you cosplay and wear the costumes every day (includes at school/work)
-A friend falls and gets a wound/cut/whatever and you through a random bottle of liquid at her/him, thinking it will turn into a big green, light-thing/bubble...
-make a small cait sith doll and think it can kill people with a single hit.
-You think you can hear 'her' (the wood)s voice.
-in gym class, you point at youself and shout 'HASTE' and then point at the others and shout 'SLOWGA'
-You suddenly run over to a random person and expect them to start talking to you.
You know when your playing too much Final Fantasy when:
You punch someone and shout 'OVERKILL!' and then run off
You shout 'ULTIMA' when you get homework
You sell someone something useless and think you'll get 110 gil.
When you let people beat you up, because you think it will enable you to do amazing attacks once you're pummled enough (instead of just bleeding).
You know you play to much Final Fantasy when,

you're in the middle of Lindblum, planning to go to Burmecia with some friends because Lindblum is under attack by Dali.. While on shrooms of course, which you mistaked for edible potions..
ooh. another one.

When you contemplate what would happen if all your phoenix downs turn into phoenix dooms. haha
Inside joke with me and my brother..
you play too much FF when,
You go to a church and pray for hours until you "receive an aeon"
U play ff to much when u have just grought a $200 buster sword of ebay and ur eyeing the of Masamune for $225, now thats a great bargain man writing in lower case is so much fun!!