You Know You Play Too Much Final Fantasy When...

when you take your mothers hair and worship it, and you carry a picture of her around and show it to people and ask them if they are coming to reunion.
you know you play too much FF when you peer inside every sphere shaped object hoping to see a movie!
You know you play too much Final Fantasy when the screen turns black and says "Your playing too much Final Fantasy!"
You know you play too muh Final Fantasy when you see a girl with big boobs and you shout across the road 'Hey look everybody, it's Tifa!'
You play too much final fantasy when you dodge lightnings in hope a rock will crack and reveal a spear.
You know you played too mush Final Fantasy when you mistake an an ostrich for a chocobo.
Expanding from what Gaix said, you know you play too much Final Fantasy when you do a victory pose while practically screaming the victory fanfare after every accomplishment.

That was basically eighth grade for me. My friends did it too. xD
You know you pay FF too much when you pay Terminator to kill your girlfriend and your best friend. Then you make your hair like Cloud's and become emo. And you of course, start hating Terminator.
You know you are playing too much when you are secksing, and instead of saying your gf's name you call her yuna/rinoa/tifa etc
I dunno if this one has already been said, but I'll say it anyway.

You know you've been playing too much Final Fantasy when you randomly break into a stranger's house, go through their drawers for any special goods, and then have a nice little chat with the homeowner before leaving.
I dunno if this one has already been said, but I'll say it anyway.

You know you've been playing too much Final Fantasy when you randomly break into a stranger's house, go through their drawers for any special goods, and then have a nice little chat with the homeowner before leaving.

Nope, you're fine.

You know you play too much Final Fantasy when you mistake a shopping centre for an armour shop.
You know you play too much FF when you stand in some random place and walk in the same path over and over. And then harass anyone who passes by saying the same phrase over and over.
When you believe jumping off a building won't get you killed so long you back-flip or forward-flip..
You know you play too much Final Fantasy when you call all the lions at the zoo Moombas.
You know you play FF too much when you spend all your money on potions, antidotes and phoenix downs.