You Know You Play Too Much Final Fantasy When...

You know you play too much Final Fantasy when summon, magic, MP, HP and battle in one sentance.
When you start off as a lonley kid, and slowly meet random people, who decide to join your "party", but for some reason only 3-4 people can be with you, even though the others are somewhere, waiting to be switched out!

When you try catching 99 frogs so that master Quan will come give you a bistro fork.

When people say the word "invincible" you have flash backs of a giant eye destorying a city, and wonder why.....
when you go to one of those big telescope places(can't remember what they are called) and ask "can you here the cry of the planet"
When you mistakenly call an Ostrich a Chocobo while at a visit to the zoo.
When to speak to every random person you see at least 3 times, to make sure you haven't missed anything important.
When you sing/hum/whistle inn music to yourself when you go to bed.
When u think that FF characters can appear in every other game that u play...

I'm already in this mode actually, using my Yuna as a profile in Need For Speed: Underground 2... I imagine her as the one driving a nice, sporty Nissan car and thrashing fellow male racers like nobody's business... Girl power to the fore! :D
When you attack drugged-up tattood homeless people heavily clad in layers of dark clothing, mistaking them for Sephiroth clones.